To my few loyal fans...I must apologize...

This story has not been updated in 4 years. While a complete edition does exist, it is on another site: the Wonderful World of Make Believe. I had been working on transferring that story to this site, but have run into a snag: I lost my firestick.

Heir Apparent, in its original form, desperately needed to be altered. I was working on that, and had stored the original form for transference. That storage unit has been lost.

Hoping to re-copy and re-boot my head, I went back to WWOMB to copy and paste chapters onto my computer, but so far have had no luck. I will keep trying, but it will take some time.

In the meantime, I beg your patience. I am currently involved in 2 projects that are bogged down with writer's block, while fending off some non-helpful plot bunnies that attack me when reading everyone else's stories. I just wish those darn rabbits would help me finish my current projects!

If you really want to find out what happened to Jenna and company, please visit the WWOMB, where I posted stories as SamAbby.

Thank you for your time and patience!
