Fox:Hello, here is the next chapter to Naruto:A Second Chance.
Soul:So, are you going to have my character take Naruto's soul?
Fox:You should already know, this is the second time I've run a plan by you yet you keep forgeting.
Soul:I had to pray to Jashin-sama.
Fox:Just stay the fuck away from me when it comes to Jashin.
Soul:Fine, he doesn't want me to kill you anyways.
Fox:Sure, you nutcase.
Shout-out to xNamikazeKyuubix for the creation of Aretsu Kamu.
[DISCLAIMER] I do not own Naruto. Damn.
Tamashi focused and grabbed Naruto's soul with his Void chakra. He pulled his arm out, pulling Naruto's soul with it. He moved Naruto's soul to his mouth and ate it.
"NARUTO!" Everybody yelled. Anko, Kurenai, Matsui, Haku, and Hinata all started to cry.
"Now, for all of you." Tamashi started to advance towards to group. Zabuza pulled his sword off of his back while Kakashi revealed his Sharingan and pulled out a kunai.
Shinigami and Minato both witnessed NAruto's soul be devoured. Minato dropped to his knees, the pain was so great.
"Shinigami-sama, can't you do anything? He's your apprentice!" Minato said, tears falling freely. Shinigami took on an appearance that showed he was deep in thought. Suddenly, it hit him.
"Minato, go to the seal in Naruto's room and focus on their location, I'll take care of the rest." Minato quickly ran in the direction of NAruto's room, leaving Shinigami to do his part. 'Tamashi has a soul now, so if Minato does his part correctly.'
Minato appeared in front of Tamashi, his outfit similar to Naruto's.
"Sensei?" Kakashi said in disbelieve. Minato turned his head slightly and nodded. He looked back at Tamashi before feeling a second presence in his mind.
"Minato, remember the jutsu you used to summon me? Use it." Trsuting the death god, he ran through the hand-seals required for the jutsu.
"Fuuinjutsu:Shiki Fujin!" Shinigami appeared behind Minato and wrapped his left hand in prayer beads. Minato's soul appeared in front of Shinigami and Minato rushed Tamashi. Shinigami pushed his hand through Minato into Tamashi and, after finding and grabbing Naruto's soul, pulled. He broke the rules of the jutsu however and left Minato's soul alone, letting him live, and placed Naruto's soul back into his body.
Shinigami then dissapeared. NAruto began to breath again, albeit labored, while Minato's breathing became heavy. Minato walked over to Naruto and picked him up. He focused some Raiton chakra into his fingers and poked Naruto's forehead, waking him up. Naruto slowly opened his eyes and saw his father holding him. He remembered what happened and jumped out and saw Tamashi on his knees.
"Damn you, Namikaze." He said before leaving once more. Naruto relaxed and looked at his father and noticed something.
"Wow, that doesn't work with you, stick to your normal outfit." Naruto said. Minato laughed a bit at this and Kurenai, Anko, Haku, and Matsui looked up. Hinata was in kiba's arms, asleep. Next thing he knew, he was fighting just to breath. The three women had jumped on him and were taking away his access to oxygen.
"Ladies, your killing him." Minato said. They let go and stood up, tears still in their eyes.
"Hello, what the fuck is going on here?" Zabuza asked. Minato turned around and looked at Zabuza. "And who are you?"
"I'm Minato Namikaze." He said. Zabuza started to think of where he heard the name but just couldn't remember.
"Now, lets get going, I'd say we could make it back to Konoha by tomorrow." Minato said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a three pronged kunai and handed it to Naruto. Suddenly, Minato was gone in a yellow flash.
Sarutobi was doing the usual, working on the damned paperwork that kept growing. 'I wish I could just take a break.' He felt a chakra spike for a moment coming from the safe hidden behind the fourth's picture. He went to it and opened it to see Minato in there.
"A little help, I think I'm sitting on my kunai." He said. Sarutobi's brain shut down. He fell backwards, out cold. Minato just sighed and focused chakra into his left side and forced himself out. A couple of minutes later, Sarutobi was coming to and stared right into the faced of the once deceased fourth hokage.
"It, it can't be, Minato, is it really you?" Sarutobi asked as he stared into Minato's face. Minato nodded.
"But how?" Sarutobi asked.
"Shinigami gave me my life back." At this, Sarutobi passed out once more. Minato walked over to Sarutobi and kicked him. When he got nothing he kicked him again, and again, and again. After several minutes of kicking, Sarutobi came through.
"Good morning sleeping beauty." Minato said. He helped Sarutobi up.
"Did he send you back to help with my paperwork?" The aged man asked, hopeful. Minato shook his head.
"No, he sent me back to help Naruto and the group." Minato said. Sarutobi's face became serious.
"What happened?" He asked.
"Well, I can't explain everything, but shortly after you sent them off, they ran into a man named Tamashi. Naruto, no matter what he did, just couldn't kill him as Tamashi would just run. What makes him dangerous is that he has Void chakra as well." Sarutobi's face paled. "After fighting Tamashi at random times, Tamashi eventually found a way to beat Naruto, by taking his soul. And he succeeded too." Sarutobi's face paled even further.
"Shinigami sent me back and had me do Shiki Fujin to get Naruto's soul back and return it to him. He didn't take my soul though, which is why I'm here." Minato finished. Sarutobi nodded.
"So, are you going to take up your role as hokage again?" Sarutobi asked. Minato shook his head.
"No, maybe one day, but not now." He said. "I got to go, by the way, the secret to defeating paperwork, Kage Bunshin." Sarutobi started to cry at not realizing such a simple solution. Minato left once more in a yellow flash. He appeared to Naruto and grinned.
"So, everything alright?" Minato asked. Naruto nodded. Naruto dissapeared in a yellow flash, like Minato did, and appeared next to Akiko, who was sitting in the livving room of their house.
"Eep!" She jumped, surprised when she felt arms surround her. She then saw it was Naruto and relaxed.
"What are you doing back, Naruto-kun?" She asked.
"Well, the group is on it's way back so I decided to let you know. How has things been while I was gone?" He asked.
"Great, but boring at times. How about you?" She asked.
"Well, lets see, I had my soul stolen" He said. She looked at him weird. "It's a long story." He said. Just then, Kushina came out and saw Naruto and wrapped her arms around him.
"Hello, Naruto-kun." She said.
"Hello, I've got some news." Naruto said, his voice dropping.
"What is it?" She asked. Naruto went back to the kunai located with the group, bringing Kushina with him. She looked around and noticed that she was in the forest.
"Look around." Naruto said. She complied and soon noticed Minato. Her eyes widened at seeing him.
"M-Minato. It can't be." She looked at Naruto and he nodded.
"I brought you back from the dead, didn't I?" Naruto said. No one noticed them yet. "He scarred the shit out of me a couple of weeks ago. Threatening me that if I hurt you, that even if I was his son, he would kill me." Naruto said.
"Create a clone and let's go home." She said, after a moment. Naruto listened and created a clone before taking her hand and taking them back home. Akiko was once again startled when they arrived.
"Hi, Akiko-chan." Naruto said. Naruto was in between Kushina and Akiko.
"Hi Naruto-kun, so, what was the news?" She asked. Naruto pulled out a thee pronged kunai. Akiko got the hint and knew that Minato was alive.
"Truth be told, after having my soul stolen, I'm pretty tired." He said as he rubbed the back of his head. Akiko leaned in and kissed Naruto and when they parted, she spoke up.
"Me too, Naruto-kkuunnn." She said, enfacyzing kun. Kushina soon joined in.
"Lets go to bed, Naruto-kkuunn." Kushina said, also enfacyzing kun.
The next day, Naruto woke up and noticed something, he was naked. He suddenly remembered the events that transpired last night and grinned. He looked to his right and saw Kushina then looked to his left and saw Akiko. His grin softened. He shook the two awake and got up to get dressed, them following his example. He felt his clone disperse and sorted through the eyes widened when he realized that Tamashi was attacking the group.
"Damn it, I got to go, the bastard that stole my soul yesterday is back." He said before disappearing in a yellow flash.
"Tamashi. Why do you keep on trying to kill me?" Naruto asked.
"Because you are the only person that seems to be able to hurt me." He said. Naruto frowned. Suddenly, a katana came flying and nearly hit Tamashi in the head.
"Tamashi, time to pay for the things you have done." The group heard. They turned their heads in the direction in which the voice came from to see a man who looked to be about 5'9 with wavy black hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a black muscle shirt and black ANBU style pants with a dark grey hooded cloak.
"Who the hell are you?" Tamashi asked as he looked at the man.
"Your executioner." The man rushed Tamashi and swung his two swords down. when the swords made contact however, instead of the cut he was expecting, the swords just stayed in place. After the momentary shock wore off, he stared into Tamashi's eyes.
"I can't see it, I can't see it!" He started to yell. His pupils had turned red and the whites of his eyes turned black. Tamashi just threw the man back. He landed in the group, eyes wide with shock.
"What were you looking for?" Naruto asked.
"I couldn't see his soul." He said after he regained his calm.
"I could have told you that. He has no soul." Naruto said. Naruto stood in front of the man.
"What's your name?" Naruto asked.
"Aretsu Kamu." He said.
"Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto said. Naruto pulled his Shinigami chakra out, going into Shinigami mode. He gave his scythe an experimental swing before rushing Tamashi.
"Flames of Hell!" Naruto said the technique name before summoning pitch black flames under Tamashi. He jumped out of the way, but not without getting his right arm burnt. Naruto continued to rush Tamashi and swung his Scythe, impaling Tamashi through the chest. NAruto then pulled the scythe from Tamashi and cut his left arm off. Tamashi, however, just fled like before.
Naruto released his hold on the form and walked up to Aretsu before looking at his soul.
"Well, a fractured soul. Seen the gates of hell have we?" Naruto said as he walked up to Aretsu.
"How do you know that?" Aretsu activated his Zainingan(1) and stared at Naruto. He noticed that Naruto's soul was different, more demonic. He activated his doujutsu's ability and forced Naruto to see some of the sins of his life before he broke it.
"Do that again, and I will fucking disembowel you." Naruto warned, tears flowing freely. Aretsu was shocked once more in his life, someone just broke his doujutsu's infinite sin viewing technique. Thiskid interested him,so he followed. They finally saw the village gates and went to the guards.
"one of the chunin who were assigned to guard the gate saw the group andwas about to welcome them back when he saw four unknown people.
"Excuse me, why are there four unknowns acompanying you?" The chunin asked.
"They wish to join the ranks of Konoha shinobi." Kakashi said. The chunin nodded but kept his eyes on the four. They went straight to the hokage's tower to make their report. After the report was given, Naruto and Matsui went home.
(1)Sinner's eye:Allows the user to peer into people's soul and see what sins they have commited in the past, if that person commited a serious sin then he will be forced to endure all his previous sins in the form of an unbreakable genjutsu. Only Naruto or someone like Tamashi, who has no soul, can break it. However, Aretsuhas the ability to break the genjutsu himself if he wanted.
Fox:I know this chapter was short, maybe rushed, I would have to give it a good long look through to know, but I was just wanting to end this arc. And all the stuff about Aretsu werethanks to xNamikazeKyuubix.
Soul:I'm just glad they're back, but you bastard, kept out the orgy scene, I know he used to make it worse, you didn't show Akiko losing her virginity.
Fox:More of a backstory for Akiko then, in this story, She was raped once, the end.
Soul:Damn, that was blunt.
Fox:Yea, I'm, still pissed at you for chasing me with that scythe of yours, which you can't even use right.
Soul:Screw you, I've only had it for a couple of days.
Read and Review. If I don't get reviews, I don't start on the next chapter, I honestly wait until I get a review.