Disclaimer: I own nothing, only my ideas.
This is my first fan fiction. Big thank you to cutey_fruity for all your help.
They always wanted to be more
Nathan and Haley have been best friends for the last for four years; some would have even called them soul mate. They were friends all the way through junior high and honestly that got on together like they were boyfriend and girlfriend. They spent all their time together, in school, tutoring and outside of school. Everyone thought they would be the perfect couple. Even if now, they were just best friends. Neither of them could admit to the other how felt.
Nathan Scott is the star of the Tree Hill Ravens, good looking, does okay with school work. Most of all Nathan Scott had strong feelings for his best friend, Haley James, the girl who was known as the school nerd period. But to him, she was the most beautiful, kind and caring young lady you would ever want to meet. He was secretly starting to fall in love; he was scared to admit to Haley just how exactly he felt. He just didn't want the ruin there friendship. He would rather have a solid friendship with her. Than confessing his feeling to her and ruining everything they ever had.
Haley James is the officially nerd of Tree Hill High, pretty, book worm and smartest girl in school. Unknown to Nathan, Haley had felt the same feeling for him; she was also too scared of her feeling to admit that she too was falling in love with Nathan. He was the sexiest, friendly and down to earth guy she had ever got to know. Over that last few months her feeling for him increased rapidly, as they began to spend more time than usual together. She was in two minds, if she should admit her feelings or stay silent.
It was now Friday afternoon; Haley was sitting in the tutoring centre doing her school work. She was waiting for Nathan to finish with basketball practice, so that he could give her a ride home. Over the course of the week it seemed that they were both so busy, they didn't get much too together, only when Haley was tutoring him in their study classes during the week. She had been missing him so much during the week, she found herself dreaming about him and thinking about him all the time. Really, all she really wanted was to take him in her arms and kiss him next time she saw him, she knew that wasn't going to happen since he didn't feel the same way.
Once practice was over Nathan came to meet Haley at the tutoring centre to take her home for the day. When he got there he offered to carry Haley's bag out to the car, since no one was around he took a leap of faith putting his arm around her waist as they walked to the car. In that moment Haley could feel her body temperature rising just from the feel of his hand on her back. She smiled up at him when they got to his car; he safely drove her home in comfortable silent. So they could start their weekend.
When they arrived outside Haley's house, he turned to talk to her before so got out of the car. So, "there is a basket game tonight he announced.
She looked over at him said "I know there is".
Nathan let out a small laugh, "so are you coming or what?"
Haley paused for a few seconds before answering, "No sorry I can't tonight, I will see you tomorrow". At that she got out of the car walking up to her house. Leaving Nathan sitting wondering why his best friend didn't want to come and watch him playing basketball tonight.
On his drive home, Nathan couldn't help but wonder why Haley had she said no to coming to the basketball game tonight. For as long as they have been friends she had always come to his games, either home or away. He couldn't help but think, something changed in her mind about him over the last week as they had more time to themselves to think about their lives without each other. Honestly, the reality of not having Haley in his life scared the hell out of him. The whole way home he was trying to figure out what he had done to make Haley be so distant from him not want to come tonight.
When Haley got home say ok to her parents before going straight up to her bedroom. She sat on her bed for what seemed liked for ages thinking about what just happened with Nathan. Deep down inside she feel guilty for saying No to Nathan just leaving him sitting there wondering. She didn't know herself why she had turned him down. This started to make her think that she wasn't going to be able to hide her feeling anymore. She spent the rest of her evening sitting on her bed trying to do some school work. Instead her mind keep going back to Nathan and what happened earlier in the day. She kept replaying these thoughts in her mind until she fell asleep thinking of Nathan.
That evening after the basketball game, the Tree high Ravens won. Nathan went home still worrying about what Haley was thinking. Shortly after he showered and got changed, he decided to go to bed and go round to Haley's home to speak to her in the morning. He too fell asleep dreaming about what his life what be like if Haley knew about his real feelings for her.
Early the next morning Nathan woke up and got dressed, went straight over to Haley's house. When he arrived he knocked the door before Lydia open it.
"Good Morning, Nathan."
Nathan smiled back and said "Good Morning." When he followed Lydia into the living room she told him that Haley was still upstairs sleeping. Nathan was a little shocked by this as she is usually a morning person.
He gave Lydia a concerned looked. "Lydia, was everything okay with Haley when she came home yesterday?"
Lydia shook her head "No Nathan, she went straight up to her room and stayed there the rest of the evening.
Nathan started to get a little worried thinking it was something he had done to make her act this way.
Lydia could see the change of expression on his face "Nathan is there something going on with my daughter that I need to know about?"
Nathan started to become a little uneasy as he admit want to admit his feelings for Haley. He just looked nervously at Lydia "Sorry, I'm not really sure what is going on with her. She didn't even want to come to the basketball game last night when I asked. I will try to find out what is going on."
Lydia smiled back at Nathan "Thank you, can go on up into her room and wake her up please."
Nathan nodded at the older woman did as was told.
Nathan walked up the stairs to Haley's room; he took a deep breath before he reached out to open the door to walk into her room. When he walked into her room he stood at the end of her bed just watching her. She was the most peaceful sleeper that he had ever seen.
After a few minutes of watching her sleep he moved to sit on the edge on her bed, he leaned in to her whispered in her ear.
"Hey beautiful, wake up."
Haley started to move a little when she heard Nathan whisper in her ear. Just before he moved away completely, he gave her a small kiss on the cheek.
As she his lips gently against her cheek she realized that there was someone else in her room. After a few minutes she rubbed her eyes and eventually she saw him sitting on the edge of her bed. She was a little confused to see him there and she wanted to ask him what exactly he was doing.
Once Haley fully woke up, she looked up at Nathan and asked "What exactly are you doing in my room?" Feeling so uncomfortably, that her best friend who she had feeling for was in her room, watching her sleep and to make matters worse had kissed her on the cheek.
Nathan looked down at her nervously and started to fidget before he tried to answer her question. He finally looked her in the eyes and said "Ummm. Your mom asked me to come up and wake you up for her". He was secretly praying that Haley did go on and to ask him why he had kissed her on the cheek. If Haley had asked him that question, he knew that he wasn't ready to answer that question or have that conversation with Haley just yet.
Just as Haley was about to ask him another question she heard Lydia," Haley is Nathan staying for breakfast?"
"Yes" Haley yelled back as she started to get out of bed walking over to her closet.
Nathan stood up and walked about over to the door turned to her and said "I will wait downstairs for you while you get ready, is there anything you want me to tell your mom you want to eat?" he asked.
Haley smiled back over at him and nodded "pancakes, please." she said.
Nathan left her in her room to get ready and he went on downstairs to tell Lydia what Haley and he wanted for breakfast, pancakes.
Haley was standing in her closet trying to decide what outfit to wear for the day. While deciding her thoughts kept going back to what Nathan had said just minutes earlier. She stood there for a few minutes smiling thinking, that she liked the idea that Nathan thought she was beautiful. As this thought took over her mind she decided to take her time getting ready. She picked a simple outfit of a light blue cotton jumper, skinny black jeans and black pumps. To add to her appearance before going back downstairs to see Nathan, she did her make up that was also simple to bring out the colour of her eyes. After she was fully ready she looked at herself in the mirror hoping that when Nathan seen her, he would think that she was once again beautiful. Just having that thought cross her mind made her temperature raise; she got warm tingly feeling in her heart revealing her strong feeling for Nathan again.
This was my first go at write. So please review, tell what you loved or hated and all ideas welcome.