Okay, before people ask, it's a Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood crossover. i'm having the crossover happen around halfway through episode 26... and yes, it's not a very good chapter - i was in a rush, and i was trying not to copy too much of the episode.

anyway, i don't own Edward Elric or anyone associated with him, or Spyro or anyone associated with him. they belong to their respective owners.

and just like with my first book; if you don't like it, don't review.

Chapter 1: Alchemist meets Psychic.

Location: ?.

Character: Edward.

Envy set the last piece down of the huge Transmutation Circle. "All the pieces I could find." he said, walking behind Ed. "Now, what're planning to do with these that'll get us out of here?"

Ling looked at the darkness all around. "I hope it's good. I don't like this false... what'd you call it? Truth void?"

Ed shrugged. "Well, whatever it is. Anyway," he walked over to a piece of the stone mural. "I saw a piece of this mural back in Xerxes, in the ruins of one of the temples."

"Xerxes?" Ling asked.

Ed nodded. "Anyway," he set a hand on one of the pieces. "each of these symbols on this Transmutation Circle have a meaning, even the material the Circle is made of. For example, the sun," he waved his hand at a Sun symbol on a piece just a little to the left of the one he was standing in front of. "represents the Soul. The Moon next to it represents the Mind." he patted the stone. "And the stone that the Circle is set into, that represents the Body."

"Slow down and keep things simple, Ed." Ling spoke up. "I'm not an Alchemist."

Ed shook his head. "Right, sorry. So as I was saying," he looked at Ling and Envy. His expression was grim. "This Transmutation Circle is meant for Human Transmutation."

"That I know of." Ling said. "At least, I think I do. That's what bringing dead people back to life is called, right?"

Location: Riftside, Asgard Dimension.

Date: January 15th, 7:36 AM.

Character: Light.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it damn it!" Light punched a car hard enough to put a dent in it. "Why the HELL did Soul show up now? It's been, what, six years? No, more like 9! And how the hell does he know Cynder! For christ's sake, this can't possibly get any-" a growl was heard from his left somewhere. "Worse." Light finished, pulling a Luger out and aiming it into the shadow of a broken down building. "Okay, who the hell's there?"

a wolf leapt at him.

Light screamed – yes, screamed – and hit the deck. The Wolf hit the car door, turned around, ad started growling again.

Light backed up. "Stay, doggie..."

"Still scared of Wolves?"

Light started. "No time for this, Soul!"

"Why's he scared of wolves? I thought he 'never gets scared'."

Light hung his head. Damn it. Me and my big mouth... whats Scaly-Freak doing here?

"No, it's perfectly logical; Light had a run-in with a Wolf demon when he was around 5 years old. Nearly died. Scared of Wolves since."

"Oh. Sorry for an unintended insult."


Light got up, and after making sure the Wolf wasn't walking toward anyone, turned and looked at the four of them. Soul was standing a few feet away, Spyro was standing behind him, Cynder was standing next to Spyro, and Natalie was sitting on Cynder's back.

"Great, where are the others? They might as well be here, seeing as there's five people here already!"

"Hey, Light, do you think we should keep the wolf?"

Oh no... Light looked at the Wolf. It was sitting down now, with it's head cocked to one side. I can swear that mutt understood Natalie...

"I don't see why not." Soul replied. "Having a canine with us would definitely help out in searching for supplies and survivors."

Light sighed and walked away. "Okay, you discuss this with Ron. I'm leaving for a few minutes." Before the others said anything he ran away and turned a corner down one of the streets next to the barricade.

Location: Fake Truth void.

Character: Edward.

Edward finished sketching out a Transmutation Circle on the ground. "okay, now this is was much as I can remember of the Circle." he looked at Ling and Envy. "Now, as soon as I transmute myself, the REAL portal of truth is going to open. You guys jump in, and that should get us out of here, or at least you two."

"And if it fails?" Envy growled.

"If a transmutation fails, it rebounds back onto the user." Ed replied. "In this case, me." he looked at Ling. "Ling, if this fails and I don't get out of here, warn everybody back home about what they're planning." he said, pointing at Envy.

Ling smiled. "This isn't my country. I could care less about it." Ed gritted his teeth. "You've got friends who are waiting back home for you, right?" Ed started, then nodded. "Just get back alive, and tell them yourself."

Ed nodded again, then clapped is hands together. "Okay, here it goes. Get ready!"

Location: Riftside.

Character: Spyro.

Spyro chuckled as he watched Light retreating. "Can't believe he's scared of WOLVES. Wolves, of all things!"

"Um, Spyro?" Cynder said, sitting down next to him. "He's a human. Wolves pose a larger threat to humans than to us dragons." she nuzzled him. "Especially you, since you tend to scare wolves silly if they come within ten feet of either me or Sparx."

"Hey, i'm supposed to be watching over you two." he said.

Natalie watched Light turn a corner. "I hope he'll be alright..."

Location: ?.

Character: Edward.

Ed opened his eyes. All he could see was complete white. And, of course, a huge, grey, stone door.

He was sitting cross-legged on the ground... if you could call it ground.

He got up. "Okay, now if I open this..." he felt something behind him, so he turned around. "okay, was there two doors before?"

there was a second door behind him. It looked exactly identical to the door in front of him, except... there was another boy in front of this door. Naked, with long blonde hair, and was skinny as a rake.

No way...

the boy turned around.

Ed started; it looked like an older version of his brother. no... it WAS his brother...

Ed took a running start, before he heard the door behind him open and black hands wrapped around him, yanking him back toward the door. "Al, come on!"

"I can't come with you." Al answered.


"I can only leave with my own soul."

Ed was dragged the rest of the way into the door, which slammed shut promptly. He smashed it open again. "Al, just you wait!" he yelled. "i'm coming back sooner or later. Just you wait, i'll come back for you!"

"You don't even know where you're going, Ed."

"I'm going back home!"

the little white figure Ed saw the first time he was here stepped out from behind the second door. "Who said anything about going home? That isn't even the old door."

"Huh?" Ed looked around, struggling against the hands. He say another grey door next to the one he was being pulled through. He also noticed that the door he was being yanked into was jet black...

Location: Riftside.

Character: Light.

"Great, just great." Light muttered, reloading his luger. Half a dozen zombies were on the ground now. "These things are getting weaker... that would've been a good sign, but it's been a full year now; why are they only getting weaker TODAY? They should've been nothing by rotten piles of... whatever... a long time ago."

he continued walking. "What the heck is going on...? first Cynder pops up, says something about alternate worlds... then Scaly-Freak pops up, nearly kills me... now Soul pops up after 9 years, AND he knows Cynder..." he laughed. "Yggdrasil... I always did say he liked Norse mythology a bit to much..."

there was a loud crash from a few feet away, in one of the abandoned stores.

"What the..."

Light jumped over the remains of the doors and into the store. There was this weird eye hologram on the ceiling, with black vines everywhere.

"What in the hell is going on now..."

the eye-thing vanished.

Light shrugged and dug through the wreckage in the store.

He heard groaning from somewhere.

"Holy crap... HEY, IS ANYONE ALIVE IN HERE?" he yelled, jumping up onto a shelf to get a better view of the store. "HEY, IF YOU CAN HERE ME, ANSWER, GOD DAMN IT!" then he thought about it and said, "UM, FORGET THOSE LAST THREE WORDS!" hope it isn't a priest.

He heard someone banging what sounding like a metal bat against a shelf. He ran toward the sound.

The first thing he found was a blonde-haired kid about a foot shorter than he is, wearing black clothes and had something of a splint on his left arm.

Light bent down and dragged the kid out of the wreckage. "hey, you okay?"

"No, not really..."

Light slung the kid over his shoulder and walked out of the store. "Good thing you're short, it'd be hard to get you out if you were -" Light found his face in the pavement in less than a second.


Light lifted himself up. "Okay... that hurt... kid, it might not be a good idea to... move... much..." his voice trailed off as he noticed the kid's right arm... which looked like it was made of metal. "Okay... are you a droid or something?"

"What, never seen Auto-mail before? Where the hell am I?"

Light blinked. "Don't tell me... um, have you ever heard of Riftside?"


"... okay, i'll give you the details later... what's you name, shorty?"

Light got punched in the face with the metal arm. "well... it isn't shorty...!"

Light groaned, getting up. "Do that again, and you're a dead kid."

"Yeah, like you can do any-" Light fired a fireball mixed with lightning over the kid's shoulder. "... thing... was that Alchemy?"

"What? Okay, let's leave this for later. Name?"

The kid looked around. "It's Edward. Edward Elric... are we in a city?"

"What WAS a city..."

"Your name?"

Light sighed. Hell, why not? This kid is going to help out a lot... "It's Light. That's all i'm telling you right now."

Mental Note: Don't call Edward anything pertaining to his size.