A/N: Hello! I know I've been doing a lot of Superman stories lately, but I absolutely love the Lois and CLark presented on the tv show! This is kind of a goofy endeavor at a story, randomly popped into my head what with all the buzz with the new movie being made/remade/rebooted? Anywhoosit.. let me know what you think! Btw, this takes place right after Lois and Clark start dating- before Dan Scardino comes along, and Lois doesn't know Clark is you-know-who... sorry if the timeline gets a little messy later on. :]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Superman- not the comics, the extensive amount of movies, the Lois and Clark tv show or the new movie that is about to be made. And Dean Cain is by far the cutest Clark Kent. Ever. ;)

The brief but blinding flash of light subsided to leave a very dazed Lois Lane and Clark Kent standing in the rain, in an unfamiliar area of the city.

Lois blinked. "Wh-what just happened?"

Clark shook his head as though to clear it. "I-I don't know, Lois."

A look of confusion spread itself across their features. "I mean," Lois began, "One moment Lex Luthor was right there in front of us, telling us Superman couldn't save us, and that we'd face a fate worse than death, live forever without Superman, and then he pointed that ray-gun-looking-thing at us, and now. . . what?"

Clark had no more answers than Lois did. "I honestly have no idea, Lois. Maybe we should walk around, try to get back to our apartments, or to the Planet. . . there's gotta be something or someone we can find around here."

She consented, walking forward as though in a daze, the rain pounding on their shoulders relentlessly. They didn't seem to be getting anywhere. Clark squinted into the distance, and after awhile decided to speak up. "Um, Lois? I'm not so sure we know where we're going." In fact, to Clark's senses, it appeared that they had only strayed further away from where they were supposed to be. He couldn't see the Planet anywhere. And with his vision, that was saying something.

She gazed piercingly into his eyes. "What? You don't think I know where I'm going? Kent, I know Metropolis better than the back of my hand. Why would you even suggest that I'm getting lost?"

"I-I just don't seem to recognize the surroundings, Lois."

She snorted. "I've lived here for a lot longer than you have, Smallville." But her tone was no longer as sharp. A pit began forming in her stomach. She didn't recognize anything either. It sure didn't feel like Metropolis. In fact, she couldn't spot out any of the landmarks she knew.

"Sorry, Lois. I was just wondering."

After a slight pause, Lois finally voiced her concerns. "No, I'm beginning to think you might just have a point, Smallville. I don't think we're even in Metropolis."

"How is that possible, Lois?" Though he had come to a similar conclusion a few moments ago.

"Well, weirder things would have happened to me, Clark."

At this he chuckled, despite the circumstances. Finally they broke down and went into a restaurant-

not a very nice looking place, the name of which was so obscured that Clark couldn't even make it out.

"Excuse me," Lois spoke to the man behind the counter. He ignored her for a little bit, only turning to focus his attention on her when she became petulant. "Excuse me? Hi. Listen, my friend and I kinda got lost, and we were wondering if you might be able to help us out, you know maybe with directions or a phonecall or something."

The kid glanced between the two of them. "Uh, how lost?"

"Very," Clark spoke up.

"Well, you're on Earth."

Lois rolled her eyes. "Well, yeah, we kind of figured that. And I could do with a little less attitude on your part."

"Whaddya expect, lady? This is New York. You're about twelve blocks away from Times Square, you should be able to find your way from there."

"WHAT?" Both Lois and Clark blurted simultaneously. Startled the kid gave them a quizzical look. "New York?" Lois added.

"Yeeaaaaahhhh," he dragged out. "Where did you think you were?"

Lois was gone before he could finish his sentence. Clark thanked him quickly before giving chase.

"Lois! Wait! Stop!"

She came to a halt right in front of him. "What, Clark? What do you want? What can you possibly do or say to try to fix anything- can you explain how we got from Metropolis to New York in the blink of an eye? Or, for that matter, how Luthor came across that sort of technology?"

"Lois, come on. Be reasonable, here. Let's just find a place to stay for the night, and maybe tomorrow we can get Superman to come and find us, fly us back to Metropolis and capture Lex Luthor. I would say to call for him now, but I'm kind of excited to be in New York. I've never been, you know."

She managed to roll her eyes despite the fact that she would have proposed a similar plan. "Fine. But I hope you're paying for dinner- and don't you dare take me back to that one restaurant. That kid just served to make my mood worse."

Luckily the rain had begun to lighten up, and with it did Lois's mood for the time being. Clark smiled as she led the way. They would have to "find a place for the night," he'd said to her. He fought a losing battle to hide his spreading grin.

Perhaps things would work out after all.
