Author's Note:

Yo yo yo! Wassup my peoples? I know some people might be mad that I'm starting another story when I haven't even finished GWT, but I had this really cool idea, and I started rolling with it, and it became this! Hope you all enjoy!


For some reason, FanFiction won't let me upload Chapter 10, so until it's fixed, all you fans will have to wait! I'm SOOOO sorry! Please be patient with me! I'll let you all know when it's back up, okay? Thank you!


I no own anything except my ideas and OC's…but if anyone wants to just give me the right, I wouldn't mind…just puttin' that out there…

Now that that's all done, let's get on with my new story! Itadakimasu!

Chapter One: …Don't you dare pinch me, even if I am dreaming!

What the heck? Where am I? And why is it so dark?

"N-nani? Sara-onee-chan…what's going on? Where are we?" came the muffled voice of my best friend, Joelle, who was clutching onto my arm.

"Imouto-chan…I…I…" I started out, looking at her wide-eyed.

She looked up, fear in her beautiful, ever-changing eyes, as she clutched my arm even tighter.

"W-what is it, onee-chan?" she stuttered out.

"Joelle…I can't feel my arm anymore, you'll have to let go." I dead-panned, making Joelle face-palm.

"I thought it was something important! You had me scared for nothing!" she huffed out, clearly annoyed at my indifference.

I was a calm person, you see. Joelle liked to overreact and I liked to be the straight-man. It got me laughs, which I liked, and it made Joelle and I closer, like real sisters. And there was only one person who could make me lose my cool…but that's not important right now…

Anyway, moving on to more pressing matters…

"Ne, ne, Joelle-chan…can you hear that? Sounds like…cheering and laughing…and…a rubber smacking sound?" I said, confusion clear in my voice. What the heck was that sound?

"Smacking sound…? What are- wait! I hear it too! Sounds like some people are playing basket ball!" she declared, smiling up at me.

I smiled back at her, now realizing where I'd heard that sound before. Basketball! Of course! How could I be so forgetful? Oh well, I'll blame it on the shock.

My eyes were adjusting to the dark, so I could now see my surroundings.

Joelle and I were sitting on the ground of a dark, dank alleyway. The walls were brick, while the floor below us was stone. Cold and hard, that's all there was to it. The buildings were high, and trees blocked out the sun, so we were covered in darkness. I thought there's be no way out, until Joelle suddenly jumped up and pointed to my right.

"Ne, ne! Sara-chan! Look! There's a light at the end of this…er…tunnel thing!" she yelled excitedly.

I chuckled quietly at her excitement, before pulling myself up off the ground to stand beside her.

"Then, let's go! Race ya!" I called after her, racing ahead.

Hey, hey. I may have said that I'm the calm one, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy acting like a little kid now and then…or a lot of the time…

"Not so fast!" yelled Joelle, as she started charging for me.

Now, there's a reason I ran ahead of her instead of starting a fair match. It's pretty simple. She would have zoomed by me at the speed of light and finished before I even got the chance to bat and eyelash. She was just that good.

Now as I saw her long blonde haired head bobbing as she rushed forward faster than the Roadrunner on speed, I contemplated how much time I had before she caught up and won.

My calculatoins: negative 3 seconds.

And just as I thought that, the wind swirled around me and a blur passed before I turned to look ahead, only to see her black outlined form waving at me from the end of the alley, the sun shining around her, making her look like an angel.

I smirked, admitting defeat, and casually jogged up to her, much to her annoyance.

As soon as I caught up to her, she was huffing, with her hands on her hips and her foot tapping like crazy.

"My, my. Impatient much?" I asked tauntingly.

She just grumbled something about "slow-pokes and smart-butts" while I contented myself with a superior smirk.

Joelle grabbed my arm in her small, slim fingers, and squeezed hard.

Seems my running trick to get her to relax didn't work as long as I'd hoped…

I smiled down at her confidently, trying to reassure her that everything would be fine. I didn't blame her for being scared though. I mean, seriously, one second we were running through the park by my house, and next I trip and fall, along with Joelle, and we're spiraling into oblivion, only to wake up in some dark alley! That's just insane! The only thing that would be even more insane is if we were to walk into an alternate dimension and wound up in my favorite anime Soul Eater…

No sooner than I thought that, Joelle and I burst through the alley and into the light…

And right in front of the shocked faces of Maka Albarn, Soul Eater Evans, Black Star, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, Professor Stein, Marie, Death Scythe…and…oh my Excalibur.

No, it wasn't actually Excalibur…no…it was…the one person who could make me lose my cool…

Death the Kid.

Author's Note:

So what did y'all think? I tried my best and I thought this would be so cool! TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK IN REVIEWS OR PM'S! PLEASE! Haha, well, I'm sorry this one was kinda short, but it'll get better, trust me! Well, sayonara for now!

Sincerely, Raven T. ^_^