Hey guys. I'm really sorry for the really long wait. Life got in my way of translating and yeah ...

Here it is, though, I finally found enough time to finish this one up.

A huge credit goes to my beta reader foxchika. Check her stories out - they are amazing :D

Here we go, enjoy!

Hancock was a witch, but Nami didn't expect anything more. However, she was given some clothes, and she took them graciously. With them in hand, she walked into Luffy's room and changed.

He wasn't in there, but Nami knew he wanted to be on his own. Alone, just so that he could think. To gather an understanding of what was going on, what he was feeling… but she could understand him to a degree, since he was their captain, after all.

Nami sat down on the bed and watched the sun go down, entirely lost in thought.

As captain, he wasn't allowed to show weakness. He didn't allow it. To anyone, and certainly not to his crew –this she understood. He was what kept the balance equal; they looked up to him, expected his orders. They could hardly entrust him with their lives if he was just a bundle full of pity. He needed to be strong for them, which he was not right now, and that was why she understood why he wanted to be alone.

But on the other hand … he wasn't simply their captain. He was so much more and he needed her. And she needed him. And she wanted him. She wanted to feel him with her human hands. She had missed him so much. She wanted to hear his voice, wanted to talk to him. Even though she had heard his voice as a cat, it was a completely different thing now. Besides, she hadn't talked to him because she hadn't been able to, even though they did understand each other somehow. He did not understand everything, though, and it was not surprising. Moreover, she wanted to help him as the human she was. He was her friend that she needed to take care of right now. He wasn't just her captain now. They did not have a ship here, nor a crew, and Nami knew that he wasn't ready yet to be captain again. Not that he had set it aside, his title, but he just wasn't ready yet to carry that much responsibility upon himself, and even if outsiders thought otherwise, he had always carried so much responsibility. It would overwhelm him now. And that was why she needed to go to him as a friend and he needed to be helped. As a friend. Not more and not less. They were, after all, nakama.

Nami stood up, went to his cupboard and, oh, how wonderful, there was even a sweater in there, which she put on and went outside.

Nami wanted to find her friend so badly, she needed to explain herself; apologize. She was fine with everything. Really everything. Because he needed her. And he needed to know the truth. What had happened; why it had been that way. Why she hadn't told him anything. Why she had lied to him. Betrayed him. No matter, how you looked at it, it was wrong what she had done. She should make him know somehow. He found out who she was in the end. But the moment she saw him, she knew that she was powerless as Nami. She needed to be someone unknown to him to get to him. She hadn't thought she would have to go that far. She hadn't intended for it. Yet, she didn't regret it because it helped her understand him. She was just sorry that she had hurt him.

Stepping outside it started to rain. Nami stopped for a second. But her doubts left her in a second and she continued on her way to Luffy.

When did Luffy let himself be stopped by rain when his nakama were in trouble? Never. Exactly, so where did she get the right to doubt and fail him? Nowhere, which was exactly her point.

The orange head fought with scrubs and passed dark foliage. It was cold and wet but she was protected a little bit by the trees which were hovering above her, so she didn't get that wet, anyways. Her current fear was to meet a wild animal. She would not be able to defend herself because she was missing her clima-tact since she had been turned a cat. And she was, physically, just a woman dependent on a weapon. She didn't have any abilities –besides her stealing tactics, that is. In the end, all she could do was hope and pray she would not meet an animal here and to be fast enough to escape if she so happened to cross paths with such a beast. Or to be lucky enough and meet Luffy, who would save her.

Nami headed for the cliff, because Luffy had there been nearly every time before and she didn't know where else to look for him. So, if he wasn't there, she wouldn't know where to go. And it wasn't as though she wasn't willing to search the whole island if it had to be done, but she was afraid of not finding him anywhere. He would be running away from her, not letting her near him. And even if it wasn't typical for him to run away, he hadn't been normal the past few days either. Luffy wanted just to think, probably. To have time to cope. Just because of that he wouldn't avoid her, would he?

But when Nami entered the cliff's clearing, her fears lost their ground and she sighed, relieved.

"Luffy?" she spoke carefully.

He didn't move. He just sat in the rain with the back turned to her and simply didn't reply. Was he thinking? He didn't seem willing to talk to her.

She didn't care. Nami hadn't walked here just to be ignored by him. If he wanted to ignore her it was his decision. But she had no right to leave him alone now without saying a single word.

She sat down on the ground next to him, her knees pulled up to her chest. She crossed her arms over them, and silently –for a moment –she just watched the roaring waves and the thick, dark clouds that hovered above the island.

"It was wrong –I was wrong. And I'm sorry."

Still, no reaction from Luffy.

"But I'm not regretting it. I mean, how else could I have gotten to you?" she asked quietly. "You would have stonewalled me, just like you're doing right now… But, it's alright."

Nami nodded, more to reassure herself with her position than anything.

"Yes, I had lied to you, and that was not okay. So, you have all right in the world to be angry at me." Sighing, she leaned forward, put her head on her arms. "But I hadn't even known if it was possible to become, well, me again."

She closed her eyes, smiling, "You know, I have no idea how I could have told you anyways. I wasn't able to speak, or write… Though, you did understand quite a bit. But how would you have reacted, finding out the truth?"

She shook her head, "Maybe I should have told you right away. Maybe. But it was worth the lies."

Nami heard him sigh.

"Have you seen the others?"

Nami shook her head again, "No. I was looking for you… If I had met one of them I wouldn't be here all alone. I hadn't met anyone. And then you were taken by Law… I lost track of you. It was pure luck having found you here, in the end."

"You could have died."

"…says the one that stormed into three major Marine bases." She leaned back, stretching her arms out to support her. Talking like this made it almost seem normal –

"You could have gone on without me."

That line made her angry, "Who are you trying to convince? Me or you? Besides, you could have gone on without me, too. So stop talking bullshit."

"Nami!" he said, grinding his teeth. Now he was looking at her. "You could have been hurt so badly. And it would have been worse than death."

"Did it ever stop you?"

"That's a complete different topic."

"I don't think so."

"I don't care."

She nodded. "Yes, sure, it doesn't matter, I suppose. What matters now is that I'm here. And you've got two possibilities."

She stared at his eyes and Luffy met her gaze without blinking even once.

"Two options: the first is you send me away. I would go, if you said that you needed to be alone to get better. I would begin to search for our crew and as soon as we're complete again we'd come back here and get you. Or, you don't send me away. Then I'm gonna stay here until you tell me you're ready to set off and we're going to go find them together."

The first option would be very hard for Nami. But she would take it without blinking. If it helped her friend she would do everything, even sailing the Grand Line, all by herself, to find her friends.

He watched her fiercely.

"The first one is insurmountable anyway."

"Why?!" she hissed, but she was happy deep down. He would not let her go alone. He wouldn't leave her at all.

"Because you wouldn't get far alone, didn't you see how near to death you had been just a week earlier?"

Sighing, Nami closed her eyes.

"But if it helps you …"

"Who says it helps me?" This time his voice sounded much softer, nearly painful.

"You act like you need to be alone to cope with everything, Luffy." She put her arms around her knees and her head on top of them. "But, you know, it hurts terribly if you're alone." She closed her eyes. "I was alone for eight years and, after Bellemere's death, nobody was there. Well, how could they? I had cheated them all."

Her chest tightened painfully. "I had wished so much to have someone to take away that pain. Or at least part of it… someone who would have helped me, anyhow… But no one had come."

Sighing, she stopped thinking about it since it was Luffy who was the one that was currently hurt. Not her. "That's why I'd rather stay here with you. But everyone copes with something like that differently, so if it helps you when I'm go-"

"I already told you that it doesn't help me."

Nami smiled softly. "Fine, I like staying here," she said, nodding.

"Are you cold?" the boy asked when he saw his friend tremble all over her body.

Nami buried her head deep inside her knees and shook it vigorously.

"You mustn't lie, Nami."

"I'm not lying."

Sighing, Luffy stood up and went to her.

"No!" she said quickly. "You don't like it in there, and I won't leave you alone anymore."

Maybe she had been a cat, but never had she been stupid or naïve.

"But if you get ill, it'll be even worse."

Nami pouted. "I won't."

Luffy's corners of the mouth twitched and a small smile appeared on his lips.

"Fine, I'm cold, so let's go."

Nami looked at him skeptically. Sighing, she then stood up as well.

"Can you walk or should I carry you?"

Nami thought about it and it really sounded attractive. But she decided against it. Yet, she took his hand and started going.

"When you are too exhausted, I could carry you instead."

Luffy examined her mischievously. He grinned slightly. "So, you think, you're able to?"

Nami stuck out her tongue. "Why not?"

Luffy walked next to her, his senses all on guard. "Well, first of all, I'm much bigger than you. That would be problem number one. Number two is that I'm heavier than you. Besides, you'd just break down immediately."

"Now you're being mean!" Nami pouted and hit him on the head. She stared off ahead, and said confidently, "I would do it somehow."

Luffy smiled, squeezed her hand and continued in silence.

"… Luffy?"

"Hm?" he looked down at her curiously.

Nami opened her mouth and closed it again. She repeated this – twice. Then she shook her head, "Never mind. Forget it."

He squeezed her hand again. "You know you can tell me everything, Nami."

She nodded, smiling slightly. "Yeah, I know. Thanks."

"No need for thanks."

He saw that Nami had something on her mind and despite the shock Nami gave him – he had never, not in his worst nightmare, thought that Mikan could be her – he was terribly worried about her. And how could he be mad at her when she was right? Still, he was disappointed that she hadn't said anything. Though, he was the last one to judge her because of that. She just wanted to help. And she had achieved her goal. Besides, he was so terribly happy to have her with him; to know that she was fine and that she'll be fine from now on – since he was with her now.

After a silent walk back – though the silence was not crushing, no, both of them were lost in their own thoughts – while holding hands, they arrived in Hancock's castle who immediately welcomed them. Or rather, she welcomed Luffy and looked at Nami like she wanted her dead on the spot.

"Hey, Hancock, could you get Nami dry clothes? I don't want her to catch a cold."

"But of course, Luffy-kun ."

She was really delighted with Luffy. It didn't surprise Nami because who would not fancy for Luffy? He simply was the best. But somewhere deep down Nami was jealous. Just a little bit, though she had no reason for it since Luffy didn't seem to be interested in Boa Hancock.

So, Nami leaned on Luffy's arm and waited for the clothing. She closed her eyes and did not see the hateful look she was observed with by Hancock, who already planned how to get rid of the orange head.

Luffy turned his head to the empress, maybe he noticed her look – maybe not. "Hancock, that's Nami by the way. My navigator."

Hancock was not stupid but now she was sure. That's it with her great plan. She could not really kill his navigator, now could she? Then again, why not? She would give him a so much better navigator – herself. A better woman, a better life – a better everything. As long as this brat was not with her Luffy she was fine with everything.

Noticing Nami leaning on him, he let go of her hand, but put his arm around her shoulder and pressed her to him. He didn't like her trembling.

Hancock looked at them with anger but before she could say something a woman came and brought the things for Nami.

"Here, I'm sorry it took me so long."

"Should have taken you much longer. This witch would have gotten sick at least," Hancock murmured under her breath.

"Thanks", Luffy said friendly and took the things. "Come on, Nami."

She nodded weakly, and continued to use him as her support. But wasn't it him who needed to be held? Nami hated herself for it, she really did. But she was so cold and Luffy so warm. And it just felt right. It had always been like this. He had always been there for her. And it was rare to find their roles reversed.

They walked to Luffy's room; Nami leaning on him; Luffy the caring friend.

"You should take a hot bath, Nami. When you're sick, it's too late already."

Nami smiled softy.

"Aye, aye."

Regrettably, she let go of him and walked into the bathroom. She pondered only shortly about the bath for she did not want Luffy to wait long. That's why she just took a hot shower. Still, she was quite long in the shower but Luffy would forgive her.

The black haired boy waited at the window for her. He had opened it and sat on the window sill. The wall was not fully glassed, so he was able to sit here.

He watched the forest, the sea. Everything and nothing. His senses were on Nami, though. He heard the water splash; knew she was fine. Intuitively, he knew. But still, he was worried. And despite his shock he has been careless. He had left her. He had let her walk through the stupid forest all on her own and he could imagine that she did not have her weapon what meant that she was defenseless. What could she do against a stupid tiger?

Sighing, he leaned on the window frame. He was very glad to always listen to his instincts. But he knew that he had wanted to leave the cat. He would have let Nami die. Yeah, he would have let it happen. And it all just made it worse. If not for his instincts, he would have killed his navigator.

Exhausted, he run his fingers through his hair. Had he really been that careless? And now? What should he do now? Now, that Nami was back again. He had to be strong. He had to be so strong. Because he had found the kitten. He had seen how it looked. He had seen how Nami looked. He had been able to catch a glimpse of her skin. She was still green and blue all over – bruised, hit, hurt. And something was on her mind. She needed him. He mustn't be weak now. Especially since he was her captain and all. She had to be able to rely on him. But then again she knew everything. He had told her everything.

The grip around his heart loosened a little. Yeah, Nami knew all of that. He had confessed all of his weakness. He had entrusted himself to her. She knew who she dealt with. But would she accept him like that? As the Nami she was, and not as a cat? Because Nami wanted to feel safe, wanted to be protected. And it wasn't as if he did not want to do all of that. But he just did not know if he was able to. He did not know if he could comfort her when he himself was at the end of his power. But she knew that, right? She knew that.

His thoughts were interrupted when the door to the bathroom opened and Nami came out, apparently looking for something.

"Luffy, where are the clothes?" For she hadn't taken them with her.

Luffy smiled softly. Really, sometimes she was just bonehead.

He turned, jumped down from the window sill and froze. First, she was clothed just in a really short towel and second … the sight of her was really terrifying.

Almost immediately, he was behind her and touched the wound on her back. The complete strikes were hidden by the towel, but he was not stupid.

Nami twitched under his touch, gasped and froze. She was so tense that her body trembled slightly and Luffy had the feeling that she was afraid of him.

So, his not being strong enough ended up with her nearly getting killed and getting scars that she probably wouldn't lose ever again.

Luffy wanted to cry.

He hugged her. Damn it, it was not him who she should be afraid of. He would protect her. He would never let someone hurt her like that. Never again.

He pressed his head against her still wet hair.

"What happened, Nami?" he asked hoarsely. Did he even want to know? He would kill everyone who had just looked the wrong way at Nami. He would find them and torture them until they begged him to release them. And he would kill them then. But then he'd be just as a coldblooded murderer as them. Just as corrupt as the marines. As everybody in this world. And he did not want this. He mustn't be like that.

He felt Nami relax and droop, but he held her and did not let her fall. Never again.

She clasped his hands in front of them, squeezing them gently as she pressed her back again his chest, ignoring the slight pain. She shook her head slowly.

"No, Luffy. It wouldn't change anything if you knew." Her voice was just as hoarse. "It's too late."

Her words lay heavy between them. For Luffy misread her words. It was too late – he had not been there when she had needed him the most. But Nami just meant that it had happened and could not be changed now even if he knew.

"But…" her voice trembled while saying it. She shut her eyes tight, turned in his arms and clung to his shirt. "But …"

Luffy held her tight. "But you won't …" her voice broke again. "You won't let them get me?" She sounded questioning and unsure. Though she should know the answer. No, Nami. I won't let anyone get you. I promise. No one will hurt you. I won't let them, Nami.

He kissed her on her head and held her tighter.

Who had hurt her so badly that she was so afraid? She hadn't been do afraid of Arlong who had enslaved her most of her life. If he found those bastards he would not guarantee for anything. Nothing. For no one, really no one, dared hurt Nami like this. And much less to make her fear him.

"I'm here, Nami. Don't worry. You're not alone."

Nami laughed bitterly. "Shouldn't that be what I say?" she asked frowning. Her grip did not loosen, though.

Luffy smiled half-heartedly. "No. It had always been my words to say and it'll stay this way."

She loosened her grip and looked at him, tormented. "I'm sorry, Luffy."

He shook his head though. "No, Nami. It has to be this way. I have to be there for you. And not the other way around. That's my task. To take care of you and to be there for you, that's my task. All you have to do is be happy."

Nami shook vehemently her head but Luffy didn't let her speak. "Nami, I have to be strong. I mean, since I am the captain, I have to be strong. And because I am the captain I have to make sure you guys are alright. I have to take care of you all. But I don't do it out of duty only but because you are my nakama and I love you and I like protecting you. I could not ever forgive myself if you get hurt after all."


"No buts, Nami. Who did this? What happened? Why have you been in the water and why have you been a cat?"

Nami sobbed. She wanted to help him. She did not want his help. It just didn't matter what happened to her anymore. She was here now. That was all that mattered. Now all she wanted to do was taking care of him. For sure she did not want to be confronted with that. She did not want to speak about it. She just wanted to forget it. No more.

"It's okay, Nami. It'll be fine," he kissed her on her head again, stroked her hair and brought her even closer him. "I'm here."

"I don't want … to be weak anymore. I … want to … be able … to help you, too."

It hurt him seeing her like this. Just because he hadn't protected her, she had gotten hurt so badly and wouldn't let him help her now.

"You're not weak, Nami. You're everything but weak. Just look at you. You survived when everybody else would have died. It shows so much strength. You're so strong."

Not even his words could convince her. She did not stop crying and clung to him even though she knew she was not really allowed to. She did not want to make him fall. She did not want to push him over the edge. But, by relying so much on him, she did just that.

The navigator wiped her tears away and released her hold on him though sobs still shook her body. "I'm sorry."

The black haired boy wanted to respond but Nami never let him. She took her things and disappeared in the bathroom. He looked thoughtfully at the door. He was sorry he had to be like that but he could not let her see his pain anymore. She needed him now and it seemed she wasn't aware of how much she needed him.

Luffy sighed and took a seat on the window sill again.

He didn't look at her when she left the bathroom because he did not know how to face her but for sure he did not expect two warm arms entangling him suddenly. "You should shower, too. And put on something dry. If you get sick it's even worse than if I do."

The girl let go of him again and went to the bed where she lay down. She was tired and exhausted.

Luffy briefly surveyed his navigator. She wore a plain white shirt and loose knee-length shorts. Now that he looked precisely at her he found all those other wounds and he had to force himself to look away because he suddenly wasn't so sure anymore if he wouldn't just squeeze it out of her and hunt those bastards down right away.

He jumped down, closed the window for he didn't want Nami to be cold and left for the bathroom.

It did not take him as long as Nami so he was soon at her side again. She looked up at him sleepily from the bed. "You're sleeping here, right?"

Did she sound panicked? Luffy sat on the edge of the bed and stroke a bang out of her face. "Do you want me to stay here?"

She looked him tiredly into his eyes. "Yes."

Nami crawled onto the other side of the bed and gave Luffy enough space to even lay next to her. "Here?" he asked stunned. He wasn't really surprised since his cat always had been at his side as soon as she was able to walk. From the second night on they even had shared the bed. It had never been a problem before when they slept outside or in a hotel now had it? So why did it feel so different now? So suddenly …

"Yes, of course here. Here's enough room for a third one."

Luffy looked at her awkwardly. "No. No third person."

Nami sighed. "I'm just joking."

Luffy smiled. "I know." He lay next to her and looked her into the eyes. "Sleep. You look tired."

Nodding, Nami closed her eyes and cuddled into her pillow. It was warm and somehow she didn't even want to put the blanket above her. But when the mattress moved Nami opened her eyes and even before her mind had registered what she was doing her hand had already grasped Luffy's. He looked at her dumbfounded. He saw panic in her eyes. "I'm not going anywhere, Nami. Just switching the light off."

She seemed to think about it for a moment before she let him free. But she followed his every step with her eyes as if suspecting him leaving her alone after all. But he didn't. Instead he turned the light off and came back again.

"Aren't you cold?"

He didn't wait for her answer but shoved his arms under her body, lifted her onto his lap and put the blanket back. Then he put her on the bed again and covered her. Her cheeks reddened as she observed him with widened eyes. "I don't want you to get sick" was his simple answer.

Nami didn't care just as long as he was there. Just as long as she wasn't alone.

Day 19

His voice woke her up, though it was not like Nami wanted to hear him.

She sat up quickly and watched the tears falling down his cheeks. He called Ace' name again. And again. And again. Panicked, demanding, fearful even. It broke her heart seeing him like this.

Crawling to him she tried shaking him awake. It was just a nightmare. A nightmare he couldn't escape from it seemed.

"Luffy" she said softly. "Luffy, wake up."

It was still night since no moonlight illuminated the room. It was pitch black.

"Luffy" Again she shook him but again nothing happened. Nami desperately watched him. Something had to work. He had to wake up. Wait, what had she done last time? Oh right, she had scratched his face but that was no option now. She didn't want to do it again.

Watching him as desperate as she was it suddenly came over her. She bend down to him, breathed his name and kissed him on his lips. Maybe it was the kiss or her warm lips, their closeness or just the moment that he finally woke up. Startled as he was he sat up and pushed Nami up with him who in turn let go of him. Panting both looked each other deeply into their eyes – intensively, desperately.

"Luffy" she said relieved and put her arms around him. She held him tightly. Luffy was apparently still too upset to react but he was awake and he knew she was there. His arms going around her and pressing her to him after a while confirmed just that.

"Everything's fine again, Nami."

She nodded and let reluctantly go of him again. She looked at him. "The kiss …"

Luffy smiled. "Was it the only way to wake me up?"

Nami scratched her head in embarrassment. "Well, not really. But I guess I just didn't think …"

The captain watched her softly. "It's okay." He said and Nami felt a weight lifting from her shoulders. "We should go to sleep again. It's still night."

Luffy nodded to his idea and lay down though the red head hesitated but found his idea good enough in the end and lay down very close to him.

"It's okay, isn't it?" she murmured. Luffy was baffled first but relaxed soon after. He found he really liked her near him so he put an arm around her and pulled her even closer to him.

Nami put her arm around his torso and cuddled up at his side. She didn't want to be alone and it seemed neither did he.

"Good night."

"Sleep well, Nami."

The sun was shining the next morning.



He hadn't really slept anymore. He wanted to make sure Nami was alright and as long as it kept him away from those nightmares he was fine with everything.

"No one knows where you are."

He pressed her closer to him.

"They are worried about you. I was worried. It had been so awful not knowing where to start looking for you."

"I'm sorry."

"No, don't be. I just mean that maybe we should let them know you're alive and where you are. Or …"

Luffy had thought about it, too. The whole night.

He liked it so much having her at his side. Holding her, feeling her. And he was sure he would feel even better if he had his whole crew with him. He could sleep well again if he knew not only Nami but his whole crew was safe again because Nami showed him that it wasn't a nightmare but bitter reality and only together they were strong enough.

"… we go looking for them. Yes, we should find them."

Nami looked at him thoughtfully.

"Are you sure? I mean we could stay here for a while a-"

Luffy shook his head vigorously.

"No" he sounded as desperate as he looked. "I want you all by my side."

The sight of him tore her apart. His pain was so great she feared it would break him. She saw the need in his eyes. The need of his friend. He needed them with him. But was he ready to be captain again? Was he ready to face the world again? She didn't doubt his strength neither his inner nor his physical strength – but was he really ready to shoulder all the burdens again?

She put her head on his chest. It was wrong. She would carry his burdens with him. She would not let him shoulder them alone again. Ever.

Grinning she raised her head.

"Aye, captain. Let's set sail!"

Just like in the night sky the boy lost himself in her eyes, drawing strength and courage from her. He needed his crew, his nakama and they needed him just as much. They trusted him and believed in him. He mustn't fail them anymore. Ever.

"They don't have a clue where to start so I guess they'll go back to where we were last together. Besides, our ship's still there."


"But I got another, a better idea how we can find out where they are."

Luffy looked over to her. They sat yet again on the cliff and observed the sea while discussing how to continue.

"There are special seagulls – letter-seagulls, you know? They aren't bound to places but people. Just like the vultures in Alabasta. They track people."

Grinning she turned to her captain. "They are very rare and only few people know about them. Hadn't I talked to one of them while a cat I wouldn't have believed it myself. And the best is that one is living right on this island. I even know where it is at the moment."

Luffy's eyes sparkled when Nami finished.

"So? What are we waiting for then? Let's go find the seagull!"

He jumped to his feet, dragged Nami with him and stopped dead in his tracks.

"And what then?"

Nami sweat dropped. What was wrong with this guy?

"Don't tell me they shot your brain dead. But I guess it was dead all over …"

"Oi!" A little smile graced her lips when she looked up at him. "We just send them a letter."

Luffy froze.

That easy? It was that easy? He could find his nakama that easily?

He shuddered when he lowered his head and Nami felt her heart sink because she didn't know if she had said something wrong – well apparently she had – but then he suddenly heaved her into his arms and twirled with her in circles. Laughing loudly, he pressed her closer to him.

"You're the best, Nami. Shishishi. You're the best of the best!"

He was so happy he could embrace the world. Nami was here with him and nothing could stop him now to find his other nakama. No matter how bad his pain was, it was many times worse without his friends. He could bear everything just as long he was with his nakama. Those who loved, appreciated and needed him so much. Those who supported him. God, how he loved those guys. He couldn't live without them anymore and he knew they would always stick with him. And as long as they did that he would not break. He would be a worthy captain. Better than ever.

Day 20

"Becoming stronger, huh?"

"Yup. And we got to start here. It's still a long way to the next island und who knows, maybe we'll find some of our nakama on our way. Nevertheless we all have to become stronger so we'll survive the New World."

"Yes, fortunately I'm not a cat anymore so I will become stronger, too."

"Shishi, that's right, but you won't train until later, anyway."

"Wha-?! Why not?"

He turned his head and watched his navigator pull a face. "First – doctor's orders. You still need to fully recover. Second – just look at you. You're nothing but bones. I wonder how you hold yourself upright. And third – I need you more here on the ship than outside on the battlefield."

Nami sighed and pouted. It wasn't her fault that she lost so much weight. But she knew he was right. She needed to recover first before she could test out her limits. Anyway, she needed her strength to navigate this boat here, because they were on direct course to an island where they would meet with the others to get their ship. Together. Stronger. And with new found courage.

Smiling she turned to the sea, a small breeze flowed through her hair. She relaxed and enjoyed being herself again. Being on the sea again and with her captain.

"By the way, Bones, I'm pretty hungry."

Laughing, Nami wandered off into the galley to finish up something for them, Luffy following close behind. "Maybe I should force-feed you."

"What?! Don't you dare!"

"Shishish- ouch!"

"Your own fault! Quit whining!"

"Baka Nami. –Ouch!"




She turned around and watched him curiously.

"What happened?"

Sighing, she turned to the stove again and started to cook. She hoped it would be enough and taste good. She would never reach Sanji but it should be at least enjoyable. And she had to feed Luffy.

"Alright. Short version."

She noticed him tense behind her.

"I was on an island when you disappeared after the war. So I decided to look for you and sneaked on a ship. Unfortunately, it was a pirate ship and because of my stupidity I blew up my cover, so they had locked me up. I could escape but ran straight into the next misfortune."

Bitterly smiling she thought back.

"One guy had had a devil's fruit power and he had turned me into the cat you found me in."

She stopped cooking for a moment and dwelled in memories.

"He had woken up the rest of the crew. Well, I had fought back, they had gotten aggressive and in the end I landed in the open sea. And, by god, I would have endured anything to escape the water."

She shook her head.

"I have no idea what saved me, but when I woke up, I lay on the piece of wood you found me on. In the end, you found me and you know the rest."

"Nami … when did you … so many wounds … and so thin …"

She felt his hands on her shoulders. "They beat you, starved you?"

She couldn't answer him. She didn't want to answer him.


"Which pirate crew was it?"

"Luffy …"

She turned around to finally face him. He was so angry, so beyond angry.

"I already told you that I fought back. I'm sure they have bruises, too. Let it be, captain. I survived it. I'm even a human again. It's just a few wounds that make me stronger. It's not the end of the world. And look, to lose a fight doesn't mean to lose the whole war."

The strawhat just nodded absently. "If they ever cross my path, I don't guarantee for anything."

Nami smiled softly. "That's fine by me, captain."

Luffy didn't know why but he just knew that Nami hasn't told him even half the story. It didn't make any sense. When did she lose all that weight? And what about all of her wounds?

Sighing, he walked to the table and sat down. He tried to stop thinking about the past. It happened. It was done. Nami was here with him now and he would be damned if he let her get hurt like that again. If those bastards ever dared to find him, he would gladly kill them. But it didn't matter. All that mattered were his nakama they had to find.

They had separated rooms, but Nami didn't quite understand why because before they had been sharing one, too. She wanted to be by his side. She wanted to feel secure in his arms. She wanted to be sure she wouldn't get hurt again and nobody would come near her.

Luffy didn't know about her nightmares and why she couldn't sleep.

The night sky was beautiful. The sea was calm. A gentle breeze kept their boat sailing. It was relaxing and peaceful. But the darkness was crushing. Just like Luffy was being crushed in that room, she was in darkness – at least when she was alone. That was the reason why she always wanted to stay with him as a cat – night and day. Not just because she was drawn to him but mostly because the fear would not let her sleep.

Quietly, and deep in thought, he observed his navigator from the door to his room. She hadn't noticed him yet. He saw she was breathing faster, panicky. She shuddered slightly. Every now and then she would look around her as if she was expecting some enemy to jump at her right there and then. He was worried sick. He knew it would take pretty long until she could be alone again.

He pushed from the door frame and made his way over to her.

Maybe they should just share the room again – and the bed. That way he could make sure she was fine and nobody would attack her from behind. He would make sure of that.

He put his hands softly on her hips and pressed her to him. She wasn't startled, as she had heard his steps. She leaned on his chest and let herself fall in his embrace. She had become so vulnerable. It was her own greatest weakness. But he would help her fight it and become stronger, fearless.

Slowly, Nami turned in his arms and looked at him, pained. She had lost the fight, but with it she had lost herself, too.

He embraced her tight. He would fight – for her, with her. He would make her strong again. And most definitely he wouldn't leave her again. He'd be there. He'd always be there and help her.

He'd fight for his friends.

–Even if it meant dying.