Disclaimer: You know it, I know it, we all hate it. I don't own Glee.

A small, flannel-clad boy raced across the park, only pausing once to get a better grip on his Power Rangers. Squinting in the harsh sun, he spied the empty sand pit from afar. He was so focused on his destination that he did not notice the bigger kid until they collided. They both fell on their behinds, giving out little cries of surprise.

Rubbing their heads, the boys looked up with the same incredulous expressions.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry," the boy dressed in flannel said. Except, he had a lisp, so it came out, "Oh goth, I'm thawwie."

The other boy shook his head absently and glanced at the action figures littering the ground around them.

"Whoa, do you have all of them?"

"The Power Rangers? Absolutely! They rock! Do you like them... er..."

"Dave. My name is Dave."

"Oh. Do you like them, Dave?"

Dave laughed at the emphasis on his name, nodding his approval for the toys. He looked up at the boy, whose head was tilted to the side. His chestnut hair shined in the sun.

"I'm Kurt, by the way," the other boy stated. Kurt stood up as he said this, wobbling for balance, before reaching his hand out to help Dave up. Dave grasped Kurt's hand, momentarily stunned by how soft it was. Like a girl's hand Dave thought. Except not all flimsy... strong... Not that he was complaining.

By the time Dave had come to his senses and stopped musing about hands, Kurt had picked up all his action figures and started walking towards the sand pit. Dave wiped off the seat of his jeans and followed, not really caring if he was invited. They eventually reached the sand area and Kurt lay down his toys gently before adjusting a bow tie Dave hadn't noticed before (not that he was still thinking about hands, and definitely not about holding one). The bow tie matched Kurt's outfit of a flannel short and dark jeans perfectly. Dave was about to compliment him on it, but he held his tongue as Kurt opened his mouth to speak.

"I like your jacket."

Dave blushed and looked down, pulling at the hems of the red zip-up.

"I like your bow tie," he said shyly, glancing up to Kurt, who's head was tilted again. Kurt smiled at the moment, pink lips stretching adorably. They held their gazes-Wow, he has pretty eyes, though Dave-for a few moments before Dave looked down, eyes scanning the ground, and Kurt reached for a figure.

"This," Kurt said, holding up the chosen one, "is the Red Ranger. He's the leader. You can be him, since you're wearing red!" Dave took the Power Ranger carefully, looking up again to watch Kurt scan the sand for another. He finally held up the blue one, brandishing it proudly.

"I can be this one! Now, let's play!"


For the next twenty minutes, the boys played, completely lost in their own world. Dave caught himself gazing at Kurt for no specific reason, but he shrugged it off and continued to play with his new friend. That was, until someone else decides to join.


"So, we're the knights," Kurt said slowly, looking Dave in the eyes in a way that made Dave breathless. "And we have to beat the dragon!" Kurt threw his arms in the air at this. His blue figure went flying, landing just outside the sand pit at someones feet. That someone-another boy- reached down and picked it up, examining it carefully. Kurt raised his hand to shield his face-which was getting red from sunburn-and squinted at figure. Dave, who was watching Kurt closely, did not miss the second Kurt's eyes widened at the sight of the boy.

"Can I play?" The newcomer asked quietly, shuffling closer to the sand pit. Dave looked sharply at the boy, who had slacks and a shirt that said OM NOM NOM and had a picture of Cookie Monster. Instantly, Dave didn't like the boy. Not because he was intruding, or because he seemed shy, but because of the way Kurt stared at the boy. The was... something in his expression, and Dave felt a feeling deep in his gut. One he couldn't identify...

"S-Sure!" Kurt said breathlessly. The boy grinned and sauntered over, eyes never leaving Kurt's. Dave scowled, trying to get rid of the mystery feeling. The boy sat carelessly on the sand, handing the Blue Power Ranger to Kurt, who took it numbly.

"I'm Blaine," the curly-haired boy said, He held out a hand to Kurt, who took it immediately. Dave stared at their joined hands and thoughts raced through his mind. How dare you. I touched his hands first. Yeah, I bet how you like how sof-

"Wow, your hands are really soft!" Blaine exclaimed, only to the delight of Kurt, who was blushing up to his ears.

"T-Thanks..." They released hands, though Kurt adopted a wistful expression shortly after.

Dave was positively seething. He gripped the Red Ranger and little too tightly, breathing heavily and watching Blaine smile disgustingly at Kurt.

They sat in silence for a few moments, probably deciding what to say, and how to say it. Finally, it was broken when Blaine let out a wild squeal.

"Oh my stars and candy bars! (1) Is that Ranger... pink?" Blaine scooped up the Ranger and hugged it to his chest, grinning madly. It took a second of shock, but Kurt saw the look on Blaine's face and snorted with laughed, eyes squinching up at the corners and his teeth showing. He never smiled like that with me Dave thought brokenly.

"Pink is bomb, yo!" Blaine laughed along with Kurt. They leaned on one another, howling. Dave had finally had enough.

"Yeah, you like pink 'cause you're queer, huh?" This caused both boys to stop laughing abruptly. Good, thought Dave, I've finally got their attention.

"My mom says that all queers go to Hell," he said matter-of-factly. Blaine looked ready to cry, and Dave was happy, until Kurt's hand went around Blaine's shoulders in comfort. Dave's gut twisted with that unknown feeling again.

"What? So 're you a queer now? A fairy?" Kurt looked appalled for a second, but his expression abruptly changed into one of fury.

"Get out of here," he commanded, arm still around Blaine. "You aren't nice at all. Not like I thought you were. Just go."

Dave couldn't get out of there fast enough, running away until he was on the path out of the park. He spared one last glance over his shoulder, only to see Kurt was hugging Blaine, rubbing his back soothingly. They pulled apart, hands still joined.

Dave turned back to the path, sniffling. His insides still twisted with that feeling. He reached a hand inside the jacket he wore, only to find something in the pocket. He pulled out the Red Ranger, covered in a thin layer of sand. A small tear fell down his cheek, and Dave wiped it away hastily. I'm crying. That's what queers do. I'm not a queer!

Dave shook his head and glanced down at the Ranger. The Ranger that would sit in his dresser, hidden. Hidden, like he was. Dave walked home, away from Kurt and Blaine, insides still roiling with that feeling. That feeling, Dave realized, of jealousy.



I actually wrote a story. And finished it! * vomits rainbows *

So, while I'm a Klaine shipper all the way, I thought it would be fun to try and explore the infamous Karofsky. Was he always that bad? Who knows? The fandom does!

Constructive criticism is always appreciated.

Remember, reviews are love and love it the shit!