What up, my peoples? How's it going? Did you miss me? I know I missed you! Anyway, welcome back to Ben and Leslie world. I really am enjoying the feedback for chapters 1-4 and I apprecite all the support and alerts I've recieved. And I hope you guys will enjoy the rest of the story.

So, here goes: This is it. The sexy chapter. Or lovemaking chapter, if you wanna get all mushy. And don't these two deserve some lovin' (Leslie probably hasn't gotten any nookie since that Dave guy and poor Ben probably hasn't got laid in God knows how long!). So, yeah, at least in my universe they are going to get what they want because, again, they deserve it.

Here we go. And hope you love.

I own nothing.


It took Leslie a while to fully grasp what was happening as she found herself on her back on her couch being kissed breathless by Ben Wyatt. The adorable state auditor. The man who she was pretty sure she held feelings for. The guy who wanted to stay for her. And yeah, the man who's hand was moving underneathe her nightgown-

Oh, no, no, no, wait!

Control, control.

I need utter and absolute control-

Oh, God.

His hand stayed on her bare thighs, fingers clenching and unclenching as though fighting for their own control on her skin. Then traveled upward towards-


She jumped and yanked her mouth away from his as his hand passed the bottom of her underwear in a featherlight touch that made a startling zing of arousal curl in her belly.

It took her a second to note that he had stopped what he was doing and when she looked up at him, he was staring down at her with an almost smoldering expression in his brown eyes. The normally soft, warm color of his eyes had darkened with hunger and heat.

And for whatever reason that made her nervous.

"Leslie..." His hot breath swept across her face pleasantly and she fought to find her own oxygen and think more clearly as she noticed how close he still was. His body covering hers. The hand still curled near her undies.

"Just give me a minute." She pushed slightly at his shoulders and he moved off her reluctantly and sat next to her as she sat up on her own.

After taking a moment to compose herself, Leslie turned to look at him.

His thick, perfect hair was slightly askew from when she'd passed her fingers through it earlier, his shirt was rumpled and he eyed her with a barely repressed fustration and desire.

Whoa. Okay.

"What's wrong?" The concern in his voice rang out loud and clear but, she was distracted now by the way his voice was doing that manly, husky thing that men had when they wanted to-

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong." She ran a hand through her hair own messy hair to stomp down her yearning to just jump his bones right there on her couch not unlike he did a few minutes ago.

She wanted to stop it. Squish that desire right this second so, they could talk about this. The newfound status in their relationship. The fact that he was actually gonna stay for her.

But, goodness, he looked yummy.

Even back when he was just Mean Ben. The jerk. The numbers robot. She could never really fully negate that he was in fact easy on the eyes. He was nice and tall with all that dark hair and eyes that sparkled when he allowed himself to indulge in a smile.

Specifically when he smiled at her.

It suddenly hit her how painfully oblivious she'd been all this time. When he'd first proved he wasn't a monster, getting her Freddie Spegghetti. When he had taken care of her when she was sick and taken her to the hospital, bringing her waffles and homemade soup. Then everything for the Hervest Festival when he had gotten her the police force for security at the fairgrounds.

And then, the camping trip, the adoration and admiration in his eyes when tried to give her advice and then the way he gazed at her when she came running into the office, sweaty and in need of a shower with her ideas written on doilies.

With each and everything realization striking her, she felt more and more stupid.

Suddenly needing to let him know how she was feeling, she grabbed his face and kissed him. Softly. Sweetly.

This was inevitable. This was right. This was what she wanted.

He stayed still for a second before reciprocating and she felt a hand at the back of her head and another on her face, tilting her head to an angle of his liking, deepening the kiss. Making it something lustful, passionate, licking his way inside her mouth until both their tongues fought for dominance and she moaned in approval.

And then, as she heard a deep sound come from inside his chest, she let herself go. Let herself melt into him.

Because this was inevitable. They were inevitable.


Ben made sure to keep himself in check as Leslie led him up the stairs to her bedroom. He was glad she suggested they do so because as patient and well-controlled he was, when she had notably surrendered to him downstairs, it was only so much he could take before their first time together ended up in her living room if she hadn't pulled away again and wordlessly took his hand to lead him up to her room.

His eyes trailed to her legs as her thin nightgown wisped against her thighs. Half the time he wanted her because she was funny, smart, capable, big-hearted, and hard-working but, now...

Even when he was trying to make himself do so, he could never, ever negate the fact that she was a beautiful woman. When she was angry, yelling at him for wanting to fire her friends when they first met or as their friendship grew, send him secret, miscivious grins when she knew something he didn't or those mega-watt smiles of hers when she had an idea or had executed a perfect plan.

That thought was the only thing that kept him from rolling his eyes because he was now finding her more than unbearably sexy and alluring in a paper-thin nightgown.

Because he always, always thought (knew) she was attractive. It was just that most of the time, her physical beauty ran second to her personality and sense of humor (even if he didn't sometimes get her particular brand of crazy even as he dug it like hotcakes).

But, right now, as they arrived at her bedroom door about to... different facets of her aesthetics invaded his mind. Her shiny, bouncy blonde hair that now looked messy and tousled. Her big, bright eyes that could go through so many different emotions, making them a sky-blue shade of enthusiasm or like a few minutes ago, a darker, sapphire color of passion. How soft her skin felt under his hands as he touched her or just how little she was probably wearing under her nightdress was fully ingrained in his brain and would not leave it.

The full impact of what they were about to do hit him all at once and vivid images bursted in techni-color inside his head.

Now, that it was there, it was all he could think about.


He shook his distracting thoughts to look at the far more tempting reality in front of him.

She now sat on the edge her comfortable-looking bed and she looked... nervous, anxious almost. A blush was on her cheeks and he realized too late that he had been staring.

He bowed his head bashfully to make her feel better as he shut the door behind him. The thought to apologize never occured to him and he went and sat down next to her.

After a minute of silence, he turned to speak to her when she cut him off before he could form words. "I'm really glad your here."

They were such simple words yet, made his gut tighten with the way she said them. So full of quiet contentment and shyness, he couldn't help his next move.

He kissed her again.

Her mouth opened under his on a happy sigh and he took that opportunity to slide his eager tongue inside her warmth.

Unlike the kiss from downstairs, the kiss was slower, more deep. Full of sensuality and emotion.

He then felt her grab the back of his neck and pull him down with her as she layed down on her bed, the mattress dipping slightly under their weight when he quickly covered her small frame with his.

He buried one hand in her silky hair, intensifying the kiss and his other hand slipped again under her nightgown, immediately finding her underwear.

He moved his lips onto her neck and collarbone as he single-handedly began to remove her panties, hearing her gasp as he did so.

Once he completed his task, he flung the useless garmet over his shoulder and gazed down at her, dark eyes and heaving chest, when he again slipped his hand to her naked flesh.

He watched with hungry eyes as she gasped when he found her center, dipping a careful finger inside her wet heat, tight walls steadfastly gripping onto his lone digit in welcome.

He added another, finding her engorged nub with his thumb and pressing down gently, crying out. He silenced her with his mouth on hers, swallowing her moans as he eagerly but, skillfully worked her.

When she came, she came hard, trembling in his arms.

He gave her no time to come down when he replaced his fingers with his mouth, nipping and licking her in bold, strong strokes that made her repeat his name in intervals that sounded a lot like a prayer. "Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben..."

It took a few seconds but, he made sure to make it count when she climaxed, fighting for oxygen and gripping her bedsheets in a vice hold.

He kissed his way up her body and placed a sweet kiss on her lips before pulling back and looking down at her sprakling eyes and flushed cheeks. "I um... I don't normally do that... I mean, I don't normally enjoy it but, uh, thank you." She smiled at him like he had just given her the keys to every single park on planet Earth.

And that was a big compliment.

He chuckled as he removed his shirt and went for his pants. "You are very welcome." He leaned down, covering her again, kissing her deeply as he unbottoned his pants. "It was worth it." He murmured, pressing his lips on to her chest when his hands abandoned his pants task to remove her one flimsy piece of clothing.

If you can call a barely opaque, sorry excuse for sleepwear clothing but, anyway...

His mind went blank completely when she shrugged the gown over her head, helping him.

He stared. He was pretty sure he gaped at her revealed naked body. He had been right. Nicely shaped, curvy hips and a trim waist greeted his wandering gaze and round, shapely breasts filled his hands as he palmed her chest.

He wasted no time in removing his hands and taking a nipple into his mouth, her hand coming to the back of his head and he hissed against her chest when she went for his fiorgotten pants zipper.

His erection flung out, heavy and solid in her hands and he groaned, finding her mouth again, settling between his new home between her thighs.

Her legs spread to accomedate him and he balanced himself above her as she placed him at her entrance.

He looked at her, her eyes filled with such trust and certainty that he regretted ever doubting that she ever wanted him at all.

And then he swept forward and it was all over.

They both moaned at the contact and he waited a minute to control himself before circling his hips in a slow, steady rhythm that drove them both crazy.

"Mmm." He moaned deep in his chest and leaned over her body, kissing her passionately as she placed a leg over his hip, rising up to meet his every thrust. "Oh God, Leslie."

"Ben." She whispered in his ear as she traced her hands over his back, her hips urging him deeper inside her tight heat and wrecking havoc on his self-control.

He sped up and slowed down again and again. Making her whimper, moan, groan, cry out, even yell at him in fustration as he took her to the brink and denied her everytime.

Ben wasn't normally like this but, he wanted to prologue this. Make it the best she'd ever had and the best she was going to be getting from now on.

Having her naked and beneathe him soon almost made him lose it completely and his hand found it's way between them, a finger sweeping right above where his hips were pumping in and out of her, keeping it timed with his thrusts.

He swallowed her sounds again, plunging his tongue inside her mouth, a whimper escaping then, a louder than loud moan as she clenched tightly around him, coming intensely and prompting his own release.

Her inner muscles milked him for all he was worth and she spasmed slightly as he removed himself from inside her, already missing her feminine heat wrapped around him.

He layed on his back as she grabbed a sheet and wrapped it around them both. She next wrapped her arm around his stomach, her cheek on his chest, right on his heart.

He reciprocated the embrace, an arm wrapped around her waist, stroking her heated skin.

It was a moment of comfortable silence before she broke in the way only she can. "I've always thought you'd be good at that."

Oh, Leslie...

He smiled, laughing lightly.

They were inevitable, weren't they?

Oh yes, they were.


A/N: Did you like it? A little? A lot? Did you hate it? To tell you the truth, I'm a little embarrassed, so give it to me straight, okay.

Reviews would be awesome!