Chapter 6: A Feather & A Future

It had been a whole moon cycle since Soren and Pelli had become mates. Recently, Soren was happier than he had ever been, but he knew something was missing.

He was sitting with his mate in their hollow after their breaklight meal, the last meal of the day before the Guardians turned in for a restful snooze. He was busy preening her feathers, for their night flight had left them askew.

A nagging thought entered his brain, one he had been pondering profusely.

His mind had been preoccupied with the thought of chicks. Their chicks. He desired them, but he was unsure if Pelli felt the same.

He paused in his work and said, "Pelli, I have been thinking..."

"Thinking about what, dear?"

She asked genuinely.

"I have been meaning to ask you about... chicks."

"Oh. Well, I don't know Soren. Having chicks would be a big responsibility, and I am going to be very busy soon, what with my tapping, and studying, and other things..."

"I know, Pelli, but I will always be here to help. Together, we can handle it. I feel our relationship is less than complete without them. I think you want them too, but you don't want to admit it."

"If I didn't know better, I would think you are half snake, Soren!"

He suppressed a churr as she said this.

She continued, "Well, it is true that I have had a longing for chicks, but..."

"If you want, I can go ask someone who has chicks, and get their input."

"No, don't do that, dear. It probably will not be the same for us. Just give me some time to think about it."

He stroked her speckled face with his wingtip.

"Take all the time you need, Pelli. Whatever you choose to do, I will honor that choice."

He led her to her nest before he settled down in his, the comfy moss quickly dragging him under.

"Good light, Pelli. See you this evening..."

"Good light, Soren..."

Both owls soon fell sound asleep as the early sun smiled upon the Island of Hoole.

All too soon, however, Soren was lifted from his cheerful sleep by the dull glare of the fully newed moon beaming into the hollow. He roused himself slowly, engaging in a short preening session. Trotting over to the adjacent recess in the hollow, he saw an empty nest, save for a few tufts of down.

He moved over to the port and saw several owls flying the same direction, towards his left.

"Is it time for tweener already? That is were Pelli must be then, in the Dining Hollow. I must hurry!"

He made his way down to the noisy hollow faster than usual. He peered around intently, spotting a large mass of gray near the back of the room. He walked past the tables of chattering owls, towards that familiar shape that loomed over the other owls' heads.

Twilight boomed, "Look who just woke up! Good thing we saved you a spot. Pelli was wondering why you took so long to get here!"

He slid behind Twilight, scooting in between Pelli and Gylfie.

"I am sorry, dear. I was having a most wonderful dream..."

Pelli churred and gave her mate a playful nudge.

"You don't have to apologize, Soren. I was busy talking with Gylfie about... you know..."

"She was telling me about how she wants chicks. Can I give my opinion on the subject, Pelli?"

She shrugged nonchalantly and replied, "Go ahead, Gylfie."

"I don't see anything wrong with it. I would love to see your chicks, if you decide upon it. I could be their unofficial aunt! What about you, Digger?"

"Hmmm, I have to agree with Gylf. Chicks are a sign of trust between the parents. I think it would turn out to be an interesting experience for you two. The joy of having little ones around far outweighs the effort that is required to raise them. Twilight, any last thoughts?"

"Well, I am not the settling down type. I don't think I have any advice to give about chicks, or love, or... whatever. I was separated from my family right after I hatched, so I do not know what it was like to see how my parents took care of me."

"Nonsense, Twilight! If you took a mate and had chicks, I think you could be a better father than you think!"

Twilight gave a disdainful snort at Digger's remark.

"Well, I thank you for your advice, guys. I will be the first to tell you what me and Pelli have decided."

All of the owls turned and began munching on the delicious roasted vole that Cook had made. Gylfie, Digger, and Twilight finished before Soren and his mate, and as they filed out of the hollow to their respective chaw meetings, their gizzards buzzed with anticipation regarding Soren's report.

They paused just past the entrance of the Dining Hollow and stared at each other proudly.

I hope they agree to have chicks! I hope we did a good job of convincing them!

The three owls parted ways, anxious to hear their friend's decision on the matter. Soren downed the last bit of vole and turned to his mate.

"Well, what do you think, Pelli?"

"They made some interesting points, Soren. I will deliberate during your chaw practice. Tonight is the night I will be tapped. When you return from your practice later on, meet me in our hollow. I will tell you my decision then, dear."

"What do you want to be tapped for, Pelli? Do you have any suspicions?"

"I think I will either get Search and Rescue or Navigation. Strix Struma said I am one of her top students. I don't think I did as well in Search and Rescue..."

"Don't worry, dear. No matter which chaw you are tapped for, I am sure you will do a fine job. I was tapped for Weather Interpretation and Colliering, and I had to be taught by Ezylryb. I was kind of upset at first, but now I know I could not have made a better choice myself!"

"That makes me feel better, Soren. Thank you."

"It's what mates are for, right?"

She smiled softly and embraced him with her wings. Soren noticed the hollow was nearly empty, and he didn't want himself, or Pelli, to be late to class. He led her quickly out of the hollow, stopping at a fork in the twisted passage.

"I will meet you in our hollow as soon as I finish the Colliering test I have with Ezylryb."

"Okay, Soren. I hope you do well!"

He waved goodbye to Pelli, before turning away and racing through the dim passage.

I hope she says yes. Please, Glaux, let her say yes!

After what seemed like an eternity, Soren breathed a sigh of relief as he turned in the Colliering exam to Ezylryb. Taking the parchment in his mangled left foot, he dismissed Soren with a nod.

Soren walked determinedly to the hollow he shared with Pelli, his gizzard trembling with anticipation.

Peeking inside, he noticed a lovely form hunched over her nest. She seemed to be shaking visibly as he approached from behind.

"Pelli, what is the matter? What did you find in your nest?"

She wheeled around and exclaimed, "Search and Rescue! I got Search and Rescue!"

Soren peered around her and spied a small feather buried in the moss.

"Congratulations, Pelli! It looks like you were picked for the chaw that best fits your talents after all!"

"Too bad I have to deal with Twilight. He can be so boastful sometimes, Soren."

"You will do fine. I guess you will just have to learn to appreciate his personality."

"It is not as easy as it sounds, Soren. I think you already know he can get when he talks about the Orphan School of Tough Learning."

"Indeed, Pelli. He is a strange friend, but a noble one nonetheless. Anyways, what have you decided, dear?"

"Soren, I have thought long and hard about this all day. And I think..."

"Yes, Pelli?"

"I think we should give it a try!"

Soren felt his gizzard give a tiny jump in response. "Really, Pelli? Are you sure?"

"I am completely sure, dear. I see nothing wrong with having new mouths to feed."

"Thank you, Pelli. I knew you would say yes!"

The two owls retreated into their respective nests, but their quivering gizzards made sleeping difficult. They settled into a fitful snooze, a snooze filled with the images of their future chicks dozing peacefully in their nest...

"What is the verdict, Mrs. P.?"

The blind snake was coiled gently around the three eggs that rested in the moss.

"I can sense you are about to be blessed with three girl chicks, Pelli."

The eggs beneath her slowly rocked in silent confirmation.

"Oh my! Can you believe it, Soren? Three females!"

"It is truly a miracle, Pelli."

The hollow was quite crowded, since the rest of the Band and Otulissa had arrived to witness the birth of Soren and Pelli's first brood.

This reminds me of the time when I was helping the eggs that would become Soren, Eglantine, and Kludd hatch!

Soren and Pelli jumped as Mrs. P. shouted, "Oh, I think I just felt an egg tooth break through! They must be ready to hatch!"

The rosy scaled snake slithered excitedly off of the trio of eggs.

Soren and Pelli watched as the rocking motion grew more pronounced. A small speck of yellow pricked the surface of the egg towards the rear of the nest. A web of cracks then appeared on its surface, and it gave one final pronounced shudder.

They all gasped in wonder as a tiny pink blob tumbled from the shattered egg. Soon, the other two eggs followed suit, leaving pale fragments scattered around the periphery of the mossy nest.

"Oh, Soren, look! Mrs. P. was right! Three girls!"

Soren was instantly mesmerized by the small wet forms quivering in the soft pile of down and moss. They would have looked revolting to others, but not to him. A few minutes passed, and the pink blobs were now fuzzy piles of white fluff.

Otulissa stepped up beside Pelli and said excitedly, "What are you going to name them?"

"Oh, no! I haven't come up with any names yet. I am just so happy! I guess I forgot."

Soren led her up to the three balls of down and said, "I will help you, dear. Let's start with this one!"

He motioned with his talon to the chick that had emerged first. She was staring up at them, her little puffy eyes blinking slowly.

"You look so adorable, my little owlet. I shall call you Blythe, after an equally beautiful section of Silverveil."

He turned to Pelli and said, "Now it is your turn!"

Pelli gazed at the next owlet of the three. She seemed to hear a tiny voice that said, "Hi, Mum." She realized that Soren had heard it too.

"Your name will be Bell, just like the sound of your voice, little one."

The chick quivered delightfully in response.

"Now for the last one, Soren."

"Can I name her, Pelli?"

"Of course you can! You are her father, after all!"

He grinned sheepishly and peered down at the remaining female. Soren had to hold her back with one wing as she tried to escape from the nest.

"Whoa, please be careful, daughter. I think your name should be Sebastiana, or Bash for short."

"I like it, dear. You did a wonderful job."

Digger and Gylfie sidled up beside them and smiled at the three chicks.

"Oh, look how fuzzy they are, Digger! Bell's face almost matches Soren's, and the speckles on Blythe's facial disk look just like Pelli's! Congratulations, Soren! You have three adorable chicks now!"

"Thank you, Gylfie. You can be their imaginary aunt, if you want. And Digger can be their uncle!"

Digger stared up in surprise at Soren.

"Really? Okay, Soren, if that is what you want, then I will do it!"

Otulissa and Twilight each said their congratulations before leaving the hollow. Digger and Gylfie soon followed.

"Me and Digger are going now, Soren. We will come back and visit after chaw practice!"

"Okay, guys. Bye!"

He turned to Pelli and gazed into her flickering eyes.

"I am going to rest, Pelli. I am so tired from all the excitement!"

"Okay, dear. I will be right here with Bell, Bash, and Blythe. I will see you when you wake up."

"Okay, Pelli."

She made sure he had fallen asleep before returning to the nest. All three chicks were now making shrill noises and moving about.

"I am Glaux blessed to have such lovely children. I can't wait to see them after they have fledged!"

Pelli called Mrs. P. to come watch them, since she had grown drowsy as well.

"I will watch over them, Pelli. Don't you worry one bit!"

"Thank you, Mrs. P. Thank you so much..."

Pelli soon joined Soren in a pleasant snooze, both owls reveling over the three little bundles of joy they had brought into the world. Both of their gizzards were pulsing with joy as they slept.

It was a silent reverence for the miracle that had come true for two very special Barn Owls in the Great Ga'Hoole Tree on the Island Of Hoole...