Sorry, it's been almost three months since I last updated this story and I didn't think it was that long.
March 17th, 2018
Rosabella walked around the empty squad room bored out of her mind.
Tony had picked her up from school like he always does and as he started to pull out of the school parking lot his phone rang. He had handed it to Rosabella to answer.
"Hi Mommy," Rosabella answered.
"Where's your father?" Ziva questioned.
"Driving," Rosabella responded.
"Tell him to drop you off at NCIS and come home. The baby's coming."
"Really?" Rosabella asked excitedly.
"Rosabella, tell your father."
Rosabella looked at her father. "Mommy says to drop me off at NCIS and go get her because the baby is coming."
End Flashback
That was five hours ago. Rosabella had finished all of her homework and was very bored. Gibbs had told her to stay in the squad room, but she was just so bored.
She glanced around the empty quad room before heading to the stairs and going up them and walking toward Jenny's office.
"Hi, Cynthia, is Jenny available?"
"Yes, she is." Cynthia told her.
"Thank you." Rosabella said and went over to the door and went into the room. "Hi, Jenny,"
"Hi, Rose, what can I do for you?" She said looking up from her papers.
"I'm bored downstairs. Everyone is gone. Gibbs told me to stay there, but I thought he wouldn't mind me being up here." She walked over to the chair in front of Jenny's desk and sat down.
"Do you want to play Scrabble? You'll probably beat me again, but I'll try to win." Jenny said putting her papers into a drawer and turning her chair around to get the Scrabble box.
"Just remember if you get the Q you can play Qi." Rosabella said taking the bag of letters as Jenny opened the board.
After a few games of Rosabella beating Jenny they had turned when the door was thrown open.
"One day you are going to break that door, Jethro." Jenny said as he shut the door behind him.
"Don't scare me like that again Rosabella."
"I'm sorry Grandpa. I was extremely bored and there was nobody downstairs to talk to and I knew Aunt Jenny was up here and I thought it would be okay because I was with her."
"Just tell me next time." He said as he walked over to them. "Do you want to go meet your brother?"
Rosabella smiled real big. "Yes!" She said excitedly and jumped up from her seat and went to the door and opened it waiting for Gibbs to follow her.
"Coming Jen?" Gibbs asked as he laughed at Rosabella.
Jenny stood up from her desk. "Absolutely."
They left Jenny's office and walked down the stairs and then went over to the elevator and waited for it to open.
Rosabella bounced on the spot where she was standing waiting.
"You know Abby acted the same way as you are right now when you were born." Gibbs stated.
When the whole team finally arrived at the hospital, Tony met them in the waiting area and took them back to Ziva's room.
Rosabella walked over to the bed and stood next it. "Hi, Mommy," She greeted.
"Hi, Rosie," Ziva said. "Meet your little brother. Caleb Matteo."
"He's so cute." Rosabella said touching his tiny hand.
Eight Years Later:
March 17th, 2027
"Caleb, come on. You're going to be late." Rosabella called from the front door. "I will leave without you if you don't hurry up."
Caleb walked into the front room. "I'm ready." He said as he slung his backpack over his shoulder. His dirty blonde hair was spiked; which took a lot of gel to get his extremely curly hair up. Just like Rosabella he had Tony's green eyes.
"Good," Rosabella said as she opened the front door and followed him out. They walked down the hallway to the elevator and waited for it to arrive.
"Rose, am I stupid?" Caleb asked as he looked up at her.
"Of course you aren't. Why would you think you were stupid?" Rosabella asked as they got on the elevator.
"Because I'm not in the same grade you were when you were eight." Caleb said as the elevator stopped on another floor to let people on.
"You are one grade lower than I was. That's not bad. You were still smart enough to skip grades." Rosabella said as they finally reached the main floor.
"I feel like I'm still not as smart as you were when you were my age." He continued as they walked outside to Rosabella's car.
"You need to stop comparing yourself to me, Caleb. You're not me and nobody is asking you to be me. Just be yourself and be happy. Nobody is angry that you aren't at the same level I was. They are all proud of you for being as smart as you are."
"Alright," Caleb said and looked out the window as they started driving. "Um, Rose, school is the other way." Caleb said.
"Oh, I didn't tell you? I thought I did." Rosabella said as she continued driving.
"Tell me what?" Caleb asked.
"We're going to New York for a long weekend. The whole family is up there. Mom and Dad left when they were supposed to leave for work. They wanted to surprise you."
"Is Great Grandma alright?" Caleb asked remembering his great grandfather's passing just a few months ago.
"She's fine. For 98, she is doing well. I have no doubts that she won't make it to a hundred like Great Grandpa did." Rosabella said as she got onto the highway.
"Great Grandpa just held on long enough to be a hundred." Caleb said. "Great Grandma has two more years until she's a hundred."
"Yea, we're just going to see her and the family. Make sure she's doing okay without having Great Grandpa around. I mean Aunt Francesca and Uncle Emilio at least live close still where they can keep her company, but Daniela thought it would be a good idea for us all to go up and surprise her."
"Wouldn't she wonder why we didn't go with Mom and Dad?" Caleb asked as he watched his surroundings.
"We're the ultimate surprise as Daniela likes to call it. Since Great Grandma sees us the least since we live the farthest away, they decided Mom and Dad would go and say that you had to go to school because it's very important and they left me to stay with you. Which I would be angry if somebody told me school was more important than family, so who knows how Great Grandma will react to that since she's full Italian."
After five hours of driving they finally arrived at the DiNozzo residence in Long Islad, New York. Rosabella got out of the car and quietly shut the door behind her. She went to the front of the car and waited for Caleb to get out.
They walked up the sidewalk and up the front steps and stood on the porch. Caleb rang the doorbell and they waited for somebody to answer the door. The door opened to reveal their 98 year old Great Grandmother.
Alessandra had a shocked look on her face. "Anthony, I am going to kill you for lying to me!" She said before hugging both Rosabella and Caleb.
The two laughed and entered the house after being released. The three of them walked into the living room where everybody was sitting.
"Rosabella! Caleb!" Rang out as the younger kids saw their cousins in the doorway and ran over to hug them.
Alessandra went over and slapped Tony's arm. "How many times have I told you not to lie to me?"
"We all wanted to surprise you with them. Caleb didn't even know he was coming until he got in the car this morning."
"Well, I appreciate you all coming. It does make me feel a whole lot better knowing you are all here."
After Rosabella and Caleb hugged everybody they all settled down again.
"You know, in July it will be exactly twenty years since I first brought Ziva here to meet you all."
"And to think you guys weren't even dating until you got to the family reunion." Caleb said.
"Caleb!" Tony and Ziva said at the same time.
"Anthony, you are just full of secrets aren't you?" Alessandra asked.
"Only a few," Tony said as he rotated the ring on Ziva's finger.
"Well, either way I still got two beautiful great grandchildren out of your little white lie." Alessandra smiled at Rosabella and Caleb.
Ziva played with Rosabella's long curly hair as she sat there listening to everybody's conversations. It was definitely a great choice to accept Tony's request twenty years ago and come here.
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and this story. I know it took me a while to update a lot of the chapters, but I am glad you guys still came back to read it when I did go on hiatus for those times. This was the sequel of my very first ever FanFiction and it's sad that it is over. If you haven't read any of my other stories you should go check them out. If you already have been reading my other stuff-great! I appreciate it. It does take me a while to update them as well, but it is because I am busy and I have limited free time. That's what happens when you get older. :/
Thanks again for taking this journey with me down Tiva Lane. LOL.