I felt in the mood to write a short angsty little Jaidan fic. So here it is.

Title: High Moon
Summary: Not being there is always the worst part.
Genre: Drama/Angst/Romance
Rating: T
Characters: Aidan and Josh
Pariring: Jaidan
Note: Rated T for slash

High Moon

Aidan could take the screaming. He could take the sounds of pain. Hell, he could even take the lashing out irrationally. He'd become so used to Josh's turning every four weeks that he could take on most of the symptoms occurring to the turn. What he couldn't take, however, was not being there for his boyfriend when he probably needed it the most.

It wasn't that he didn't want to be there. Josh begged for him to leave everytime. He didn't want to hurt Aidan, since werewolves were known to kill and destroy vampires. He couldn't risk that. Aidan understood all too well. He just wished that it didn't have to be that way.

Even back when they were best friends before they started dating, Aidan wanted to be there for Josh. Wanted to hold him and tell him that it was going to be okay in the morning. That he loved him and cared for him. That he didn't care what happened. He just could never bring himself to do it. And now that they were dating, it was even harder than he'd thought to begin with.

The month of January had been particularly hard on Josh and Aiden. With a full moon almost every week, they barely saw each other and when they did, Josh was always in a disarray and tired. Aidan didn't know what he could do to help. So he left Josh alone and loved him anyway.

In the middle of the month, Josh had to change in the house. He was already in pain and writhing and screaming. Aidan grabbed everything he could that could be saved, then stayed inside. Josh gave him a concerned and pleading look.


Aidan shook his head. "No. I'm staying with you this time."

Josh growled and bent down in pain. He ripped off his shirt and dropped onto the floor, straining and groaning. His fingers were white and red, gripping the floorboards beneath him. His teeth started coming in and Aidan grew only a little bit fearful. He knew the risks of staying inside with a werewolf. He knew what he was exposing himself to.

Slowly, Aidan approached his changing boyfriend. He knelt down and touched his back. Josh growled at him fiercely and the vampire backed off only a little bit. He took his hand instead comfortingly, and sat down next to him.

Josh looked over pleadingly. "Don't-"

"I'm staying. No questions. I don't care," Aidan had his serious eyes on and Josh knew that he couldn't dissuade him in the least.

It took Josh his usual amount of time to change and Aidan backed off once he did. He kept his distance, yet stayed in the room. Josh paced around Aidan, growling at him threateningly. Standing his ground, the vampire remained still and watched his werewolf boyfriend. He didn't regret this decision yet.

Josh stalked around Aidan four times before trying to lunge at him and tear off an arm. Aidan ran out the front door and slammed it shut, hearing Josh growling and scratching at the door. He bit his lip and did his best not to tear up. This was always the hardest part. The fact that Josh no longer knew Aidan as his boyfriend in his werewolf state, but as a threat and something that was for the kill.

That, was what Aidan couldn't take.


Reviews please? For the love of Jaidan!
