I would like to start off by saying that do not own Hetalia- Axis Powers.

On another note... To the people that read the Amazing Ice Cream Adventure and Letters from Sealand- I'm sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I'll update those ASAP, okay?

The link for the image-cover-thingy can be found on my profile!

Well, enjoy!

"Okay guys!" America said enthusiastically. "I, the United States of Awesome-"

"Not as awesome as me!" Prussia interrupted. America cleared his throat.

"As I was saying," America said "The reason I have called you here today is because I have a brilliant idea to improve international relations!" England snorted.

"Of course you do," he said.

"Now is not the time for sarcasm, Iggy," America had a serious look in his eyes.

"Don't call me that!" said England.

"I will call you whatever I like," said America. "So, here is my brilliant idea..." America reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. He dangled them in front of his face, grinning as he swung them side to side. The other nations looked at him with raised eyebrows and confused expressions.

"What are you going to do with those?" England asked, clearly suspicious of America's intentions.

"Well..." America began, still swinging the handcuffs. "I was thinking, 'Gee, wouldn't it be nice if me and the other nations weren't fighting all the time?' and then I thought, 'Wouldn't it be chaos if we ended up handcuffed to another country for an ENTIRE WEEK?' and then I thought, 'OMG! If that happened, eventually we'd all have to get along! And then it would be all happy happy joy joy from then on!'" Several of the nations burst out into laughter.

"Let me get this straight," Prussia said. "You think that if we're handcuffed to someone else in this room, eventually we'd all learn to get along?" America nodded vigorously.

"That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard!" said Romano. "And I've heard a lot of stupid things in my lifetime." He glanced at Spain, then at Italy.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" asked Spain.

"Veeeeeeeeh," said Italy.

"I have to side with Romano on this one," England said.

"Oui," agreed France. "The idea seems a bit... farfetched."

"Who says 'farfetched' anymore?" laughed America. France frowned.

"When you think of a better word, you tell me," he said. America paused. Surely there had to be a better word for it. He just couldn't think of one that minute...

"Well, I don't think it's a bad idea at all!" said Canada. "It could work... maybe."

"Did you hear something?" asked Russia.

"Err, no..." said America. He looked over to his left. "When did you get here, Canadia?"

"It's Canada!"

"Suuure thing, Canadia," said America. "Well, who wants to draw first?" America held up a baseball hat filled with little slips of paper. He jiggled the hat around to mix it up a little.

"Draw what first?" asked Poland.

"A name, stupid!" said Prussia.

"Nobody asked you! Sheesh!" said Poland. "Why can't you, like, be nicer?"

"See!" America jumped up and pointed at the two arguing countries. "This is exactly the kind of thing my brilliant plan can prevent!"

"Hold on a second!" said Hungary. "I thought we all agreed it was stupid."

"Yeah!" said Korea.

"I second that notion!" said England.

"C'mon guys!" America pleaded. "Canadia likes the idea, and we all like Canadia, so I say we do it!" He jiggled his baseball hat around again.

"Who?" Everyone gave America more confused looks.


"Did you hear something?" asked Russia.

"It wasn't me!" said China.

"C'EST DEJA VU!" cried France.

"AAAH! SCARY! GHOST!" cried America, jumping into England's arms. Japan facepalmed.

"Get off me, you git!" "SCARY GHOST! SCARY GHOST! Scary scary scary! Don't let it eat me, Iggy! DON'T LET IT EAT ME!"

"America-san! Calm down!"


"Who are you?"

"I'm Canada! The one who feeds you!"

"Fusososososo! Fusososososo!"

"I want pasta, dammit!"

"Why does this always happen, aru?"

"Sighing invented in Korea, da-ze!"



"Liet, like, what time is it?"

"Two o'clock."

"Veeh, Germany, I'm hungry..."

"Don't talk to my brother, Potato Bastard!"


"Ah... ah... ACHOOO!"

"Bless you!"

"Thanks, Liechtenstein!"

"Talk to her again, and I'll shoot you."

"America, was that you who just touched my butt?"

"It wasn't me, Iggy! I swear!"

"A hon hon hon..."

"So it was you?"


"It was you, wasn't it?"

"All will become one with Mother Russia."


"Aaaah! Go home go home go home go home!"

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Germany yelled. Everyone was quiet.

"As stated before, the point of this meeting was to help solve problems, not create new ones." Germany sat down again. Everyone else did the same.

"Okay!" said America, holding out his baseball hat. "I'm going to ask again. Who wants to draw first?" Everyone was quiet.

"No volunteers? Looks like I'll have to choose... a victim." America looked around the room with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes before pointing his finger at England.

"Iggy first!" he said cheerfully. England glared at America before standing up and stuck his hand into the baseball hat. He fished around a bit before finally picking a slip of paper and opening it. After reading it, he made a face and leaned over to whisper something in America's ear.

"Nope! There will be no switching!" America said loudly. England blushed.

"You didn't need to answer so loudly," he mumbled. There was an long, awkward silence.

"Sooooo..." said America.

"Yeeees?" said England.

"Care to tell?" America pointed at the slip of paper. England blushed again.

"Right! Sorry about that. I... uh... forgot." England handed the paper to America. "Would you mind reading it for me?"

"Sure!" said America. The other nations sat there impatiently. This was taking forever. America read the paper quietly and began to laugh.

"It's France," he snickered. "What a coinkydink."

"Coinkydink?" asked England.

"Do you have a problem with my word choice?" America said.

"Actually, yes," said England. He looked at France, who had mysteriously appeared beside him. He turned back to America.

"How long is this for again?" he asked.

"One week!" said America. England looked at France through his peripheral vision. He shuddered. France laughed.

"What's wrong, England?" he said. "Scared?"

"No!" England said loudly. He blushed and turned to America. "Hurry it up already!" America, like the others, was still trying to contain his laughter. France and England held their hands out and he snapped a pair of handcuffs on them.

"NEXT!" he yelled. France and England returned to their seats (Well, England tried to, but couldn't, since he was now handcuffed to France) and the other nations walked up and drew names out of the hat.

"Okay!" said America, who was now handcuffed to Korea. "My friend Tony shall now proceed to lock the keys in this safe!" He used his free hand to gesture at both Tony, his alien friend, and the safe. Tony took the keys from America and locked them in the safe.

"Thank you, Tony." said America. "And since it would be hard for you guys to return to uh... wherever you came from... You guys can stay in my house for a week! It'll be fun!"

"I can't believe this, aru," China said miserably. Russia giggled. Now he could watch China without wearing that stupid panda suit!

"I can't believe you drew my name out of the hat, Romano!" Spain said happily. "Aren't you glad you got me and not... Oh, I don't know... Russia?"

"Of all the people in this room... I get stuck with you..." Romano said angrily.

"Kesesese!" laughed Prussia. "We get to spend a whole week together, Hungary!"

"If I hear you saying anything 'claiming my vital' regions, I will kill you," Hungary said.

"This is irritating," Austria said. "How am I supposed to play the piano if I'm attached to you?"

"Hmph," said Switzerland. If stupid, airheaded Poland did anything to Liechtenstein, he would murder him.

"H-hi, Belarus!" Lithuania said shyly. Belarus said nothing. Who to kill first? she thought. America, China, or the idiot I'm handcuffed to?

England surveyed the scene in front of him.

"This isn't going to work," he said. "The majority of us will be dead by tomorrow morning."

"Don't be so sure," said France. He moved closer to England. "I'm sure we'll work something out." England frowned.

"That didn't sound very reassuring," he said.

"It wasn't meant to," France said, moving even closer to England. England, thoroughly creeped out, scooted as far away from France as the handcuffs allowed.

I'm sorry it's so cheesy! And that they're all kinda OOC...

But anyways, I hope you guys liked it! I really don't know if I'll continue this or not... It was kind of a spur of the moment thing... If I get three or more reviews telling me I should, then I will.

Thanks for reading guys! And don't forget to review!