"Ginga..Ginga wake up." No not yet…I'm too tired to get up.

"Come on hurry up and wake up or we're going to leave you again." My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

When did Riza ever leave me?...

I sighed a bit before squeezing my eyes shut tight then slowly opening them. A blurry image of two tall people with blond hair showed up and I tried to process in my head who it was. Only when I finally sat up and rubbed my eyes did I realize who was waiting for me.

I threw my arms away from my face and stared up at the two young men in front of me and Riza off to the side probably getting ready to leave for work.

"W-what? Why? When?" My mouth was open and ready for flies but when Ed smirked my mouth quickly shut and my eyes dropped to the floor.

"We came to pick you up. Roy said you had a fit in his office and wanted us to come and take you back." Al chuckled and Ed only had a goofy smile on his face.

My hair stood up on the back of my neck and my face went tomato red. How embarrassing! I'm never going to be able to look at them straight now! Nooooo! Roy is SO going to die!

"No I didn't!" My defensive mode went on and my anger switch was pulled. Ed's smile became wider and I could tell Al knew where this was going.

"Oh really? Because by the way Roy described the situation you were crying and begging him to let you stay with us." My eyebrows gathered and I about screamed in Ed's face. He. Is. Such. An. ASS!

"I did not!" I will not let him have the satisfaction of teasing me! I refuse! Ed laughed a bit before lifting his hand to my head and scruffing [sp?] up my hair.

Oh god now I'm going to have knots that are going to be a kill to get out.

"Hurry up and change Al and I will be waiting outside." Ed smiled down at me and Al repeated his brothers act while they walked away from me and out of Riza's dorm.

I sat on the sofa for a minute glaring at the door before throwing my feet over the edge and pushing myself off the comfy couch.

"Ass hole."

After a short shower and a change into Riza's clothes which were just some jeans and a black T-shirt I met up with the Elrics outside.

"Why do girls take so dang long to get ready?" Ed mumbled while we walked down the street. I really wanted to say something to him but I was too fed up with our earlier argument so I decided to just let him be a butt on his own.

"Well where are we going now?" I asked, a little embarrassed about being with them again. I don't know why I just am.

"We are going to visit an old friend over in pacson [made it up.] I nodded my head a bit pretending like I knew what we were talking about when in reality I have to clue. At all.

"Hey Ed I was thinking that maybe we should buy Ginga some clothes. I'm sure she doesn't want to keep borrowing things from other people?" Al said before turning around and looking at me. My face went a little red which by now is probably normal and my eyes darted around the scenery which…is probably normal too.

"Hmmm.." Ed looked at me as well lifting his hand to his head scratching his gold hair.

"I guess you're right…" Ed sighed before stopping and pulling some strange looking coins out of his pocket.

His eyes wandered over each roundish looking coin for a moment before he looked up at me and then back down at his palm.

"I guess it's fine." Ed said before stuffing his hand in his pocket then continuing to walk down the stoned street.

"Let's make it fast. I don't feel like standing around all day." I nodded my head before running to catch up to the two boys taking my place in the middle excited for this new adventure.


We reached the small shopping area in a couple minutes and Ed dragged me into the first store he saw.

"Alright. Hurry up." I nodded my head before turning around and letting my eyes wander across all of the clothes suddenly feeling embarrassed.

Does Ed have to stare at me? I don't want to be here anymore . let's go!

"Hello miss! May I help you?" I jumped out of my skin from the sudden confrontation.

"Uh, yes please…" The lady smiled and I followed her to an area of the store far enough away to the point where Ed was across the small store and now talking to Al.

"Do you know what you're looking for?" I thought for a moment.

"…Clothes.." I said not really sure myself. The lady laughed a bit before ushering me to a curtained off space.

"Wait here I will bring you some clothes to try on." The lady smiled lightly at me before walking off into the store. I watched while she picked out a few outfits before finding her way over to me and handing me the stuff she picked out.

"These might fit you the best." I nodded my head before closing the curtain happy I was finally alone.

I sighed for a second before laying out the outfits on the bench examining which one I wanted to try on first.

I decided to try on the jeans with the frilly white shirt first. I thought it looked really cute but then I saw the French school girl outfit I quickly put on the short black skirt then the white button up and the long yellow coat over the top and of course the beret. I thought It looked a really cute…I looked younger than I am but whatever.

[SOOOO CUTE . I COULN'T RESIST! Btw if you don't want her to wear it that's fine because this will probably be the only time I really stress what she is wearing. Idk. .com/photo_1226705_1_1_French_School_Girl_.htm ]

Once I was worked up enough courage to walk out of the dressing room I walked over to Ed and Al my eyes looking at anything but their faces.

"Ginga you look so cute!" Al happily cheered while his dimples made my cheeks turn red.

"You look like a little girl." Ed said while his gold eyes scanned my body. My eyes fell and my body became stiff.

"So what? I am only 16."

You butt face…I thought it was cute…

Ed looked up at my disappointed face and his cheeks went a light pink.

"Whatever you're wearing it."

Al's POV.

Stupid Ed. Can't he tell she want him to compliment her? I knew Ed was thick but seriously? Tsk tsk.

"Don't you think Ginga looks cute Ed?" I tried to usher out a compliment from him. Come on ed. Anything is fine. My chest felt heavy while I watched Ed look at Ginga from head to toe again. You can do it Ed!

"Yeah I guess so..I dunno.." Ed's face went a little pink and his eyes darted away from the cute school girl.

"I'm going to go pay don't wander off." Ed said harshly before hurrying to the counter and handing the lady some money.

God Ed. Why are you so difficult?

I looked over at Ginga and saw that her pink lips were upturned into a smile and her eyes were glittering while she petted her clothes. Seeing Ginga like this just makes me want cry.

Why Ginga? Why Ed?