Disclaimer: I dont own Lord of the Flies.

-Welp, This is my JackXReader fanfic. I hope you like it! OH! Also, I'm totally open to opinions.

Roger: By that, she means-Review.

-Shu'Up Roger.

Roger: Make me.

-...See what I deal with...Anyway, let's get started!

"Shit!" You mutter as your steps fumble through the brush. Roger was right on you're tail-again.

Ever since Jack captured Ralph, you had the habit of trying to escape and being caught again. You hated having to run away, something deep down told you that you would be found every time.

Mostly because Roger was always the one to go hunt you down. You knew part of him enjoyed it, but he would never think to take advantage of you. Maybe it was because you "Belonged to Jack" or perhaps he thought you were pathetic now. For whatever reason he had-he just never did. That is why Jack always sent him.

Being back at the cave was the worst. Jack would make everyone go back down to the beach after dinner. They would play in the water or run around on the sand while guards would stand by Ralph's hut. But you had to stay in Castle Rock with Jack. He would keep you there, for himself.

You rejected him every night. He wanted a slave, a possession-not a lover. Jack never even kissed you-you did not let him be your first kiss. He only barely managed to steal a few unwanted misses to the corners of your mouth.

All your protesting to him made his temper flare in ways you didn't know an English boy could achieve. And you would be quite smug for keeping him at bay for so long, if it hadn't been for the beatings.

Jack would never mark your face, but he never hesitated to throw a punch to your thighs or arms. They hurt but you never cried. You simply stared at him with a blank face, he was no leader and you would not treat him like one. The island made him into a monster-that's all he was now.

"Stop!" A stern voice breaks your thoughts.

You don't bother looking behind you to see who had yelled. The jungle is getting hotter, hotter than normal. Now you smell the air. Something is burning up head.

You stop for a moment, finding red flames devouring the flora. A fire must have gone out of control again. There's nothing you can do about it now, but you have to consider your own safety.

You have to choose between the hands of Roger-and the fire.

The fire wins.

You decide to keep running, into the flames that were spreading faster with each passing second. Dodging vines that were consumed by embers and harsh circles of inferno-you hoped to get to the other side alive.

But that would be too easy, this island showed no mercy.

A tree crumbles down, catching your leg with its weight. The fire rolls on the wood and scorches your skin. You scream in agony but the heat roars louder. The smoke is clamping in your lungs and after moments of failed attempts to gulp down oxygen-you black out.

'Maybe this is good.' You wonder in the darkness, the fire no longer pained you.

You could hear a murmur of angels.

'I'm finally free from this evil place. And Jack…'

((Two Weeks before Ralph's Capture))

"Bloody hell!" You wailed on the jungle floor.

The tree you had tried to climb shook from your fall. You cursed at the thing while you rubbed your shoulder. You had hit a branch on your way down-it pounded numbly.

Just then, a pair of large warm hands curled around your hips from behind. They picked you up and placed you on your feet, a chuckle followed.

"Do you think you could be a bit more discreet?" A velvet voice asks mockingly.

Turning around you find a cute face spilling with freckles. Jack's dusty red hair has gotten longer and changed hue from exposure to the sun.

He stares at your shoulder, tracing the red mark with a light finger. You wince involuntarily.

"You really need to be more careful out here." His voice was stern. You expected him to tease you about how clumsy you were, but something else had him on edge.

"I was just trying to get some fruit for the kids. I didn't want to bother anyone so I figured-"

He cuts you off gently, "You're prone to injury, that much I have figured out already. But that is not what I mean."

You look deeply into his orange eyes, "Then what do you mean?"

Being a hunter for this long made him harsh and blunt, "Don't be stupid."

Jack's hand brushes a strand of your hair from your face, examining it carefully. He has gotten taller and strong. Veins popped through his skin around the tight muscles.

"I'm not stupid." You say with a pout.

He rolls his eyes as a smirk forms, "Then don't go roaming around. Especially while my hunters are in the jungle."

This comment makes his face harden again, but he lets it go. Jack's hand catches yours and he leads you out of the green.


'What ever happened to him? Where is that Jack now?'

You listen to the angels in your head, "She was trapped in there. Good thing he got her out."

'They must be talking about the island. And the angel that saved me.'

Another numb voice spoke, "At least she's safe now…"

The color around you turns orange from behind your eye lids, you start to open them.

"She's everything but safe."

They were not angels.

[[Please Review!]]

-Yeah-no...they wouldnt be angels...

Roger: Nope. Not on my island.

-Not your island. It's Jack's.

Roger: Hah. Right.

-I'm tellin...

Roger: Do it. You wont.