Thanks for all the lovely reviews. They make my day
Ruth woke up feeling incredibly happy when she realised her head was resting on Harry's chest and his arm was around her waist. She kissed his chest lightly, intending to drift off to sleep again when Harry rolled over her.
"Good morning," he murmured kissing her lips softly in the morning light.
"Mm," Ruth replied, pulling the duvet closer to her and closing her eyes. She smiled when she felt Harry's hand brushing her hair out of her face. "Let me sleep," she said quietly.
"It's eight a.m." Harry said. "We should be getting to Thames House soon."
"Well, it isn't my fault I'm so exhausted after last night," Ruth replied with a small smile. Harry didn't reply and tightened his arms around her waist. Ruth turned to face him and kissed him slowly and passionately, enjoying the feeling of their bare skin touching softly under the duvet.
"If you're trying to persuade me to get up you're going about it in entirely the wrong way," she said resting a hand on his chest and feeling his steady heartbeat pounding reassuringly underneath her fingertips.
"Okay," Harry said moving away from her. "You can stay in bed as long as you like but I have to get to work. They will notice if I'm not there. I am the boss after all."
"No, no, no," Ruth said grabbing his arm so he couldn't leave her. "I've been waiting forever for this and now you're just leaving?"
"Forever?" he questioned leaning closer to her, causing her to blush.
"Yes," she agreed as he kissed her again firmly.
"I am going to Thames House," he said. "But I mean it when I said you could stay here. As long as you like."
"Okay," Ruth said, knowing when she was beaten, curling up in bed as Harry began to get dressed. Just before leaving he leant over her and kissed her briefly on the lips.
"No, not yet," Ruth murmured as he drew away from her. Harry smiled and kissed her again, longer this time. "Go save some lives," she muttered as she collapsed back into bed in a haze of sleep. Harry stayed long enough for her sleeping figure to make him smile once more then left his house, leaving his heart behind him.
Hope you enjoyed the fluff! A last review would make my day. xxx