"How crazy would it be if that muffler really was the break in the case?" Angela was helping Brennan serve up something she couldn't quite identify but wasn't about to question because it smelled delicious.

"Not crazy at all. In fact the insect residue proves to be what Hodgins believes it is then it would in fact be the break in the case we've needed." It was rather logical and if Hodgins was able to confirm his assumptions then they might have enough evidence to get a warrant to arrest Butch and then people would stop killing each other long enough that she and Booth could have an evening alone.

"Of course, what was I thinking?" Angela inwardly rolled her eyes and continued to help dish the mystery dessert up.

"That is a rhetorical question isn't it?" Brennan smirked.

"Yes, it is, but you have to admit that Booth's grandfather being the reason we got the muffler in the first place is a bit crazy." She let out a soft chuckle.

"Booth would say that it was some sort of divine intervention when in reality it is simply a series of remarkable coincidences." She smiled at her friend, hesitating for a moment as if she wanted to say something and then changed her mind as she pulled out spoons for each dessert.

"Of course." Angela could see a flicker of something and just when she thought there might be a crack in the facade, it disappeared. "I have a feeling that as soon as we go back in there, people are going to scatter like the wind, starting with Jack."

"I don't know what that means." She was sure it was some sort of analogy.

"What I mean is, Jack will want to take the bug goo back to the lab and then Booth will run off to get a warrant and I'm sure your dad will get going as soon as Hank and Bernice head off to bed." She was fishing for a good girl chat, but she wasn't sure Brennan was biting.

"Booth will wait to ask for a warrant until after we can verify his findings. I'm sure he won't be doing that tonight." She hoped he wouldn't rush off, she had hopes for a goodnight kiss at the very least, even if they had to sneak around to get it.

"Bones, you ladies need some help?" Booth eyed Angela suspiciously for a moment and then smirked as he noticed the desserts all lined up ready to take into the dining room. It wasn't that he'd drawn the short straw, but the rest of the table was starting to get a bit restless for the mystery dessert Bones had made.

"I for one will never turn down help from a hunky FBI agent." Angela gave him one of those looks that made it clear she thought something was up before she picked up two plates and left the kitchen.

He whispered. "Is she pumping you for information about us?" He knew that the wall partition hid them from the view of the others and he was tempted to just lean in and kiss her.

She found herself drifting towards his smile. "No more than usual." She closed the distance between them and pressed her lips against his, not quite caring that there was a room full of people on the other side of the wall. She pulled back before they could get carried away and then she reached for two desserts and made her way into the dining room as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened at all.

He tried to tone his smile down a bit before he gathered the last of the desserts and followed her back to the table. He was really looking forward to trying this dessert that Bones had made and after setting one in front of Pops and the other in front of Max, he sat down and dug his spoon in. He took a bite and smiled at Bones. Yes, this was definitely tasty creamy crunchy goodness.

"Honey, this is really good." Max smiled at his daughter, but there was a glint in his eye as if he had caught onto something that no one else in the room had.

"Thank you, Dad." Brennan was pleased that the Moroccan custard was so well received. It was very simple, but very visually appealing and delicious.

"Booth, I think you need a napkin." Max had a subtle but victorious look on his face as he gestured at the FBI agent's mouth.

"Huh?" Booth was pretty sure he hadn't spilled any of his dessert yet and he ignored Max's suggestion and took another bite.

"I think Tempe got some of her lipstick on you." Max chuckled at the response around the table and clapped Booth on the back when he nearly sucked his dessert right into his windpipe. Payback was a bitch.

If there were any doubt that his assessment was correct it was validated by the fourteen shades of caught red lipped that both Booth and Brennan were wearing. Much to the delight of their dinner guests who couldn't stop smiling at this monumental revelation.

Hodgins was the first one to break into the silence. "Whoa, look at the time. I...I mean we have evidence to examine and validate." He knew that Angela would like nothing more than to stay and watch the pair in the same way he watched fly eggs hatch, but he was a smart man and he knew that the best thing right now was to give these two some space.

Angela was going to take the hint, but she was going to get details later whether Bren wanted to dish them or not. "And I need to start working up a reasonable simulation of how the bugs were transfered to the muffler and onto our victim."

"Are you leaving?" Brennan thought that everyone would stay a little longer and now that it seemed that things between she and Booth had been let out of the box she was surprised that of all people Angela was leaving.

"Uh, we really should, and then we have that other thing we need to take care of." Hodgins shot Angela another look just in case she was about to change her mind.

"Yeah, that thing." Angela couldn't hide her smirk. The only thing on her and Jack's agenda was a little nookie.

Hank piped up. "And Bernice and I forgot to tell you that we were gonna splurge and stay at a swanky hotel to celebrate helping you solve your case."

"We just forgot to mention it." Bernice couldn't help but smile.

"We just found out that the muffler had relevance while we were all sitting here at the table." Booth was calling Pops' bluff. He didn't believe that any of them had to run off as quickly as they were fleeing the scene.

"Fine then, Shrimp, now that it seems that the two of you have come to your senses, we all just want to make sure you don't change your mind. We're just going to give you a little alone time." Hank's tone left no room for argument.

"I should be going too." Max looked very pleased with himself. He had outed the pair and couldn't be more pleased if he tried. He whispered a veiled threat to Booth. "You hurt her and I'll kick your FBI ass."

Before either Booth or Brennan could form much of a protest, everyone had gathered their things and was making their way out the door, offering their hugs and well wishes as they left.

Brennan finally clicked the door shut and Booth glanced over at her. All he'd wanted for days was to have a few uninterrupted minutes alone with her. Now that he had his wish, all he could do was grin.

She let out a soft chuckle at the strange turn of events and then her eyes met his and she felt the corners of her mouth curl up into a smile. "That was very odd."

"But very convenient." He walked over to where she stood by the front door and stopped right in front of her. "I'm fairly certain no one is going to bother us at least until morning."

She tilted her head thoughtfully and she took a step towards him, her hands sliding up his chest. "Morning, huh?"

He nodded, his arms winding around her waist and pulling her close. "Yeah." This was the place where he was meant to be. Where they were meant to be.

"Okay then." She smiled at him and then he kissed her.

The End