Hey! This is my first fanficion. So…yeah =) All the chapters are going to be different songs. This one is the general specific by band of horses.
FWI- I don't own the mortal instruments. I wouldn't be writing fanfiction if I did.
Chapter 1:
The General Specific
Clarissa Fray woke up to see light seeping through her bedroom window. While attempting to wake up, she glanced around her room. The walls were a bright orange, but they could barely be seen under all of Clary's drawing. They ranged from quick sketches of flowers to detailed drawing of her best friend, Simon Lewis. The room was filled with mismatched furniture that she had collected over the nine years she had lived here.
As she got off the school bus, seven year old Clary Fray was only worried about her hair. Earlier that day, Jimmy what-ever-his-name-is had poured glue down her bright, red curls. It was now greasy and smelled like paste. However as she approached her home, Jocelyn Fray, Clary's mother, was putting boxes into a rental car. "Mommy, what's going on?" she asked.
"Oh!" shrieked Jocelyn, "Clary, I want you to get in the car and close your eyes. Promise me you'll close 'em till I tell you to open up, 'kay baby."
"Okay Mommy," said Clary as she claimed into the rental car. She closed her eyes and kept them close for what seemed like forever. Finally out of boredom she opened them. Through the windshield she saw Jocelyn dumping a liquid on their home, then her mother lite the house on fire.
Clary gasped and quickly closed her eyes. By the time that Jocelyn told her to open them agian, Clary had convinced herself that she had seen wrong. Why would her mother lite their house on fire?
After days of driving they arrived in New York City. Jocelyn pulled up to a tattered looking brownstone and said, "This is gonna be our new home, 'kay baby."
Clary got out of the car and walked into the building. She walked over to the first door she saw. Inside was a room with bright orange walls. With a smile on her face, seven year old Clary yelled, "Mommy, I want this room."
End Flashback
Clary pushed herself out of bed and walk into her bathroom. There she splashed some cold water in her face before running a brush through her elbow length, red hair. She then applied a light layer of makeup. She grabbed a pair of dark wash jeans and pulled on a floral shirt. Clary then grabbed her phone and called Simon.
"Hello," said a deep voice on the other end.
"Hey Si!" squeaked Clary, "I was just wanting to see if you would hang out tonight. We could go to the Pandemonium or see a movie or something."
"Umm…Let's see a movie," said Simon.
"Okay," replied Clary, "So… what up with you?"
"I just finish band practice. Mark thinks he might be able to get us a gig at Pandemonium," said Simon.
"That's awesome! Then we could all go and I could cheer you on," Clary squealed.
"Well, I gotta go, so see you in a few hours?" said Simon.
"Okay, bye," she replied before hanging up her phone. Clary then walked into the kitchen and got herself a bowl of fruit loops. She then walked into the living room and turned on the TV. She did a quick fist-pump when she saw that Gilmore Girls reruns were on. Clary found herself crying when Dean realized that he couldn't compete with Rory's new collage friends.
All too soon, the doorbell rang and Simon walked in. He had light brown that was messy, but not in the sexy i-just-got-out-of-bed-way. He wore dorky, round, metal glasses and a gamers shirt that said 'Choose your Player' with a picture of a PlayStation controller underneath. He maybe a nerd, but he was Clary's nerd.
"Ready to go?" he asked.
With that they left Clary's brownstone and walked down the street. "let's get some lunch before the movie," said Clary.
"Okay I heard there's this new place that has blood on the menu." To this, Clay tried and failed to raise one eyebrow. "It's true!" Said Simon, "You can choose A whether you want A positive or B negative, or whatever blood types there are. It's called Taki's and it somewhere over by Broadway."
"As appealing as an A-positive blood-shake sounds right now, I think I'll stick with good, old Mexican food," she said with an eye roll.
The pair soon reached Clary's favorite taco shack, Nacho Mama. They sat down at a booth in the back corner. Simon began flipping through the menu. Clary just looked around the restaurant. In at the bar there was a girl with pale blue skin an lime green hair, but the weirdest thing, was the large transparent wings that came out of her upper back. Clary was about to show Simon when she suddenly forgot what was weird.
She sighed and blanked out whatever Simon was saying about need to get a girlfriend. Soon they had finished their tacos and were headed towards the movie theater.
Thanks for reading! I'll try to update soon. Please REVIEW, I need some feed back as to weither or not this is any good. =)