A/N: So, I know I haven't finished my old story, but... well, let's just say this is why I shouldn't be allowed to have a notebook in science class It's soo boring!

Anyways, short chapter is short, but I hope you all enjoy :3

Disclaimer: If I owned glee, there would be more Klaine.

Kurt looked down at his lunch, gently pushing the untouched salad around in its container. He'd lost his appetite when he'd been thrown in a dumpster that had some old, rotten food left in it earlier that morning. Just staring down at even this fresh food made him feel sick. With a grunt, he pushed it away and looked up. And unfamiliar boy with dark hair slicked down to the side was smiling at him. Kurt looked into his brown eyes, shocked that… well, shocked that someone as handsome as him was bothering to give him the time of day. His eyes were like the perfect shade of brown, capturing Kurt into staring straight into them, this faze only being broken when the boy moved to sit down across from him.

"Err… as much as I hate to say this, you may not want to sit there," Kurt told him, his voice kind and also a bit shy and apologetic. Blaine just raised an eyebrow, not moving from his position of holding the chair in front of him, his tray already on the table. Kurt couldn't help but smile at the boy as he made a small hand gesture at himself, proudly stating the two words "school queer". The brown-eyed boy nodded with a look of understanding, and sat down anyways beginning to nibble gently on his lunch. Despite enjoying company from someone that wasn't in glee, Kurt couldn't help but warn the boy what this simple act could end up doing to him.

"You know, this could mean slushie facials and dumpster tosses, along with the assumptions of people thinking you're gay, along with… well, along with people thinking you're my boyfriend." To Kurt's complete and utter shock, the boy didn't leave. Instead, he let out a small chuckle, and used both of his hands to make a hang motion sweeping down his entire body. For the first time, Kurt broke eye contact with the boy and let his eyes look at his clothing. All designers; designers Kurt could recognize right away, in fact. It hit Kurt like a slushie to the face.

"So… you're gay too then?" Kurt couldn't help but smile at this possibility. Receiving a nod and a genuine smile from the other boy, Kurt couldn't help but return this smile with increasing his to a full-fledged grin – something you rarely saw out of him lately. He looked at the boy, wondering if he would say anything. Kurt couldn't help but wonder…

"Do… do you talk?"

The boy's brown eyes widened in a small panic, and he opened his mouth only to shut it a second later. Looking down at his half-eaten lunch sadly, he shook his head slowly, resting his chin in his hand. Kurt smiled sadly at him, and reached out to put his hand over the other boys, ignoring his slightly shocked reaction because he didn't pull away (he guessed he just wasn't used to human contact or something). Whatever this boy had gone through was obviously worse than what Kurt himself was going through if it had broken him down this bad. And yet, here the boy was, out and proud, wearing his designer clothing to school just like Kurt (even if it wasn't as flashy as Kurt's, but still.)

Shuffling threw his bag, Kurt pulled out a pen, placing it on his unused napkin, and slid it gently across to Blaine, who just raised another eyebrow at him. Kurt smiled and let out a gentle chuckle, instructing the boy to write down his name. "I'm Kurt, Kurt Hummel. Also known as the diva who's car everyone in this school will be washing in ten years." That earned Kurt another gentle chuckle from the mute boy as he slid the napkin and pen back across to Kurt.

'My name is Blaine Anderson. I'm a Junior this year, and I guess my parents finally realized how bad things were at my old school when I stopped talking about five months ago. They finally managed to get me out of there last month, and we moved here.'

Blaine didn't know why he had let so much spill out, but he did. It felt okay to let Kurt know – he was like him, wasn't he? He'd likely gone through as much hell as he could if he could tell anything about this odd diva from the few minutes he'd known him. After all, if Blaine would receive all that crap from just sitting with Kurt, how bad must Kurt have it?

Kurt smiled down at the note; not because he was bad that the boy had been bullied so badly, hell no, he was just glad that the boy felt as though he could open up to him. Not to mention, he was glad that Blaine's parents still cared about him even though he was gay; he just hopped that they accepted him. He couldn't help but wonder what took so long for them to pull out the boy, but figured it was just the troubles of moving. After all, if he wanted his dad to move, surely it would take some time, right?

"Well, Blaine, it's a pleasure to meet you." Kurt made a bowing motion – which was difficult, considering he was still sitting at his lunch table – and received a few odd looks and glares from the surrounding people. Not that he or Blaine noticed – their attentions were fully on one another. Blaine laughed, and snatched up the napkin in order to right down 'The pleasure was all mine, Mr. Hummel'. The boys continued to laugh, only quieting down when a milk carton flew in their direction, narrowly missing the side of Kurt's head. Both boys had forgotten what it was to just laugh for no reason but to laugh, and to be themselves with someone who could accept them for that… and it felt good.

The two say in silence for a few moments (well, silence except for the loud talking of the tables surrounding them), the only noise leaving their lips being the occasional chuckle that they couldn't hold back. When the bell finally rang to signal the end of lunch, the two boys stood, but neither made way to leave.

"Do you have a cellphone?" Blaine nodded quickly, and pulled out a blackberry from his pocket, handing it to Kurt. Kurt passed him his iPhone, and the two added each other's numbers without speaking, and finally handed the phones back to one another. Kurt smiled as he checked to make sure Blaine's contact had saved, and sent him a quick text to make sure the number was right.

What class do you have next? –Kurt

Smiling as he put his phone away, Blaine held up a notebook labeled 'Spanish I', and gently saved it at Kurt. A smile grew on Kurt's face as he grabbed the other boys hand.

"Fallow me."

Kurt only let go of Blaine's hand when he was pushing open the door labeled "207". Blaine forced himself not to frown at the loss of contact, but couldn't quite get a smile on his face as the glasz-eyed boy motioned for him to enter the classroom. Swallowing, he trudged into the classroom for what felt like the hundredth time that day. Sure, he should be use to it by now, but he hated to feel the eyes of his classmates on him. He didn't like the be the center of attention; in fact, he would much rather have everyone ignore him as though he wasn't there.

"Mr. Shuester, this is Blaine Anderson." Kurt had led him over to the teacher's desk off in the corner of the room where he was currently sipping coffee and looking over some quiz results. Seeing as the two had arrived late for class and the rest of the class was doing a worksheet, and only a few had noticed their appearance. 'Great', Blaine groaned. 'Late. Even more a reason for everyone to notice me.' He savored the bit of time he had before everyone looked up to see him there.

He was snapped out of his train of thought as he heard the teacher say his name in a calm, gentle voice. The dark-haired boy looked up and him, and smiled gently. "Welcome to McKinley, Blaine. How has your first day been so far?" And with that, the smile was gone. Did teachers always have to ask questions? He bit his lower lip, and opened his mouth only to shut it again as he had done with Kurt.

"Erm… Mr. Shue, Blaine doesn't really… well, he doesn't really talk." Blaine let out a sigh of relief. At least Kurt was here to explain that to him. The corner of his mouth flickered upwards into a small smile as he nodded sharply, letting the teacher know that was Kurt said was indeed the truth. Mr. Shuester just smiled and nodded, telling Kurt to go ahead and take his seat. With a gentle squeeze of the boy's shoulder, Kurt whispered the word 'Courage' into his ear, and made his way towards the back of the classroom to sit besides Mercedes, flashing a warm smile at her. She smiled back, and just as she was about to ask why he was late, Mr. Shuester called for everyone's attention.

Looking up, she saw the Glee Club instructor's hands placed gently on the shoulders of the boy who had just entered the room with Kurt. "Everyone, this is Blaine Anderson. I hope you all make him fee-". The introduction was cut short by the shout of the word "fag" fallowed by both some laughs, and some boos – both directed at Blaine. Turning to the side, Mercedes saw two jocks high-fiving each other – likely the two who called out the slur – and glared at them angrily. Turning her attention back to the new boy, she couldn't help but feel sorry for him as he tried to slither away from Mr. Shuester's grasp and hide from the rest of his classmates, but only managing to shake a bit in the teacher's hands.

"Jake, you come up and take the seat in front of me." The jock next to Kurt rolled his eyes as he stood up, and mumbled something about 'not having to catch the gay from Hummel, now.' Kurt shot a sharp glare at him, before looking up at the frightened boy still standing at the front of the class. "Blaine, why don't you go ahead and take the seat besides Kurt? I'm sure he'll help you catch up on what you've missed so far." Blaine nodded, and felt as though he couldn't get to the back of the class quick enough. He could hear the rumors about the two already spreading around the classroom, and shot an apologetic smile at Kurt, apologizing for the teases the two were already getting. The countertenor just shrugged with a small smile at her face, trying to wordlessly say that it was no big deal.

"But Mr. Shuester, what if the two fags start having a gay make out session? I don't think any of us want to see that," The jock from earlier called out. He received some words of agreements, but mostly more laughs. Blaine slunk down into his chair, but Kurt just shot a glare that seemed to be aimed at almost everyone in the classroom. After a moment, Kurt turned towards Blaine and placed a hand on the boy's shoulder as his face grew more and more red from embarrassment. Realizing that this was just raising everyone's suspicion of the two, he dropped his hands back down, and continued to glare.

"Tyler. Principle Figgins office. Now." The jock mumbled 'whatever' as he grabbed his bag, slung it over one shoulder, and headed out of the room. However, that went unheard by Kurt, who was now gripping onto the table in an attempt to hold himself together and refrain from exploding in anger. The middle of Spanish class really wasn't a good time for him to go all-out Diva on everyone, even if he had a reason as good as this one.

Taking in a deep breath, he held it in a moment before letting it out in an attempt to calm himself down. Feeling a bit more relaxed now, he backed up his chair so that Blaine and Mercedes were facing each other, seeing as they had both been staring at him to make sure he wouldn't explode or anything.

"Mercedes, this is Blaine, Blaine, this is Mercedes. She's my best girl." Blaine smiled at her, and held out a hand which Mercedes happily took to shake.

"Damn, whiteboy, why do ya always meet everyone fun before me?" she asked Kurt, a joking bit of annoyance in her voice. Kurt shrugged and shrugged with a smug look on his face, causing Blaine to chuckle again. "So, newboy," Mercedes attention was back on him. "What brings ya to boring ol' Lima? I never thought anyone actually moved here, I thought they only moved outta here. Everyone that's here just wants to leave."

Blaine shrugged and her words, biting his lip, and sunk back in his seat to take the notes on the bored. Mercedes looked over at Kurt, who was also taking notes, only leaning forwards on the desk and furiously writing them down as quick as possible. She raised an eyebrow at him – which Kurt saw out of the corner of his eye. Turning his head briefly towards her, he mouthed the words 'we'll talk later' which seemed to be enough for her as the two of them continued to work.

After a few moments of silence, Kurt turned towards Blaine. "Tú hablas español?" The other teen raised an eyebrow for a second before understanding, and shaking his head. "Ah, it's okay. I've taken French up until now, but I've become pretty fluent in that so I decided to try something new. And 'Cedes here dropped Latin for Spanish earlier, so I took up Spanish too." Blaine was shocked. He was fluent? Blaine had taken French at his old school, and he hardly knew how to hold up a simple conversation. Not to mention, the stupid accent they had to use just made it harder to understand. But, he was fluent and only in his junior year?

Laughing gently at the other boys reaction, the countertenor scribbled down the address of a local coffee shop. Sliding it across the table to the mute boy, he whispered "That's the address to the Lima Bean. Meet me there after school if you can, okay?" Kurt's gentle smile made the other boy melt, and just nod in agreement.

No way would he pass up an offer to see Kurt.