A/N: Hello, everyone! It's been a very long time since I updated this first fanfiction of mine. I can see I've improved in the earlier chapters, and everything like that. I think it started off a bit Mary Sue-ish. Yeah. Unfortunately, everyone, this is the last chapter of "Dear Prudence", and I want to thank my faithful readers who'd been sticking around from the start to the end. And also to RAWRbby for helping me with this fanfiction from the beginning. Actually, I haven't heard of her since August last year. If one of you knows what happened to her, do please tell me :)

Here it is, everyone, the last chapter of Dear Prudence. Enjoy...!

July 6, 1964

Prudence looked at her reflection on the mirror, and saw how much she'd changed. Her hair was getting quite longer, she'd gotten taller since last month, and her tired eyes seemed to be sparkling after her schoolgirl days ended. Her face was glowing, like what John said every time he comes home from Abbey Road Studio.

She brushed her finger across both of her cheeks, and waited until the blush fades as she applied her red-colored lipstick. John was in the front room, waiting for her, while playing his guitar.

She stood up from the chair, and took off her bathrobe. She wore her long yellow elegant gown, which she bought with Pattie. Her stomach had gotten bigger, and she was grateful to buy a little loose dress.

Her zipper was stuck halfway up, and she needed John's help. She wore her shoes, grabbed her purse, and walked out of the room. She peeked out, and saw John playing a very familiar tune. He stopped suddenly when he saw her.

"Are you ready?" he asked, setting his guitar next to him.

"Not really," she said softly. "I've a little problem with the dress."

He stood up with a smile, and went behind her. She held her hair up so it wouldn't be blocking the zipper's way up.

She felt John's lips on her back, followed by the sound of the zipper going up. She turned around as she set her hair back. She saw him looking at her with tender eyes, and his light brown eyes were twinkling as he looked deep into hers.

"You look wonderful tonight," he said with his husky and raw voice that she found very tender.

"Thank you, John," she smiled.

He leaned down to kiss her, and he held her tightly around his big arms. Their light small kisses turned to be a very passionate one. He attempted to unzip her dress, but she stopped him.

"Not now, John," she smiled. "We're going to be late."

He chuckled. "Right."

She giggled. "You've got lipstick all over your mouth." She said.

"And do I look pretty?" he asked with a girly voice and batted his eyelashes.

"Yes, you do, actually," she grinned while wiping the lipstick stain from his lips. "There you go!"

"Thanks, Pru," he planted a kiss on her cheek.

John drove to the premiere of A Hard Day's Night. Even though Prudence had her seatbelt on, she didn't feel safe yet, and she was silently praying to God for safety, because of John's fast and dangerous driving.

"Do you have license yet, John?" she asked, a little worried.

"No!" He retorted with a grin.

"Oh, dear Lord," she murmured.

Reporters, photographers, and screaming fans standing behind the red carpet greeted them, and took a lot of pictures of them. John wrapped his arm around her waist, and they started to walk down the red carpet—showing to everyone that Prudence was his lover, and made the fans cry tears of sadness and jealousy.

Paul, George, and Ringo greeted them when they were inside the theatre. Prudence noticed the four of them were wearing the same tuxedo. Oh, well—they still looked handsome, though.

Their little chat was interrupted when Brian tapped on John's shoulder.

"John, there's someone here who wants to meet you," said Brian.

"Who is it, Brian?" John asked.

"I think you've to go meet him, then."

John looked at Prudence, and whispered on her ear: "I'll be back soon, love."

She nodded her head, and got a quick peck on her lips.

John walked with Brian to meet his visitor. John thought he was going to meet a very beautiful fan of his, so he fixed his tie, and also his hair.

Brian stopped next to a very familiar looking man. John was rather disappointed to not see a beautiful woman next to Brian. Hell—what was John talking about? He has a girlfriend!

"John," Brian began with a sigh, "this is Alf. Alf Lennon."

John's eyes widened, and looked at the man standing next to Brian. He couldn't believe that his father was standing right in front of him. The so-called Alf Lennon was looking at him with a fatherly smile.

"Hello, son," Alf said.

Brian decided to leave them so they could catch up what they'd missed.

"Dad?" John asked.

"Yes, it's me, John," said Alf with a wide smile. "It's so good to see you like this!"

"What? All of a sudden, I'm famous? Thought I'm working in some factory in Liverpool?" John asked with a straight face.

"You're a successful man, now, John! I'm so proud of you!" he said, patting his arm—ignoring John's questions.

"You need money?" John asked.

"No, I don't. I've got a new family, now."

"So have I, and I don't want to hear or know about your new bloody family!" he said, a little angrier. "I want to know why you're fucking here, dad! All of a sudden, you come to me in the height of my success, instead of coming to me when I was still a foolish teenagers or during mum's funeral?"

"Look, John, I know you're upset that I didn't visit you or get to see you come of age, but at least I'm here now," said Alf.

John wanted to cry at that moment. It's been ages since he'd cry. He needed Prudence to cry on—he needed his mum or dad.

"John, I'm sorry," Alf said softly. "Please, give me a chance to make it right with you. I'm sure, it's much easier with you than your mum."

John hesitated. He'd always wanted to meet his father, but he didn't know he would be this…this…angry.

"Fine." He said, and gave a small smile to lighten things up. "I want you to meet my girl."

Alf smiled, and followed John.

Prudence was talking to Paul while holding a glass of water on her hand.

"Are you enjoying the evening so far?" he asked with a smile on his face.

"Yes, it is fine, I suppose," she answered. "And you, Paul?"

"Seems good, I reckon." He said. "Oh, look, John's here!"

Prudence turned around, and saw John stopping in front of her, and he was with an old man probably in his early or late fifties. Both had the same goofy smile on their face. Could it be…?

"Prudence, I want you to meet my father, Alf," John said kindly. "Dad, this is my girlfriend, Prudence."

Prudence smiled at Alf kindly, and shook his hand politely.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Lennon," she said.

"And it's nice to meet you, too," he said. "Please, just call me Alf! And aren't you Richard Lester's daughter?"

Her cheeks turned pink. "Yes, I am, uh, Alf," she smiled, and they chuckled.

John introduced Paul to Alf, and Paul was happy for John because he'd finally met his long lost father. But both Paul and Prudence felt quite awkward, because they knew about John's relationship with his father.

"Prudence, do you want to go in now?" John asked, interrupting their awkward conversation.

"Yes, John," she said.

"Excuse us."

Prudence held John's arm, and then they walked away to go find their seats. Prudence looked at John, and he had no facial expression. That sort of stiff and stern look like what butlers have. Something like that.

"Are you all right, John?" she asked.

"Yes, I'm fine, Prudence," he said, smiling a bit. "I won't let a small family problem ruin this special evening. And…I'm quite happy to see him. I'm happy to see him fine like that." They looked at each other.

"That's the spirit, John," she grinned.

They sat on their reserved seats. John sat next to Pattie's seat, while Prudence sat next to Paul's seat. They waited for the others to come in. The four Beatles didn't smoke, because they knew about Prudence being pregnant and everything.

The lights dimmed, and the screen widened. The first guitar chord strummed, and everyone looked at the screen with wide eyes.

It's been a hard day's night!

Everyone had dinner in a hotel's dining room. They all sat in a big round table, and had a lovely time with each other. They ate great food and drank delicious French wine—except Prudence.

Mr. Lester stood up from his chair while holding a glass of wine, and cleared his throat loudly so everyone could hear him.

"Everyone, I want to make a little speech about us," he began with a smile.

"Alright, alright, alright!" Paul cheered while clapping his hands cheerfully.

"I want to thank all of us...starting from Walter and Alun for helping me directing this film, and also to my beloved daughter, Prudence, for giving me the idea to make The Beatles' first film featuring them." He said with a smile. "Because of this film, we've made new friends and found, perhaps, new loves."

Pattie and George looked at each other with loving smiles on their faces, while John planted a kiss on Prudence's cheek.

"And also thank you to the most charming four Liverpool lads for agreeing to be part of this film," he continued. "God bless you al!"

"Cheers!" they raised their glasses with smiles on their faces.

John stood up from his chair awkwardly, and cleared his throat just like what Mr. Lester did.

"Dick, I want to thank you for agreeing to Prudence's idea of making our first film," he began humbly. "Because without you and Prudence's brilliant idea, I wouldn't be meeting her or wouldn't be falling in love with her." John and Prudence looked at each other lovingly while the other three Beatles girls awed.

"And I would also like to announce that I am now engaged to the most beautiful girl in the world, and I hope we'll be getting married soon." He said.

They clapped their hands when John finished his little speech. He raised his champagne glass, and said with a grin:

"To A Hard Day's Night!"

"To A Hard Day's Night!" they agreed, raising their glasses.

"And to The Beatles!" Prudence added.

"To The Beatles!"

"We finally made it, lads!" John grinned to his bandmates. "We finally made it! Where are now, boys?"

"In the top, Johnny!" Paul, George, and Ringo cheered with grins on their faces.

And they will always be at the top of the world.

A/N: Well, that's all for now, folks! I'm thinking of making a sequel to this, but I'm not so sure yet. But well, for now, I guess this is goodbye. Thank you for reading this first Beatles fanfiction of mine, and I appreciate it very much. I'm giving all of you hugs through my laptop screen!

Goodbye, then! :'D

P.S. This chapter is dedicated to all of my readers, and of course - RAWRbby :)