I know that Order 66 accured around three years later but I'm stretching the years a little bit for this story.

And I thought I was gonna get some sleep during this vacation, Melody thought as she sits in her seat on the clone transport heading to Coruscant. She sighs from boredom, even reading her favorite story has gotten boring. She would like to blow something up but her brothers value their own lives more than making sure Melody isn't bored out of her mind. The only time she was actually allowed to go all willy nilly with explosives was when the seppies attacked the academy. Now that was fun, Melody thought smiling at the memory, but that smile fades with the image of Ninety Nines dead body came back to her.

"This is your pilot speaking, we will be landing in Coruscant in just a few minutes. Please get to your seats and buckle up for descent." The transport pilot says. Finally, Melody thought as she puts on her seat belt.

Ten Minutes Later

Melody is wondering around the jedi temple, not sure where to go or what to do.

"You want some help?" Asks a togrutan girl around her age.

"Umm yeah. I'm looking for one of the people in the jedi council." Melody says.

"Why do you need to see them?" The girl narrows her eyes at Melody in suspicion.

"I need their help with something."

The togrutan crosses her arms. "With what exactly?"

"At ease padawan Tano. Know her, I do." Yoda says. "Good to see you, it is Melody."

"Same to you general." Melody says saluting him.

"Help you, how can I?"

"I know I'm asking a lot from this, but I need a jedi to sponsor a new unit for disabled clones."

"Hmmm, time that will take. Help you, maybe I can."

"I only have two months sir."

"Try, I will. In mean time, explore and have fun. Padawan Tano show you to your room, she will."

"Thank you general."

"This way." Commander Tano says showing her to a spare room in the padawan wing. "How do you know master Yoda anyway?"

"He used to visit the academy when I was younger, he told me that he met me when I was found on Kamino."

"Wierd, he's never mentioned you."

"That's his business to mention it or not."

"I'm Ahsoka by the way."

"Nice to meet you, I guess you already know my name."

"Yeah, why are trying to make a new unit for those men?"

"They're my brothers, even if they don't have a chance in the military they should have a chance to live."

"So what men will you be given for this new unit?"

"The ones that are scheduled for reconditioning."

"And if they don't want to join?"

Melody sighs. "It's their choice."

"I know you mean well for your brothers and I actually support you on this but what if one of them turns into a traitor like that one clone from a few years back?"

Melody clenches her fists, she hates it when some one bad mouths Slick. "General permission to speak freely." Ahsoka nods her head. "That clone was my brother, if you knew him like I did, you would know that he was confused and loved his brothers deeply. The only thing he did'nt do right is think things all the way through." A door opens to a bedroom and Melody steps inside. "Thank you for showing me to my room." Then the door closes, leaving Melody in her room alone. She never had a room to herself before, usually she just had a bunk to herself in the academy barracks. It feels unusual to her and lonely with no one to talk to.

Melody pulls out Bah Bah that has stitches and fabric patches all over it from all the years of playing. Now it has a necklace with clone trooper i.d. tags wrapped around it's neck. She fingers the tags like a precious treasure as she remembers each deceased brother.

CT-99, a.k.a. Ninety Nine.

CT-4183, a.k.a. Slick.

CT-21-0408, a.k.a. Echo.

CC-0411, a.k.a. Ponds.

CT 19-7409, a.k.a. O'Niner.

The link of tags goes on, but this is only a very small portion of tags. She keeps all the others in a box that's always with her. Everyday at least five more are added to the box, she tries to be there for as many funerals as possible. She's one of the people that go down the rows of busted up helmets but she's only allowed to keep the i.d. tags of troopers that don't have a squad, which is quite a few by the rate of troopers dying. She has even seen them die right there in front of her at the secret clone medical base, she was trained as a medic as well and some times she's posted there when they need more medics. Nala Se has offered her a posission in the medic base, but declined it because Melody doesn't want to watch more of her brothers die.

Meoldy snaps out of her thoughts when she hears the door slide open, standing at the door is her brother commander Fox.

"I heard you arrived a few minutes ago. I just wanna make sure you're okay." Fox says.

"I'm fine Fox. Come on in and you don't have to be proffesional around me, I'm your sister remember." Melody says cocking an eye brow at him.

Fox chuckles. "Yeah I know. I remember when I first met you."

"Yep, you were so adorable as a baby."

Fox takes off his helmet. "Am I still adorable to ya?"

Melody laughs. "I think the ugly phase of life has taken affect."

Fox gives her a noogie. "Look who's talking."

"At least I'm not as ugly as you." Melody slips out of Fox's grip and pushes him off her bed.

"Oh you'll pay for that brat."

"Ah!" Melody runs out of the room with Fox right behind her. Melody giggles when he ran into a wall a few times, she loves these moments of playful bickering with her and her brothers. It chases away the troubles of war for a short time to de-stress and enjoy life. She rounds a corner and stops to take a breather, once her breathing returns to its normal pace she looks down the hall to see if Fox is around. The hall is deserted, Melody turns to go back to her quarters but shrieks when she's tackled to the ground.


Melody laughs as she's pulled up. "Yup you got me."

"Yeah and now I'm gonna give you a spanking."

"AH! Nonononono!" Fox lays her over his knee and starts giving her firm spanks on the bottom. "Ouch! Fox quit it!" Fox finally lets Melody roll off his knee and stand up.

"That's for calling me ugly and pushing me."

"You are so mean!" Melody rubs her sore back side.

"That's what you get for messing with a brother." Fox gives her another noogie. "I have to go check on the men. You wanna come along?"

"Nah, I think I'll go out and explore the city."

"Try not to blow anything up!" Fox calls after her.

"No promises!"

Fox shakes his head chuckling. Still the same old Melody, he thought.

Please review ^-^

Also I'm looking for role play buddies, so look at the list below. Go to my profile for more info and message if you're interested. :)