AN: This will be a, hopefully, extremely long novel. By the time it's finished I believe it will be well over 500,000 words. This will be a fairly Naruto centric fic, but there will a very large amounts of Sasuke and Sakura, as they are this story's fictional Triumvirate.

As you can probably tell, Sasuke and Sakura will act much differently compared to their canon counterparts. That's all I'll give, since I don't want to ruin the story for you. But if you can guess some differences, well I won't hide it from you. Correctly guessing a spoiler will be your internet cookie.

Anyway, you'll find out what's so different about our three main characters is a bit. And so with much hoopla, but no further ado, here is 'The Team'.

Oh, yes, I Forgot will be put on hiatus until this story is finished, as I like this one better, and The Perfect Ninja will be put on permanent hiatus. I just really don't like that story. I think it's boring and I hate the premise. I'll leave it for a few days, so if anyone wants to adopt (which I doubt they will) contact me, and I'll have it arranged. Otherwise, it's going down in a week or so.


A genius they called me.

I don't know about that. I mean, I never thought of myself as too smart or too clever, just a big muscle head. But I suppose that's not what they meant when they said 'genius'. What they meant was I'm the first person to graduate younger than twelve in, well, twelve years. They asked why I said I wasn't a smart person. Then they proceeded to tell me I'm the first person to graduate with a perfect one hundred percent in twenty seven years. The last one to do it was the Yondaime Hokage, and they said I graduated at the same age as him, too. Ten years old and I'm already a ninja.

The reason I don't think I'm too smart is because I was the dead last of my class. I skipped all the time, and only showed up on the days I wanted to, or when I would actually be held back a year if I didn't show. I never studied, read or listened to the lectures, so every test I took was in the range of sixty to seventy.

So, for three years I stayed on the same monotonous routine, practicing my taijutsu, chakra control and what not for all that time (not like I had anything better to do!), and then just a few months after school started during my fourth year (I only turned ten nine days ago!), some kid asked about graduating early. The teacher, what's-his-face, replied that if a student could pass the final test, consisting of the academy three, which we hadn't gotten around to yet, a written exam and a taijutsu/tools exam, aforementioned student could graduate.

Now this perked my attention, as school was boring as hell, and if I could get out of here any sooner, the better. So after class I asked him about it, and he said there was no way I could graduate early, I hadn't even learned those three jutsu he mentioned yet. I asked him to teach me. He said he'd humor me, teach me one jutsu and that's it.

He asked me to stand back, and he showed me the seals for a technique, the Henge he called it, performed it, and turned into a perfect copy of me. He then told me to transform into him.

So I did.

As he was standing there bug-eyed, I asked him what the problem was. He quickly schooled his facial features, and told me he changed his mind, he was going to teach me one more technique, and I could get this down just as quickly, he'd teach me the last one.

So he showed me the seals for a jutsu called the Bunshin, and told me it was a jutsu that used a very small amount of chakra. If he hadn't of told me this, I was pretty sure it would taken two tries to get it down, as I somehow had the biggest pile of chakra I've ever heard of in a ten year old. But, thankfully, he did tell me, so it was a cinch.

I thought he was about to faint as he wordlessly showed me the seals for the next jutsu, then performed it himself. I'd actually heard of this one, so his silence didn't hinder my knowledge any. It was the Kawarimi.

My teacher said nothing; he simply motioned for me to go. I replaced myself with a desk.

He fell over unconscious.

After I'd revived the little pansy, he told me I had one week to prepare myself for the test. I didn't have go to school during that time, simply practice and study. He told me the test would cover everything in the book I had and the other two books he gave me.

So I trained for one week. After reading the three books cover to cover around twenty times or so, I decided to practice those ninjutsu. Soon, after an hour or two, I was able to use the jutsus to a maximum efficiency. They were only E-ranks, not too much of an accomplishment. So I just did more chakra control and taijutsu practice, with a bit of review, for the next six days.

The day of the test arrived, and simply put, I aced it, as I've stated before. The proctors were dumbfounded, yadda yadda, whatever!

I asked them when I would be placed on a team. They were dumbfounded, not only because I had skated through the exam like a pro, but also because two others had done it on the same day I did. They quickly talked to the Hokage, and they said I would be placed on a team right now. My teammates were Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura. My team leader would be some dude named Hatake Kakashi. Seriously, what kind of asshole names his son scarecrow? I suppose I should be asking myself the same question though, my name isn't exactly the epitome of class.

I'd actually never met any other guys before. Sure, I'd heard of the Uchiha, after that little coup they had, everyone had, but no Sasuke, only Itachi and that dipshit Fugaku. I've never heard of a Haruno, especially not a Sakura. And this jounin I had on my hands was either so under the radar it wasn't even funny, or I was just landed with some pathetic weirdo. I had a gut feeling, however, it was neither. So, against my better judgment I went...

To the Library...!

Okay, that was kind of dumb, but so what? It was funny right? Right! I swear to god I hear somebody whisper 'wrong...', but I went to the library anyway.

I figure out that I'm actually partnered up with a legendary S-ranked jounin, and the son of the asshole that started that little coup, and the brother of the saint that killed the motherfucker. Still no clue who that Haruno chick is, except for the oh so detailed fact that she has pink hair.

What the fuck!

So, here I am, walking down the street to the seventh training ground (Apparently there was some need to have the teams using training grounds matched to their name. Seriously though, whoever has training ground forty-four has to be a grade A bad ass), going to meet my teammates, for what I am sure is to be a happy, beautiful greeting.

Sarcasm aside, I hope I'm not too fucked, because getting out of school just to be paired up with a bunch of assholes is just waaaaaay too freaking much. Hah! See, I don't swear all the time, you bastard old man.

As I see them on a bridge to the training grounds, I realize the gods hated me. A little pansy with long pink hair, a freaky silver haired man with his stupid headband over his left eye, and some brooder with stupidly spiky hair. Fuck you, I'm not a hypocrite!

The brooder takes one look at my stupid face and sighs, and I realize I am definitely boned.

So here shall be my greeting to my beloved team: 'Hi, my name is Uzumaki Naruto, and I just got fucked over by Kami. How are you?'


As Naruto walked onto the bridge, Kakashi smiled. His mask crinkled slightly, and his eye turned into a U-shape. Naruto simply looked at the man like he was an idiot, walked three feet, and leaned against the bridge's railing.

Kakashi simply kept on smiling. He then walked into the middle of the bridge, clapped his hands together flamboyantly, and said, "Alright then! Since our last teammate has finally arrived, we'll start with basic team exercises."

His students seemed to perk up a little at this, Naruto standing up straighter, Sakura giving him her full attention, and Sasuke turned his head ever so slightly.

They waited.

For thirty incredibly awkward seconds, Kakashi simply stood facing toward the genin, his eye giving a soon to become infernal shape, his mask in the same position. Sasuke surprisingly broke first. He fully turned around, his eye twitching savagely, and stated,calmly, "And what, would these exercises be?"

Still keeping his eye in that U shape, he stated, far too cheerily, "I'm glad you asked!" Naruto thought he heard a vein pop, "Our first exercise will be..." He let the statement hang for a few seconds, and with perfect timing he added,


All three of the genin face faulted, the bridge shaking with the impact.

Kakashi still kept his face in the same expression.

As the mildly confused and a bit more than mildly irked genin rose, Kakashi said, "To spare you some trouble I'll go first."

Once again, his student's perked up, a little more wary this time, however. Seeing he had his student's attention, he continued, "My name is Hatake Kakashi. I like things, and I dislike other things. I have lots of hobbies. My dream for the future... you'd be too young to understand," He kept his face smiling during the entire deal.

After controlling his facial features, Naruto spoke up, "I'll guess go next then."

Kakashi finally stopped smiling that damn smile, so Naruto continued, "My name is Uzumaki Naruto. I like ramen and crossword puzzles. I dislike you and school," Kakashi seemed to glare at him, which in turn made Naruto all happy inside, "My hobbies are gardening and training, I suppose. I don't have any dreams for the future," Naruto's last statement made Kakashi raise an eyebrow.

"Oh, and why don't you have any dreams for the future?" he asked.

"You'd be too young to understand," Naruto replied. Kakashi eyes seemed to twitch at that.

"I suppose I'll go next," It was Sasuke that said this. Sakura seemed to get a little more interested at this, but not too much, "My name is Uchiha Sasuke. I like tomatoes and my older brother. I dislike missing ninja and my deceased clan," Now that was more than a little surprising, "My hobbies are training and taking walks. My dream for the future is to kill a man who is supposed to be long dead.

'Interesting...' Kakashi thought.

Sakura looked to be paying full attention. Naruto looked like he could care less.

Sakura was the last one to introduce herself, "I guess I'm last. My name is Haruno Sakura. I like dumplings and my parents. I dislike swearing and idiots," she seemed to get irritated as she overheard Naruto mumble 'Well I'm fucked'.

She glared at him and continued, "My hobbies are playing trivia games and learning new things. My dream for the future is to become a great kunoichi recognized for my ability in combat, not some support position."

Now that really surprised the rest of the team. Naruto and Sasuke were simply surprised that the girl wanted become a great kunoichi. Kakashi was more intrigued, as the goal seemed like a subtle jab at Tsunade, one of the legendary Sannin, known for her healing abilities. 'Do those two have some sort of history?' Kakashi thought.

"Quite a lofty goal. How are you going to accomplish it?" Kakashi asked.

Sakura answered, "How do you think?"

Kakashi seemed to wait for her to finish, but she simply stayed quiet, and refused to elaborate. Looking at her for a few seconds, he turned away from his students, pensive.

'It's a little tough to judge their personalities. Sasuke's the easiest to read, a little surprisingly. He is a bit of a loner, but doesn't seem to actively turn from human relations. I wonder who it is he wants to kill...

'Naruto seems be a bit sarcastic in his manner, but I doubt that is all there is to him. He was obviously lying about his dream for the future. Why would he be so protective?

'Sakura is the most guarded of the three. That dream of hers is quite confusing. It would probably be a bad idea to simply have her be the genjutsu specialist of the team. Perhaps some taijutsu to help build her stamina. Of course, they have to pass the test first...'

After a few seconds of pondering, Kakashi turned around, smile back on his face, and said, "Well then, since that's all over, let's start the next exercise! I trust you all have your equipment?" At their nods, he started walking to the training ground, stating, "Then follow me."

He walked over to three wooden poles that were on the edge of the field. He then turned around to face his students and pulled out two bells.

He then said, "The next exercise will be survival training. You will-" He stopped to see Sakura raising her hand. He gestured for her to speak her piece.

She said, "Well, I'm not sure about these two, but I've already had survival training," She seemed to be slightly confused about the situation.

He continued, with a mild chuckle, "Let's just say this will be different than your average survival training."

It was Naruto that spoke up this time, with a suspicious squint, "Oh? How so?"

Kakashi replied, "Well, let me explain the rules of the test. Your job is to secure one of the two bells I have in my hand here," He then proceeded to attach the bells to his belt and continued, "Other than that, there are no rules. I will say one thing, however. If you do not come at me with the intent to kill, there will be no way you're going to get one of these bells," seeing Sakura's concern, he continued, "Don't worry about actually killing me though. Something like that would simply be impossible for you guys," Kakashi's smile seemed to widen even more as the two boys looked like they took that as a personal challenge.

He then took out an alarm clock, and set it. He then told the genin, "You have 'till twelve to accomplish this. Whoever has a bell will pass," All three genin narrowed their eyes at this, "Oh, and one last bit of information. If you do fail the test, you'll be sent back to the academy for another year!" He waited a second for it to sink in.

Then all hell broke loose.

A big eruption of sound, ranging from "You can't do this!" to "What the hell?" and something that sounded suspiciously like, "Shit, more school?"

Raised his voice ever so slightly, and forcefully said, "Enough," It wasn't particularly a yell, but it had the same amount of force.

"Time starts," He hit the button.


He honestly expected all of them to hide, or maybe one of them to jump away then attack. However what he really didn't expect was for one of them to attack him right off the bat. Right as the other two jumped away, Naruto came right at him with a straight punch heading directly for his face. He blocked the strike, slightly surprised at how much force a ten year old could pack. Naruto then surprised Kakashi by flipping over and bringing down his foot in an ax kick toward Kakashi's head. Kakashi was able to spin out of the way, and used his momentum to strike at Naruto with a backhand. Kakashi widened his eyes as he forgot to hold back his strength and speed, but it seemed like Naruto was able to block the strike, although the force of the blow sent him barreling into the river.

Once again, Naruto surprised Kakashi, in a very big way. Instead of plowing into the river like Kakashi expected, he slid into the water, coming to a stop on top. Naruto then proceeded to make a handseal, shaking Kakashi out of his reverie. He saw two regular bunshin come into existence right beside Naruto.

Kakashi snorted slightly. 'Bunshin? All you have to do is check for the footsteps. Heck, his bunshin are so bad they don't even have a shadow!'

Now, Kakashi is an elite ninja. However, this was a fresh out of the academy, green as grass, ten year old genin. He thought by not taking out his book he was overestimating him. For the most part, it should have been perfectly acceptable for Kakashi to think that. Right now, he had limited his senses and skills to about a mid chuunin level. That would be more than enough to defeat a fresh genin one on one. Once again, Kakashi was completely correct in assuming that Naruto is not chuunin level. However, what he didn't take into account was a strategy that actually incorporated subterfuge. He also forgot, if for the slightest of seconds, that this child had graduated from the academy with a perfect one hundred percent. His bunshin would have to be perfect.

Naruto charged at Kakashi, sending his bunshin first. He easily dismissed the clones, simply letting their fists pass through him, dispelling the clones automatically. He was a little surprised, however, when he made the clearing fill with bunshin. That made them a little harder to detect. He also noticed that there were more than one sets of foot prints. This made him think that Naruto somehow had some type of physical clone, but he soon deduced the ruse. He saw all the Naruto's making motions with their mouths. Naruto was mimicking the sound of footsteps with his voice, and then throwing his voice as well, in several different spots as well.

Kakashi smiled a bit as he regarded the situation. The kid might not have any other techniques than the academy three, but he certainly knew how to use them. The kid was pretty smart, too. However, it was going to take more than that to defeat him. Kakashi thought it was time for an elemental jutsu, and fired off a technique in a direction that had the lowest probability of Naruto being there.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu," Kakashi said, blowing a fairly small fireball directly in front of him.

Even though it was a C-rank jutsu, he toned it down to make it about a D-rank, but gave it enough range to clear out more than half of the bunshin. He then used a very simple E-ranked wind jutsu to clear out the rest, but a few of the bunshin had jumped out of the way, and were able to avoid being dispelled.

There were about six bunshin left, and all of them were making footstep sounds. Kakashi was slightly impressed, being able to manipulate one's own voice like that, but was also slightly disappointed. Even with the footstep sounds, they still had no shadows.

Kakashi heard one of the footsteps behind him, and turned his head ever so slightly to get a glimpse.

He widened his eyes. This bunshin had a shadow! 'Shit he can make elemental clones? Damn, it almost got me- oh! Very clever, Naruto. Making it seem like all these bunshin didn't have a shadow, so that one would come behind with a shadow, making me think it was a real clone. Then, once I overextended from my strike slipping through the bunshin, he would rush in and grab the bells. A pretty good strategy, but not enough,' He simply turned around and began to advance on Naruto.


He widened his eyes as he heard the sound, and looked at his left side. The bells were gone! He looked back at Naruto, and saw the kids smirk. He suddenly realized what Naruto's real plan was, and he had played right into his hand.

"I see... You wanted me to think that it wasn't a real bunshin didn't you? But when did you create it? I was pretty sure that there was no Tsuchi Bunshin that sprung up," Kakashi asked, genuinely confused.

"It was when I made those first regular bunshin," Naruto replied, "Mizu Bunshin is the only other ninjutsu that I actually know how to do, so I mastered it to the point that I was able to use it with only one handseal, even when using a different technique at the same time. I created it under the bridge where you couldn't see it, then had it sneak around. Pretty good strategy, huh?" He seemed a little too proud of himself, and had quite a big grin plastered on his face, but he would probably wipe that off in a few seconds.

He decided to apply the final test, "Well, Naruto looks like you passed. But you have both of my bells. Who's going to get the other bell?" This is where he would probably fail, be sent back to the academy, and then pass next year. Actually, the kid had some pretty good potential. He might take him on as an apprentice or something, hammering into him the point of this lesson all the while

The other two genin hopefuls decided to make their appearance. They both stood in front of Naruto, expressions unreadable. Naruto looked extremely conflicted. He started pacing back and forth, arguing with himself, saying under his breath something that Kakashi interpreted as "God damn it, I don't want to go back to school though.". Kakashi's eyes widened. Did he find out the purpose of the test?

Naruto finally stopped pacing, sighed, and walked forward in front of his two teammates. Turning his body sideways, he surprised both of the genin by tossing both bells in their respective directions. He then started walking away without a word.

'Looks like he didn't actually find out the purpose of the test, but he passed anyway. Looks like I finally have to take a genin team...'

Sakura seemed affronted, "But Naruto, you were the one who got the bells! You should be the one who graduates."

To that, Naruto snorted, and without turning around or stopping, replied, "Whatever. You guys need the charity. I mean, what did you get on the test, 99's? What a bunch of losers..."

Sakura, looked slightly offended at this, but after a second, realized what Naruto meant, and smiled. She then glared at Kakashi and said, "If being on a team with the great Hatake Kakashi," Looks like she did her homework, "means I have to throw out a cool guy like that, then no thank you!" She then threw her bell on the ground, very harshly, and ground it into the dirt angrily, and ran out of the clearing.

Kakashi looked at Sasuke, expectantly. Sasuke then tch'd, and said, "What's a team of one worth?" and tossed his bell at Kakashi. He was gone a second later.

Kakashi waited for a few seconds to pass, and then smiled his first genuine smile today.

"Flawless victory guys. Absolutely flawless," he then shunshin'd out of the clearing to report to the Hokage.


Naruto was walking down the road, counting the money in his wallet, making sure he had enough to buy some groceries. He looked down at himself and saw his baggy black and blue jumpsuit and saw several tears. He grimaced as he thought of the extra dent that would bring to replace it. He liked that suit...


He widened his eyes and turned around to the source of the voice. He heard Sakura running towards him, and he raised his eyebrow.

"Sakura, what are you doing here? Don't you have the rest of that exercise to do with Kakashi?" Naruto asked.

"Nah, I figured that if a ninja that could get the bells from a jounin didn't pass, then I just don't deserve to be a ninja. The guy was an ass anyway," she explained.

Naruto looked amused as he pointed something out, "I thought you hated swearing?"

She looked embarrassed as she shouted, "Shut up!" she then flushed again as some people looked at her strangely, then continued, "I only use them when other, more eloquent, words just don't fit the bill."

"Well damn, looks like we'll get along fine. So why- ouch!" he looked up in anger at being hit in the head.

"What was that for!" he asked, obviously angry.

"That wasn't one of those situations," Sakura replied. Naruto seemed to widen his eyes, smiled, and then laughed.

"Wow. We really are going to get along well. I understand getting a little angry over what happened, but what did you chase me down for?" Naruto asked.

Sakura replied without missing a beat, "I thought that, since we're the same age, we could get transferred into classes together, and then graduate together at the end of the year. If I could get a strong ninja on my team, I'd have a better chance to actually grow strong before I die," seeing a bit of offense in his eyes, she hastily added, "Don't get me wrong though, I think it would be pretty cool being on a team with you even if you weren't tough."

Naruto scoffed. He then said, "I'm not really that strong. He just underestimated me, and I was smart enough to take advantage of that. Twenty nine times out of thirty he would have annihilated me, even if he was holding back like he did," Sakura looked a little confused at his last statement.

"He was holding back? How could you tell?" she asked.

He looked at her like she was a bit of an idiot, and said, "You serious? He's an S-class jounin. The second I ran out there he could have annihilated every bunshin I had and killed me in an instant. The only way I could beat him is if he was sleeping, had earplugs, and was heavily drugged. And I would still need the luck of the Gods to even close to the guy."

She seemed to accept this as an answer, and then changed the subject, "So how about my offer? Want to go for the same team?"

"Well, if he wants to, I'm in."

Naruto and Sakura looked up and to the left, and saw Sasuke looking down at them with a smirk.

"Are you now? Well, it looks like I'm outvoted. I guess we'll go for a team. Want to go get a bite why we work out the details?" Naruto asked.

He was heralded with a chorus of "Sure".


Kakashi arrived right outside the Conference Room where there were some other jounin dealing with the late grads. Those who had failed on their last test usually graduated right after the end of the first quarter of the next year. He had made record time. He was only thirty minutes late.

He contemplated waiting an hour or so outside the door with his chakra signature completely unsuppressed, but decided no one could handle that amount of awesome. He walked in the door, slightly surprising those who thought he wouldn't be there for another hour or so. He said to the Hokage, "Hatake Kakashi here to report on the fate of Team 7."

The Hokage, who had been looking over some papers, looked up. He said, "Ah yes. That's Naruto's team isn't it? Continue please,"

Kakashi cleared his throat, and said, "Well, Team 7 passes," More than a few intakes of breathe there, "The only one I was able to evaluate in combat was Naruto. His taijutsu is very well developed for a genin. I saw only two jutsu from him, but he executed them with an extremely high mastery," this surprised more than a few people.

"While his overall ninjutsu may only be genin level, his mastery of the two jutsus is of at least a chuunin level, being able to use both simultaneously, and with one seal. I wouldn't place the mastery higher, as they are fairly simple techniques. I didn't particularly see any genjutsu use, but I suppose he didn't need any, as he got the bells by himself, albeit I was holding back, but I was at approximately chuunin level," Now this surprised everyone even the Hokage.

He continued, "He was able to outwit me. He seems to have an extremely high level of intelligence, and is also extremely perceptive, and proved to be quite a strategist as well. I'll have to give him an I.Q. test later to appropriately gauge his potential. He also has extremely high chakra reserves as well. I wasn't able to see either Sakura or Sasuke in battle, but they showed an appropriate amount of teamwork in their own way, so I passed the team."

The Hokage looked to be going over some paperwork, and then signed a document. He then said, "Alright, Kakashi, you're free to go."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama."


"Alright, so, after we get transferred to Sasuke's class, because it has the most seats open, Sakura will go for the best kunoichi, Sasuke will go for the best shinobi, and I'll go for dead last? Sounds like I got the easy job... so I like it!" Naruto said after hearing Sakura and Sasuke's plan for the academy.

Sasuke smirked, "Glad you do."

After finishing up his ramen, Naruto leaned back and sighed, "Well, I'm stuffed. I'll see you later guys, I gotta go buy some groceries, and replace my suit."

"See ya' later, Naruto," they said in unison.

"Hey, hey, where are you going so soon?"

The three ex-genin looked over at their former silver haired sensei that had just entered the stand, Sakura with a bit of glare.

Sasuke was the first to speak, "Can we help you?" He seemed to be more than a little annoyed, if his forced cordial tone was anything to go by.

"Why, yes. Yes you can. Follow me back to the training grounds, and I'll explain," Kakashi replied, eye-smiling all the while.

Sakura looked at him in slight annoyance and anger. Mostly anger.

"And why would we do that?" she asked.

"Because, believe me, you'll like what I have in store for you."


As the quartet arrived at the field, Naruto spoke up, "So what is it that we're going to like so much?"

Kakashi replied with a knowing smile, "You'll see."

He walked them over to the three poles that the genin had gathered around when he had started the test a few hours ago. He then sat down right in front of the middle wooden pole and motioned for them to sit down.

He then sighed, and started, "You know, I was going to have whoever did the worst on this test tied up to one of these poles and then have eaten lunch in front of whoever it was. After that, I would give the two who did better than the one tied up one bento each, told you not give the detainee any, and left, hiding my presence, and keeping watch behind a tree.

"Do you know why?" he asked.

"Because you're a sadistic asshole?" Naruto offered. His face was studying the ground not a moment later, courtesy of Sakura.

Kakashi chuckled, "Close, but not quite. I wanted to see if one of you would disobey my rules, and give the one who was tied up some food."

They all looked fairly confused, but Naruto seemed to finally start to get the picture.

"But, why would we disobey a superior? It's against the rules. Insubordination," It was Sakura who supplied the somewhat cookie cutter response.

Kakashi looked at her for a second, completely serious, then looked at all three of the ex-genin, and said, "Because of a phrase I heard. They were some the wisest words any ninja had ever spoken. I suppose you've never heard them before, so I'll spare you the question. They were, 'Sure, any ninja who disobeys the rules are trash. But any ninja who abandons his teammates is even worse than trash'. The whole point of this exercise, the entire concept, is teamwork," Comprehension seemed to dawn on Naruto's face, though the others were still at a little of a loss towards where this was going, "You guys think you failed the test, throwing down your chance at passing for a person you just met, because you felt it was the right thing to do."

"But what you guys really did, was pass with flying colors," he finished. Sakura and Sasuke widened their eyes, Naruto just looked reaffirmed.

"Congratulations, you are now Team 7," Kakashi said, his statement causing Sakura to yell in pure joy, Sasuke to smile and laugh a little, and Naruto just to smile at the situation.


Not too much to say here. I hope you like it, and I hope that my decision to focus on this story is a good one.

Here's the jutsu list:

Henge- Transformation Technique

Bunshin- Clone Technique

Kawarimi- Body Replacement Technique

Katon: Gōkakyū Jutsu- Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique

Doton: Tsuchi Bunshin- Earth Style: Earth Clone Technique

Suiton: Mizu Bunshin- Water Style: Water Clone Technique

Shunshin- Body Flicker