Hey guys, it's been awhile since I've written anything that not Beyblade. ^-^ I had this idea, and it just seemed to fit really well with Yu Yu Hakusho. Now, as most of my stories end up being, it's AU and also a GenderBender (so can be considered Yaoi). I just couldn't help it. If you don't like either of them, then you can just hit the back button.

Also, this is a YomixKurama story, which is a first for me by the way. I have only read a hand full of these stories, and most have been on the abusive side if I remember right.

Title: Meetings at the Park

Summery: Kurama, a single mother. Yomi, a father with limited visitation rights. A chance meeting. GenderBender. AU. YomixFemKurama. 1st time trying this pairing. YusxKei, KuwaxYuk, HixMu.

Rating: T and will most likely stay as such. (Rated such for bad language in future chapters, thanks to Yusuke.)

Warning: Modern AU. Gender Bender. Het. Yaoi (if you want to consider it that – the yaoi pairing is the gender bender pairing). Original Character's (OC). May also be Out Of Characters (OOC).

Pairing: YomixFemKurama, KuwabaraxYukina, YusukexKeiko, HieixMukuro.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Yu Yu Hakusho gang, but I do own all of the OC's. (so please don't steal!).

OC's: Yuriko, Tori, Nyoko, Akeno, Maemi, Kei, Tamae, Machiko, and Teiljo. Yuriko (and sorta Tamae) is the only one in this chapter, the rest are really just mentions.

Beta: Rei-chan. Watch her shine. Thanks sweetheart!

Take One

The first time she saw the tall black haired man, she thought nothing of it. There was nothing weird for a young man to be at the park. Then the second, then a third, and on it went. It wasn't till the seventh time, now three and a half months after she had first seen him, that she started to wonder about him. None of the other parents seemed to pay him any mind, ignoring him and the bench he sat on. He just sat there, every other Friday, just sitting and watching. He would then get a call and leave, never once did he have a child with him though.

She wasn't sure what made her decided to talk to him exactly. It may have been to find out why he was there, it may have been to scare him off, or it may have just been that his blue (1) eyes looked sad. She sent Yuriko off to play, then sat down on the bench next to him. He glanced at her, then gave a small smile. "You're new here huh?" he asked.

She glanceed over at him, then nodded. "How did you know?"

"You've only been coming here for the last four months or so. I was wondering when you would come talk to me." He talked calm, not looking straight at her.

"That's right." She nodded, looking over at Yuriko. She was playing in the sand with a couple of other children.

"Your hair makes you hard to miss." He mentioned offhanded, giving it as his only excuse. She nodded, her bright red hair was noticeable anywhere she went. "I'm not a pedophile."

"Is that so?" She turned back to look at him, green eyes meeting blue.

"I don't come here to watch the children. I just have nothing else to do while I wait."

"Really? And what may you be waiting on?"

"My son." He looked over at the parking lot.

"Visitation?" She asked.

"Hm. I get him every other weekend. She doesn't like to come up to my place, so I pick him up here." He sighed. "She's never on time though and I'm always early. Don't want her to come and go."

She nodded. He sounded honest, but he could be lying none the less. She decided to watch what happened when he left later, after that phone call he always got.

"Mommy!" She turned, looking over at Yuriko. "Shing."

"Okay sweetie." She got up. "Goodbye." She walked over to her daughter, picking the three year old up. She took Yuriko over to the toddler swings, placing her daughter in one.

Fifteen minutes later, when she looked over, the black haired man was gone from the bench. He was standing in the parking lot, talking to a women who's hair was died blond. In his arms was a young boy that looked exactly like him. He had been telling the truth it would seem.

Two weeks later, he was once again sitting on the bench, watching the children play. She sent Yuriko off to play with some other children, then approached him. "May I sit here?"

He glanced up at her, surprise in his eyes. "Of course."

"He looks like you." She sat down next to him. "Your son."

"Shura." He supplied.

"Shura." She repeated. "That's a nice name. Did she pick it?"

"I did." He looked out at the park. "Maemi, his mom, died in birth with him."

"Then, who?"

"My sister-in-law." He sighed. "Kei, my mother-in-law, has custody of him. She was just dropping him off for her. Maemi's parents did not approve of us, so when she died, Kei took me to court and got custody of Shura."

"I'm sorry."

"At the time, it was best for him." His eyes looked over the playground, stopping on Yuriko. "She's yours?"

"Yea. Her father's hair color is black as well." She smiled fondly. The three year old did have her father's hair color, but her eyes were green.

"She looks like you." He committed.

She looked over at him, then smiled. "Yuriko looks more like her father. She's small like him."

"Hm. She may be small, but her features are like yours."

"I'm Kurama, by the way."

"Yomi." She took his out stretched hand. His phone rang. "Excuse me." He answered his phone. "Hello. Tamae? Yes. I'll be right there." He hung up. "I've got to go."

She nodded, standing. "Goodbye." She headed over to Yuriko, kneeling in the sand next to the little girl.

Yomi looked down into green eyes, surprised by the tug on his pants leg.

"Who you?"

"I'm Yomi." He smiled at the little girl, then looked up at Kurama. Kurama was sitting next to him on the bench, the two of them had been talking since he had arrived. She smiled sheepishly, then shrugged. "Who are you?"

"Yuri." She told him.

"It's nice to meet you Yuri."

Yuriko turned, pointing at her mom. "Mommy." She told him.

"Ah. Is that her name?" he asked.

"Yep!" She grinned. "You play?"

"Maybe later, sweetie. Mommy is talking with Yomi right now."

"Kay." Yuriko tried to pull herself up between them on the bench. Kurama reach down, lifting her up between them. "Me wait."

"Is that so?" Kurama smiled. "Yomi has to leave soon."

"Play." She crossed her arms, pouting.

"I'm sure that Shura wouldn't mind playing for a little while after he gets here." Yomi glanced down at the little girl.

"You don't have to do that." Kurama smiled at him, then looked up, catching a –now familiar- car drive into the parking lot. "That's you."

Yomi turned, nodding. He got up.

"HEY!" Yuriko was now standing on the bench. "Play."

"Yuriko!" Kurama turned her daughter around towards her. Yomi nodded to Kurama, then walked over to the parking lot. "That is not how you get someone to play with you. You need to use your manners, young lady."

"Tay. Sowwy."

"I thought we were going to your place dad."

"You don't want to play?" Yomi asked his son. Kurama looked up, watching as Yomi and his son make their way over. Shura really was the spitting image of his father.

"At the park?"

Yuriko slipped off the bench, going over to them. "Play now?"

"Yuriko." Kurama sighed. Yuriko was always a little more demanding when she came back from her Uncle Yusuke and Aunt Keiko's home. It had to come from being around Akeno and fighting for Yusuke's and Keiko's attention.

Shura looked surprised. "Who are you?"

"Yuri." She told him. "You play?" She changed her attention from Yomi to Shura.

"Dad?" Shura turned blue eyes to his father.

"This is my friend Kurama and her daughter Yuriko." Yomi explained to his son.

"You play?" Yuriko asked again.

Shura shifted from one foot to the other, looking the little girl over. He glanced at his father, who nodded at him. "Ya hm. I play."

"Yay!" She laughed, dragging him off to the sand box.

"How old is Shura?"

"He's five next month. He's already in Kindergarten, hard to believe some times." Yomi sat down next to Kurama, smiling at the sight of the two kids playing. "Yuriko?"

"She just turned three." Kurama leaned back. "He won't hurt her, will he?"

"I don't think so, but I don't know if he's ever been around anyone younger then him."

"He doesn't have any cousins?"

"Tamae has two kids, Machiko's 8 and Teiljo's 6." Yomi's eyes never left the children. "I'm an only child."

"So am I, though I do now have a fifteen year old step brother. Yuriko does have two biological cousins through her father. But if I had to list her cousins, I'd list three."

"How does that work?" He asked.

"It's a little complicated." Kurama sighed. She didn't usually tell people about Yuriko's father, but Yomi had explained his situation with Shura. She felt that she could trust him. "Yuriko is from a drunken one night stand with my best friend since elementary school. Hiei, at the time, was engaged to the woman he is now married to (2)."

"They still got married?"

"Yes. The two were not together at the time, they had broken up two weeks earlier. They got back together the next week. The engagement was never officially broken off."

"They love each other than."

"They do. I put Hiei's name on Yuriko's birth certificate, but I don't take child support from him. I don't think I should have to. He sees her, whenever he's around. He lives out of the country. Yuriko knows him as 'Uncle Hiei', we both thought that was for the best." She sighed. "Hiei's got a sister that I'm close to. His sister, Yukina, has twin girls. Tori and Nyoko are a year older than Yuriko. I also have a set of close friends, Yusuke and Keiko, that I have known since junior high school, and who Yuriko knows as her aunt and uncle. I consider their son, Akeno, my nephew, so that would make him Yuriko's cousin. So, three total."

"Makes sense." Yomi stood, stretching. "What are you and Yuriko doing after this?"

"Heading home."

"Would you like to join Shura and me for ice cream?" He smiled. "My treat."

"Are you sure?"


"I would be delighted."

Well…I think I'll end Take One there (Word (story only): 1,552). It will let me know what you all think of this story so far. Should I continue with the idea or is it just a wash up? Review for me please.

Notes and name meaning are on down.

(1) I know that Shura's eyes are purple and so Yomi's must be as well. Since this is AU, and eyes can't really be Purple, I went with blue. Sound good?

(2) I love Hiei, in fact my favorite pairing from Yu Yu Hakusho is HieixKurama. I just need someone to be Yuriko's father, and I couldn't think of anyone else that Kurama may have a one night stand with. Hiei just fit the bill.

Names (OC):

Yuriko (Kurama and Hiei's Daughter) – Lily Child

Akeno (Yusuke and Keiko's Son) – In the Morning, Bright Shinning Field, Beautiful Sunrise.

Tori (Yukina and Kuwabara's Daughter, Nyoko's twin) – Bird

Nyoko (Yukina and Kuwabara's Daughter, Tori's twin) - Gem

Kei (Shura's Grandma) – Rapture/Reverence

Maemi (Shura's Mother) – Smile of Truth

Tamae (Shura's Aunt) – Ball/Bell

Machiko (Shura's Cousin, Tamae's Daughter) – Fortunate Child.

Teiljo (Shura's Cousin, Tamae's Son) – Established/Regulated