I got the wackiest idea for a story ever yesterday so i just had to upload it! Enjoy!

The cool afternoon breeze hit my face, as we made our way to the huge mansion. I glanced at mom who seemed just as shocked as I was. "Mom are you sure this is where he lives." I asked dumbfounded, receiving a slap on my shoulder.

"Flaky don't be rude! Of course he lives here, i've been here a couple times before." she said, ending the sentence with a wink.

"Mom thats just gross..." said I stopping in my tracks. "And why did I have to come, I could've just stayed home."

My remark caused me for her to roll her eyes. "Flaky, because I wanted you to meet the man I'm dating, and besides he has a son your age, I'm sure you two will get along fine."

"Alright mom... But it better be fun." said I, adding a sarcastic comment after. "I mean a mansion this big, isn't much fun, I've seen bigger." she sighed, and rung the doorbell. A tall man dressed in a tux answered the door gesturing for us to enter.

"I'll take your coats, miss and misses." He said. I handed him my coat, as did my mother. "Right this way you two, Sir Orzo should be here momentarily."

"Thank you Alfred." Said mom, I just nodded, as he did before he walked off. "So how do you like it?"

A sigh escaped my lips. "Same old stereotypical shit you see from any other rich person movie." I said making her scoff.

"Well whatever. Go upstairs to your right, and you'll find his son, you'll know which one it is. He loves the color green." Mom said, making me sigh. "Alfred!" she called

"Yes ma'am?"

"Please escort my daughter to Flippy's room." my heart stoped. It couldn't be. Not him... Why him... Oh god...

"Yes miss Rosso." he said. I followed behind him. The house was huge and decorated with fancy vases, sculptures, and paintings. Everything seemed so clean, and looked alike. Well except for the random green door that Alfred knocked on. "Sir Flippy, you have a guest." he shouted.

"A guest? I haven't invited anyone." his voice, his deep seductive voice. The one i hated so bad, now I'm sure it was him.

"She tagged along with her mother." Alfred took a pause, but then continued. "Miss Rosso's daughter."

"Oh my dad's girlfriend's daughter. Let her in." he called.

Alfred took out a key chain, home to what looked like thousands of keys, and picked, of course, the green one. I felt my cheeks burn when I walked in his room, for he was in his boxers. "Flaky! What the hell are you doing here!" He yelled, as he saw me.

"Nice to see you two Flippy, and you should know! My last name is the same as my mother! Stupid!"

He looked at me blankly and gasped. "Its true!"

"No shit sherlock!" he gave me an offended glare. "Sorry..."

"It's Cool." he said. After that it was silent. Too silent. Neither of us decided to break the silence, although what did break it was my mothers squeal. I jumped, and Flippy put his hand on my shoulder. "Chill redhead, they're probably at 'it' again." said Flippy, making quotation signs with his fingers.

"Ummm. One that's gross, and two I highly doubt that, I'm gonna go check it out, by dummy." I bowed as if he were royalty, receiving a sarcastic chuckle.

"I'll go with." he said, leading me out the door. I followed him downstairs and stopped at the sofa, were we saw my mother jump up and down with glee, and his father with a huge grin.

"What's going on?" we said in unison.

They stared at us, then each other, and vise versa. I was kind of nervous to hear the news. And by the look on Flippy's face he was as well.

"Kids... I-"

"He proposed! Isn't that wonderful!" She stuck out her hand making us admire the ring. I giggled nervously, and could feel the frustration and shock that flowed through Flippy. I put my hand on his shoulder but slapped it off. This is not gonna end well.