A/N: Um… hi… remember me, TWA readers? Yeah… I've been gone a while, I know… well, for this story I have. But I have a good reason. And I don't know how many people will be reading this… you might have all forgotten the story anyways… but for those who are reading this...

Writer's block has taken over the world of TWA, my friends. I really, really hate to say this. But I can't continue.

I know… I honestly can't finish this story. My mind is blank, and I have so many other stories to work on that I'm sure some of you read anyway. LWMS? QTO? NSLFF? And a new one I will post any day now. Two Worlds Apart is just too hard… I'm sorry.

But, I have a plan. I'm not going to leave it incomplete. I've decided that, rather than leaving it as a sad ending, I will go back to Two Worlds Collide and add one more chapter on the end, the day after they fall out. Hopefully I'll get that last chapter up soon. But then it'll be time to say "goodbye" to the "Two Worlds" series.

I'm sorry. I really am. I'll put an alert up on this story when I've posted that last chapter on Two Worlds Collide, but then I'm done.

Really, I've never cancelled a story before… but it's come to the point where I can't think anymore, and I prefer writing the other stories. I'm really, really, really sorry.

Thank you all for being patient, I hope the final chapter of Two Worlds Collide will be worthy of such fantastic readers as you guys.

I love you all.

~Amy x