(2020): There is currently a Reader Challenge on the board: visit my Profile Page for details…

Required Disclaimer: Do I really have to do this every chapter? Really? C'mon, you know the drill: Kim Possible…not mine…no rights…no money…just for fun…etc.…

Chapter Thirty-Four: Feelings (woh woh woh, feelings…)

Monique blinked her eyes until they focused. The medication dripping into her arm kept her relatively pain-free but sometimes made it hard to concentrate. As the image of her new visitor became less blurry, her eyes widened in surprise.


The tall brunette in the doorway took a step into the room. Instantly, the African-American woman who had been sitting by her bedside was out of her chair and standing between the patient and her latest visitor.

"It's all right, Cece," Monique said. "I know her."

The B-bot remained in place, blocking Amelia's path for an additional two seconds. "Scanning," she stated quietly. "Confirmed: subject Amelia is human. No weapons detected." She returned to her seat.

"No weapons," Amelia agreed with a smile, "just these." She set a vase of flowers on the nightstand beside Monique's hospital bed.

"Tell it to me straight, girl," Monique said, reaching out to grasp the tall brunette's arm. "Am I dying?"

Amelia smiled. "Not that I know of. Why do you ask?"

"Well, it's not like we actually know each other. So, I'm asking myself, why would you bring me flowers?"

"Well, we were classmates, Monique…mind if I sit?"

Monique nodded and Cece vacated the chair to stand over by the door. "We were two years apart…" she said warily.

"True," her visitor admitted, "but Middleton alum, all the same. And I've been a customer."

"Club Banana," Monique said, nodding. "But not so much lately. I understand you've been getting some modeling gigs."

Amelia smiled. "Yes. So, I don't do off-the-rack as much as I used to. I tend to go for personal design when I can. Which means I frequent the new talents, the hungry talents."

"The cheap talents," Monique clarified.

"I don't like 'cheap.' Let's say 'affordable'."

"And you heard about me?"

Amelia smiled and nodded. "Yeah. And I thought, girl's got skills, taste, talent—and she's one of my homies."

Monique scowled. "'Homies'? Really?"

"Okay. Alums. I remembered that you had personal style back when we were in high school. Figured I could trust you more than some stranger and that I could promote you if we were able to work something out."

Monique considered the offer. It wasn't like she could afford to be choosy. And, while she had never really been close to Amelia back when the older girl attended Middleton High, she'd had no reason to dislike or distrust her, either. It just seemed odd that the tall, tanned beauty had suddenly walked through the door of her hospital room with flowers after all this time. And with no prior relationship to base things on.

A thought occurred and Monique's eyes narrowed. "It's Ron, isn't it." Her inflection held no question.

Amelia was suddenly flustered. "Why—uh—oh—I don't—um—know what you mean…"


Dede sat in the back, Ron rode shotgun, and Shego drove.

"I'm going to need a car," he said absently, staring out the passenger window at nothing in particular.

"You need a security detail for the time being and I don't mind chauffeuring," Shego said.

Ron nodded passively. "For now. But I'm going to need a vehicle eventually and what I'm going to want will take some time to fabricate."

Shego cocked her head as she thought out loud. "Speed, maneuverability, yet armored. On board weaponry and electronics…"

"I've already started a list. The problem is my tech guy is lying unconscious in the hospital with only a fifty-fifty chance of ever waking up again."

"Yeah, about that…what did you do when the doctor wasn't looking?"

"What do you mean?"

"You touched him."

"Yeah, so?"

"Well. It was more than that. You did something when you touched him."

Now he turned. Now she had his full attention. "And just what is it you think I did when I touched him?"

"I—I don't know. Healed him?"

Ron's face turned sour. "Did he look healed?"

"N—no. He was still unconscious when we left."

"So much for that theory." He turned his head away and looked back out the side window.

"You tried but it didn't work," she guessed.

"My initials are R.S., not J.C.," he snapped. "I just touched my friend and said a quick prayer for him. Okay?"

Shego hesitated but wouldn't let it go. "I felt something."


"I felt something when you touched him. You were trying to do something!"

"You're imagining th—"

"I am not imagining things!" She shook her head, knowing that this conversation could be taking a bad turn. She had to say it, anyway: "I can feel you."

"Yeah. And I can feel you. Maybe we should keep our hands to ourselves." He was grinning now but the smile did not touch his eyes.

"Stop it," she snapped. "Stop trying to divert me. I can feel you, okay? Two mind-melds and whatever your monkey mojo did to me in the mix—I may not be able to read your mind outside of the meld but I can get a sense of what you're feeling from across the room. Maybe even farther. And I felt something go out of you and into the Load kid when you touched him."

The grin was gone and Ron stared straight ahead at the windshield. "Why do you call my MMP 'monkey mojo'?"

"Why do you think, Chosen One?"

His eyes grew wide.

"The same way you know about my giving people cancer. It's a two-way street inside the meld. A lot of things are obvious right away. Other things come into focus with time. I'm betting that you're starting to find out things about me that didn't jump right out at you inside of the meld."

Ron nodded slowly.

"And yet you still trusted me to head up your security detail today…" she baited.

He bowed his head. "I trust you even more, now," he said softly.

The car was silent the rest of the way to their destination and Ron pretended to not notice when she swiped at a tear that rolled down her right cheek.


Amelia's heart was racing along with her thoughts.

Am I that obvious? she wondered. What gave me away? How do I handle this? Deny! Deny deny deny!

This was Karen's fault!

Her roommate turned Jedi-love-master had pushed her into phase three of her training to become the perfect girlfriend/object of desire in her quest for The Pink Sloth.

"Before you make the big move on the guy that you want," Karen had told her just last night, "you should get tight with his friends. If his friends approve of you then your job is a lot easier. If they don't like you, you're in for a long, bitter slog."

"But—but—this is an awful time, right now!" Amelia had wailed. "Two of his friends have just been sent to the hospital!"

"Amelia, you're not trying to get next to the guy, right now. You're trying to get next to his friends. You say two of them are in the hospital? Go see them! Take them flowers. Offer to run errands. Be a friend to his friends who need it the most!"

The brunette beauty had shuddered. "It just all feels so—"

"Cynical?" Karen supplied.

Amelia shook her head.


She shook her head again and finally said: "Icky!"

The girl in blue shook her head. "I know it feels like you're using them to get close to him—and you are. But you're also trying to make them feel better. And, if you succeed in becoming his girlfriend—and, someday, something more—they'll be your friends, too. I mean, everyone has to work at being friends with their best friend's other friends. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's hard. Once in a while it's impossible…"

"Like Rockwaller."

Karen nodded. "Precisely. But everyone does it. Everyone tries the best that they can. Because it comes with the territory. Like mothers-in-law and creepy, old bachelor uncles. Only you're being proactive, in this case. Instead of waiting until he's your boyfriend and then making nice with his friends, you're working to get ahead of the curve, here.

"Look, no one's asking you to suck up to Bonnie Rockwaller. But if his friends are people you wouldn't mind having as friends, yourself—why wait until later when a little effort now could be nice for everybody involved?"

Put that way, Amelia really did feel as if visiting Monique in the hospital and bringing her flowers was a kind and harmless gesture—even if her interest in Ron was what initiated the act.

Except that Monique had apparently seen through her plan. "It's Ron, isn't it," she bedridden girl accused.

As Amelia stammered and stuttered, Monique sharpened her accusation: "He put you up to this, didn't he?"

Now Amelia really was off-balance. "What?"

"He knows I need the money so he asked you to come here and give me his money on the pretense that you were looking to hire me!"

It took another moment for the tall girl to realize that Monique thought that Ron was using her to perform a secret kindness.

"Oh, Monique," Amelia clasped a hand to her impressive bosom, "I swear to you that this commission is my idea and not Ron's. He really doesn't know that I'm here or anything about what I'm trying to do!"

The black girl searched her face and found totally sincerity behind her words. "Well, alright then!"

And for the next hour or so the talk turned to fashion and boys and both girls discovered a mutual liking for one another.


Dr. Director pulled on the latex glove and picked up the black market moodulator chip. She hadn't liked the Bortel originals and these illegal knockoffs might turn out to be even more unreliable. Global Justice had recovered a batch of the HenchCo bargain basement items when they had busted a Hong Kong crime-ring the previous month.

The chips had actually come in handy: more than one of their high-risk detainees was now a model prisoner, thanks to the Psy-Ops Division and their idea to put "happy chips" on the most violent offenders in the GJ holding cells.

That was one thing, though; using one on Dr. Anne Possible to keep her manageable was quite another. Never mind what Dr. Serelay thought, it would be bad enough if all went well. But a few of the chips had proven to be flawed, producing unpredictable—and in a couple of cases, very unpleasant—results.

So, just in case, she dropped the chip in her pocket and pulled out her all-purpose GJ communicator. Selecting the settings that turned the hand-held device into a stun gun, she made sure the capacitors were fully charged before palming it and walking back into the bedroom.

"I still don't see why Ron was so spazzed out this morning," Anne was telling a wide-eyed Joss. "I mean, we've seen each other naked plenty of times."

"You have?" Joss was having enough trouble with the idea that her Aunt Anne was acting like she was Kim Possible. The "boyfriend" talk was just downright unnerving.

"Well…sure…" For a moment the older woman seemed a little uncertain as she worked through the logic: "All of the missions we've been on. We've had to change in and out of mission gear and wetsuits and often in cramped quarters—airplanes and trucks and all kinds of places where modesty can't be a consideration. And—" she raised her eyebrows suggestively, "—we are girlfriend and boyfriend. In fact, we're practically engaged! After all of this time, you gotta expect that we've done a lot more than just see each other naked. Facing life and death sitches every week, never knowing if our next mission is gonna be our last? How could anyone imagine that we wouldn't ha—?"

"That's not what Ki—er—you—told me the last time we talked about Ron!" Joss interrupted loudly.

"I didn't?"

"No! You told me that Ron was very modest and that you were saving yourselves for marriage!"

"I did?"

"In fact, you even said that you weren't going to have sex and would just adopt your kids, instead." As soon as she threw out that last sentence Joss could see that she had overplayed her hand.

Anne just giggled and licked her lips.

Anne's niece turned to look at Betty in the doorway. Help me! her eyes said.

The director came into the room trying to circle to Anne's other side but make the move look casual as she did so.

"I probably was worried that you'd rat me out to my Mom," Anne told Joss. "But guess what? Since then I've learned that my mother is a lot more—shall we say 'open minded'—on the subject of sex than I thought!"

Joss' eyes were now screaming: Hurry up!

Betty adjusted her grip on her stun gun/communicator, popping the electrodes out to the "business" position, and plunged her gloved hand back into her pocket for the chip. The glove dulled her sense of touch and the moodulator unit felt a little unwieldy as she pulled it back out.

In fact, that was because she had pulled two items out of her pocket, instead of one. She could see that now as she held up the chip which was stuck to a pebble by a snarl of pocket lint.

A pebble that looked like a small stone hand of simian aspect.

Anne picked that moment to look back at Betty.

Betty, caught off guard, fumbled the chip and its tethered companion: it fell to the floor and bounced on the carpet in front of the former Dr. Possible.

"Oh, let me get that for you," Anne said, leaning over.

"No, let me!" Joss cried, trying to beat her aunt to the chip.

"That's all right, I've got it!" Betty announced simultaneously, stooping down to grab the chip before Anne could see what it really was.

Like a perfectly executed Three Stooges routine, all three of their heads met together with a sound not unlike colliding bowling balls.

Betty dropped her stun gun on top of their intended target and, as they all were dazed by what amounted to a synchronized concussion, their hands simultaneously fell upon the device. This triggered its pent-up electrical charge.

The black-market chip exploded beneath the communicator, creating a halo of sparks to go with the blue-white ball of DC current that enveloped the three stunned women before hurling them apart in three different directions.

Fortunately, Yoshi appeared at that moment with Hana in tow and was able to extinguish the smoldering carpet before things became any worse for the three, now unconscious women.

Once the initial danger was past, she prioritized by going to her boss, first, and turning her over. She checked her pulse first and, finding it steady, peeled back each of her eyelids to check her pupils. Both equal and responsive.

And then it hit her: both pupils! The eye patch had been knocked askew and the scars around the orbital socket were gone! What wasn't gone was the eye that had been missing for the better part of a decade.

And that wasn't the only change…

Yoshi stepped back from Dr. Director and looked more closely at the other two women on the floor.

"Nande kuso!"


They parked in front and walked around the building to the back. They paused for a few moments outside the back door then Ron walked the rest of the way around the building to the front again. He stood for a few minutes and looked up to the roofline and then across the front of the warehouse and then turned around and gazed across the street at the empty lot and then beyond to the Upperton Campus another two blocks away.

Shego, who had followed him (along with Dede, bringing up the rear), had opened her mouth to speak to him. But, as she had said, she could feel him when they were in close proximity, and he felt like he didn't want to be distracted right now.

Eventually, he produced the keys that Monique had given him during their visit at the hospital, and unlocked the heavy front doors. Shego stopped him as they stepped across the threshold. "Dede?"

The brunette B-bot stepped into the foyer and turned back and forth in a one-hundred-and-eighty-degree arc. "Scanning. No sentient life forms detected. No apparent booby traps. Plumbing and electrical are up to code. This structure appears to be safe."

"Thanks Deeds," Ron said blithely as he gave her a peck on her cheek and walked on past.

Shego followed and, after a moment, the artificial woman fell into line. The hesitation was minimal yet Shego couldn't shake the impression that Dede had been put a little off balance by Ron's response.

But that was silly as the B-bot wasn't really human…

"So, how is it that your friend is living in a warehouse?" she asked as Ron wandered the corridors leading deeper into the massive structure.

"She's fallen on some hard times," he answered, opening a door and looking around a moderately sized storeroom. "Some of her student grants were unfunded after the semester began and then she lost her job at Club Banana after a new manager was brought in. A friend is letting her crash here so that she doesn't have to commute to her classes every day and this gives her enough room to work on some projects that afford her some extra income."

"Yeah?" she quipped as he closed the door and headed deeper into the building, "well, I don't know what she's being charged for rent but I'll bet the utilities are a bitch in winter."

Ron just smiled and started up a set of stairs.

"Hey," Shego said, pausing at the bottom, "I thought she said her quarters were on the ground floor."

"Just having a look around while we're here…"

Dede shot her a very human look as she hurried up the stairs after the nexus of her programming. "Ron Stoppable cannot be adequately protected if you remain down here," the robot scolded in a faintly judgmental tone.

Shego blinked in surprise and took off up the stairs to catch up to him.

"So, I was thinking about your tech and security issues," she said as she followed him out onto a catwalk over a vast open area two stories below. "I'm no boy genius but I've done most of the set-up work on Dr. D's lairs, I've got an unblemished record as a bodyguard—"

"Drakken excepted," Ron smirked.

"Uh, yeah…" She felt his amusement, not his judgment. "That's mostly your fault—yours and the princess'."

"The princess?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. That's what I sometimes call Kimmie."

"Kimmie? Oh, I see: Kim Possible." He paused. "Why do you call her that?"

"Man, you aren't kidding, are you? You really don't remember her!"

"Apparently not." He pulled out the new kimmunicator (or communicator to his mind) that Wade had handed him before the funeral services. Holding it up, he began snapping pictures of the space and structures around him. "So, is she a royal pain?"

"What? No. Or yes. I guess. I call her that to get under her skin."

"Ah. Sort of a psychological battle strategy?"

"I guess. She's little Miss Perfect. 'I can do anything'," she mimicked in a falsetto voice. "Perfect parents. Perfect family. Perfect home in the burbs. Head cheerleader. Straight-A student." She gave him a sideways look. "Perfect boyfriend…"

Ron laid his forearms on the catwalk's railing and leaned over to look down. "Not so much the perfect life, now, huh?" he said quietly.

She bowed her head, suddenly ashamed. In the quiet she could feel the sadness coming off of him like palpable waves. Not the deep grief of a former boyfriend or lover. More like the empathetic sadness for a fellow human being who had lost her family, had lost her daughter…

Shego stared at the blond man. He was empathizing with Dr. Anne Possible. He really didn't remember or feel anything for his ex-partner!

"Yeah," she said slowly, "but for several years there it seemed like she had it all while I had…Drakken. I called her 'Princess,' half to rile her up and half to psych me up."

"But now you're on the same side."

"Yeah." She shook off the mood. "More importantly, we're on the same side. She's not here; we are. I'm the perfect choice to handle your security issues—home or excursionary."

He turned to her. "Why?"

She frowned. "Why? Well, like I said: I've got experience in—"

"No," he said. "Why would you want to? With your skills and experience, you're far more valuable in the field as a Global Justice operative. Knowing your taste for adventure and your low tolerance for boredom, why would you settle for bodyguard work?"

She was tempted to say because it's your body I want to guard, but she figured that was one slice of cheese that might not go well on the menu. "Somehow, Stoppable," she answered with a little of the old snark in her voice, "I don't see hanging around you as being very boring for the foreseeable future."

He gave her a long searching look before saying: "Remember, I can feel you, too." He turned away and began walking to the far end of the catwalk, saying: "I'm still going to need someone serious in the tech department until Wade is fully recovered. Justine Flanner might be a good alternative but I'm told that she's missing. Likewise, Felix Renton and his mother."

Shego followed him at a slightly greater distance, feeling the hot flush rising in her cheeks. Hating herself for sabotaging her advantage in proximity, she nonetheless opened her mouth and said, "What about Dr. Porter?"

He paused, considering. "Vivian? She'd probably bring a lot to the table. I'd probably have to bribe her with a lot of money to lure her away from her robotics work at the space center—even if it's only temporary."

"Yeah," Shego said drily, "I'm sure she'll be real reluctant."

He paused at the end of the catwalk and frowned. "What's the matter…?" His eyes widened as she approached him and she could almost feel some kind of exchange pass between them, making the hairs rise on the back of her neck. "You're…upset…? Why? The money? If I have to offer her more money, I'll see that your compensation is upped appropriately."

Her hands were balled into fists, now, as she closed the distance between them and her face was flushed once again.

"You're angry? I…don't…"

He didn't get the chance to finish as she grabbed him roughly by the collar of his jacket and yanked his face to hers. "You've come a long way, Ron, and don't think I'm not impressed!" she hissed. "But in some ways, you're still totally The Buffoon!"

And then she kissed him savagely.


Betty groaned as Yoshi helped her totter into the bathroom, a cold compress held to her head. The headache was bad enough but the there was something wrong with her eyesight, a well. It was as if she had double-vision…but, yet, not double-vision…

And there was somebody else already at the sink, ahead of her.

What was it with Stoppable? Every time she turned around there was a new hottie in the suite. The twenty-something woman with short, garnet hair looked strangely familiar…

She glanced at the form-fitting Global Justice uniform and it dawned on her that this woman was probably one of her new agents. No wonder she seemed—

She froze.

And then slowly reached toward the woman standing on the other side of the sink.

The young agent with the bobbed, dark red hair reached toward her, in turn.

Just before they would have touched each other, her fingernails 'tik'ed against glass.

Betty stared at her younger self in the mirror for a good thirty seconds and then whirled and stumbled back into the bedroom.

A twenty-something Anne Possible lay next to a twenty-something Jocelyn Possible, looking very much like sisters and not at all like an aunt and her niece.

"Holy crap!" Betty said.

This woke Joss first, whose hands happened to fall upon her chest as she felt to see if she was all right.

"All right!" she exclaimed as she double cupped a significantly matured bosom. Anne had been correct: Kim had filled out nicely post-graduation but her cousin had already left her in the rearview mirror.

Yoshi groaned as she picked up Hana and carried her out of the room. Her little charge wasn't the cause of her pained exclamation but, rather, the fact that her competition seemed to have shifted from Shego and Dr. Porter to a new trio of contestants.

She realized that she would have to step up her own game.


Meanwhile, in a warehouse in Upperton, Colorado—just a couple of blocks away from the university campus—over two dozen light bulbs were exploding in showers of sparks above the main floor and catwalk while the rest just flickered wildly.

ABOUT THE TITLE: Yeah, it's cheesy, I know; but using the same title as Morris Albert's Number One hit song seemed somehow appropriate.

(2020): There is currently a Reader Challenge on the board: visit my Profile Page for details…


Okay, here's the expanded version of Chapter 34. Thanks to all who PMed and offered advice, as well as those who cast their votes in the Shipping Pool.

Based on your feedback (and the fact that the number of chapters in the set are becoming a little unwieldy to place find, I'm leaning toward splitting off to Part Two when the "Big Bad" (Buffyspeak) is finally revealed. "Leaning," I said: no final decision is in place, yet.

How about this: I break up this epic into 3 large arcs: RSVP I: The Fellowship of the Ron, followed by RSVP II: The Two Powers, and wrap things up in RSVP III: The Return of the Kim! Your thoughts?




Feudor chapter 34 . Sep 1, 2011


I seem to be unable to get PM to work - the system says "disabled".

So therefore - a review

I am very glad that you are back to posting new chapters - it was a bit frustrating to see all the repostings when I wanted to see what would happen next!

As to your question: I am not sure it really matters. If you get to a really good point in the story where you would expect story to end or make a break, you could of course do so. Could be that this would give some practical advantages. But otherwise, by all means just continue. I will keep reading anyway!


Sorry to hear that you're having trouble with the Private Messaging system. I hope you can work through the problem, soon.

On the other hand, always happy when circumstances contribute to a review!

People keep telling me that this story is under-reviewed; nevertheless, I hate begging…


Pavelius chapter 34 . Sep 1, 2011

All i have to say...


Someone makes a move on Ron, the most clueless guy in the universe ... i sometimes think you really need to shove the girls/women into his lap before he gets the idea...

And Anne Possible acting as Kim... wow... nice twist...

I am wildly guessing and saying that Drakkens mom is another Synthodrone from Mastermind who shall convince him to turn evil again...

For your question... this Fic has reached 150k words or so... i think if you have a really big twist or a significant other plot, you should start a new Fic and maybe rename this one so that you can connect the two of them... (like first RSVP:Begins and the second RSVP:Returns) ;)

Keep it up


Ah, Pavelius: sorry, keep guessing. You guess good (i.e. Drakken's mom)—but, no, you're getting the real Mrs. Lipsky…well, for the most part...


CajunBear73 chapter 34 . Sep 2, 2011

Oh boy...

You say "oh boy" now but pretty soon I suspect you'll be saying "oh man!"


Wanderer3 chapter 34 . Sep 2, 2011

1) So Mama Lipsky is finally proving useful for something other than embarassment comedy.

Oh, yes…

2) aaaaaand now we have several new wrinkles into Ron's life, or would the removal of wrinkles be more accurate?


3) Overall very good work as usual. But do you HAVE to keep adding in new potential love interests, or at least more women attracted to Ron? It's fun but it is starting to make my head hurt P

Mine, too. But I can't help it: it's a compulsion. More to the point, Ron's MMP is affecting his pheromones so the ladies can't help it…

4) To re-iterate my choices for relationship with Ron:

The revitalized Betty Director, the brainy beauty Vivian Porter, and the sassy Monique are my top picks.

(Mainly cause they'd be different than most other fics I've read)

Catch ya lata,

P.S. with that peck on the cheek in the warehouse (and the lingerie thing from last chap), I do hope Dede, Cece, and Bebe are not gonna add to this psuedo-harem, that would start to get ridiculous _

Better take some Excedrin, "Ridiculous" is my middle name.

I really do like your picks—and not just for the reasons you enumerate!


TheRedKommie chapter 34 . Sep 2, 2011

Okay, even if I am to see that Mrs P and Betty were to turn young, I am having trouble seeing Joss turning older. But beyond that, decent chapter, still holding off on my opinion, though...

Its stuff like this though that people are expecting a harem

Wise Redkommie: holding off on your opinion: all of the pieces are not yet on the board.

As for the rest of you quiet ones out there, are you losing interest?


Overwhelmed by all of the Kigo stories? (Not that there's anything wrong with them…)


Sentinel103 chapter 34 . Feb 28, 2012

So Amelia is stepping up and getting close to Ron in a way that could be unsettling to the other rivals for Ron's attention. And Betts and the two Possible females are seeming to come to the same age...Tempis Simia anyone.

We already know that Shego has the hots for Ron and now maybe one of the b-bots too. Come on Rip lets get some alien life forms involved.

But now Ron gets a little background that he might need to remember Kim Possible, but he has no idea what for until Shego gives him a little clue.

Now you know a warehouse might be a good place to hide it could be defensible too.

Larry (Sentinel 103)

Regarding the romantic storylines with the alien life forms? Warmonga's sister, Ursula Major, doesn't show up looking for Big Blue until Part II…


Uberscribbler chapter 34 . Dec 12, 2012

THIS IS INSANE! What the ruddy-duddy-ding-dong-Gurney-Helleck-playing-his-banjo-blazes is DOING ALL THIS?!

Did something slip out of Ron, or were his phermones just mutated by that nuclear meltdown? Is there another hand in all this?

And 'mastermind'...I'm honestly at a loss now who s/he could be and why they're so damned scared of Team Possible (which isn't likely to exist in any meaningful form in the near future). The fact they have KP in a cage...its...its just inhuman. And unpredictable. And...and...and...

Ah, never mind. I'm sure it'll all make sense. Eventually. Maybe. Hopefully.

Ah, Uberscribbler: the answers are there if you look closely enough. If I've burned your brain out with the multilayered insanity, relax. Mastermind will be unmasked in Chapter 41. As for the pheromones, remember what Big Ball-o-Light Rufus told Ron back in Chapter 30:

(...You need to work on your unconscious control of your mystical monkey power. You are not aware but it has been affecting the libidos of the women within your sphere of influence.)


(Your MMP is leaving a trail of weaponized pheromones in your wake.)


(Amp it down, Chief; you're making your lady friends horny.)

(Ohhhh! Uh. I suppose I won't remember that, either, huh? Rufus? Buddy? Aw, man)

And, yes Uberscribbler: it will all make sense. Eventually…


JDSeay chapter 34 . July 12, 2013

I like what you are doing here so far it is really good. I like all the twists and turns it is keeping me on my toes with where it i think it might head to next and then bamm i was wrong.

Me, too! ;-)

If we are talking possible partners for Ron maybe we can go with Shego (because he needs a woman who can be assertive and be able to spar with him to settle some arguments) , Bonnie (Because i can kinda see it so far she knows his traditions and idk it just seems to work to me), Tara (because everybody needs that complete sweetheart that loves ya no matter what, and maybe Anne but young Anne (she might have been like his second mom but now that he doesn't have the memories to back it up he can now start to see her in a different light)

Interesting choices and I love that you justify them as you go.

I feel like the warehouse could become a great headquarters for him when he starts his war on mastermind and he has the money to outfit with everything he needs and if money can't get it he has enough experts with him that it could be built.

Also question id this Ron gonna receive all the technological expertise that Zorpox had if he does he might not need a tech guy/girl.

Excellent points, man! And, yes, we will eventually see Ron harness aspects of his Zorpox side but not too soon in the tech department as we wouldn't want to jettison the lovely Dr. Porter prematurely.


Guest chapter 34 . July 18, 2013

Type your review for this chapter here...

Who? Me?


Some Dude chapter 34 . Aug 26, 2013

Woo! Go Shego!

Yes, indeed!


loganhunter2 chapter 34 . Jan 12, 2014

Betti and Ann i get Un aging joss aging not so much maybe adding some of Ann and Bett to her to have them be optimal age for mmp could be the reason ...Kim needs to step up her game still Ron go but Ron betti is gaining a small spot for me

Well, Betty's going to have to up her game because, so far, it's Anne and Sheila making any moves…


BartWLewis chapter 34 . July 19, 2014

Alright Shego kissed Ron!

Maybe she was just using Ron as a remote control to turn off the lights.



G. Login chapter 34 . July 20, 2014

Loved that part that Amelia felt she had been caught and was in a panic. Then that was wandering what to do and Monique thought that she was sent by Ron to 'hire' her. she got lucky she wasn't right that Monique knew way she was really there.

Thanks, G! I really appreciate that you liked something in the story that wasn't one of the obvious "talking points."

There's subtle stuff, too, that I sometimes think slips past a lot of readers. And I'm wondering how readers are going to see Amelia as the story progresses: strong, self-assured woman with the good sense to recognize something good and apply herself in pursuing that goal? Or crazy, stalker woman who will do anything to get her man?


sakura89luis chapter 34 . July 20, 2014

shego is getting some ron-shine.

Who knew Ronshine was so...electric?


PyroNagus chapter 34 . Sep 25, 2014

Oookay, Anne is psyched to think she's kim and now young enough to truly be Kim. How...convenient. Ughh, you know what, I'm not even gonna count these Kim 'clones' anymore. What's the point? You're just gonna keep adding new ones. But mainly because counting growing bacteria gives people headaches. XD
Except she has blue eyes...just to point that out.;)

Uh oh... I can see Dede twitching her eyes, bound as she is to just stand there and watch. Shego better watch her step. The "emotionless" Bebe has orders to protect Ron not her...

You know, I'm very skeptical against fanfics that easily make Ron a playboy god with no good explanation. But I've come to accept this 'comical' running gag in your story (seducing a robot is just too ridiculous). Some of the readers are serious about that harem though...

Comical running gag? (Clutches chest in mock horror!)

And when you say "clones" do you literally mean "clones? Or are you using the term loosely to cover clones, synthodrones, robots, androids, cyborgs, shapeshifters, Camille Leon, and time-travelling alternate universe Kims?


shthar chapter 34 . July 22, 2020

First thing you do, no matter what story you're in, kill Bortel.

Kill Bortel? C'mon; the guy's not really evil. He just needs some supervision. Actually, he needs a lot of supervision!

Stuff hits the fan when his inventions somehow find their way out of his lab. Global Justice just needs to keep him on a tight leash.
