This story was originally published as Average, Ordinary, Everyday Superhero. If you are one of the very, very few that read it, you would agree that it needed a rewrite. The sizes of the chapters have increased significantly, and I have added a lot more detail and humor. Original Chapter One had 1,424 words as opposed to 1,691 in this one.

This is a Batman Beyond/Generator Rex crossover. However, there have been crossover episodes of Batman Beyond with Zeta Project, Static Shock, Batman the Animated Series, and Justice League Unlimited. Expect some special guest stars.

Boomshakalaka is borrowed—with permission—from Bow Fools BOW I SAY

Major Pairings: Six/Holiday, Terry/Max

Chapter One: E. and Lawn Gnomes

Alarms blared as the hits rocked the airship. One of the control stations on the bridge exploded and burst into flames. The explosion knocked the station's operator unconscious. Max moved the downed officer and grabbed a fire extinguisher, quickly put out the flames.

"Do you have a plan sir," Max asked.

"Plan?" Captain West answered. "I don't need a plan. This is just a bunch of Level 2 E.V.O.s."

"Sir!" Max yelled. "You are aware that the lower the level, the more powerful the E.V.O."

"What? Since when?" yelled Captain West.

~Boomshakalaka (Abyssian for "Line Break")~

Sirens were blaring throughout the compound and Rex came awake with a start. "What the hell?" he muttered and stumbled out of his room. He found Holiday just outside his door.

"What's going on?" Rex asked.

Holiday quirked an eyebrow and smirked, "That's a good look for you."

Rex looked down and blushed. In his rush, he hadn't bothered to change and he was still wearing a white tank top and a pair of black Batman boxers. "S-s-ssorry, Doc," he replied as he ran back into his room.

Rex emerged a few moments later in his usual attire and full of bravado. "I'm sorry you had to see that Doc. But if you'd like to see it again I'd—"

Holiday cut him off, "A Providence air ship went down in Orlando, just outside of Universal Studios. Most of the crew was killed on impact. There are only a handful of soldiers left standing between a pack of Level 2 E.V.O.s and a major tourist attraction."

"Alright, alright. Business first." Rex replied. "Come on, time to kick E.V.O. butt."

"Enough yakking," Bobo called. "The ship's ready to go."

"I'll drive!" Rex yelled.



"You're crazy," the Providence soldier called out to his partner. "You do know that right?"

The young woman laughed, "I thought that's what you loved about me?"

Specialists McGinnis and Gibson stood alone between a horde of vicious E.V.O.s and a local tourist dive. Sprawled behind them were the remains of their unit, including their "fearless" commander. They had been sent in to protect the vacationers, but an unidentified E.V.O. took out their ship before they could land.

"Watch your back!" the young man shouted as he blasted E.V.O. just seconds away from beheading his partner. "Any word on our back-up yet, Max?"

"Sorry Ter. I'm too busy watching yours!" Max yelled back as she fired on an E.V.O. circling behind Terry. "Command just radioed. ETA is in 10 minutes. They're sending in that new wonder kid."

Terry groaned, "What did we do to deserve this honor?"

"Knock it off, Ter," Max chastised. "The kid's done a lot of good."

"He's a hot shot and he's dangerous." Terry fired a few more shots at the advancing line of E.V.O.s. "Although at this rate, we may not be alive to worry about it when he gets here."

Both soldiers ducked as a heavy lawn gnome sailed over their heads. "Lawn gnomes, seriously?" Max yelled at the offending E.V.O. who had thrown the lawn ornament. The thing looked like a raccoon the size of a small pony with huge teeth and a really bad attitude. And the best part, he brought about twenty of his closest friends and neighbors.

"What kind of hotel is this anyways?" Terry asked, ducking a concrete toadstool.

"This is Orlando," Max replied. "It has theme parks, themed diners, themed hotels… How about we head to Disney World when this is all over?"

"No," Terry answered emphatically and destroyed a ceramic fairy another E.V.O. was reaching for. Twisting he fired at mechanicoon and lawn ornaments indiscriminately. One of his shots hit an E.V.O. behind Max. The creature blew up and showered Max in green slime.

The young woman spared a moment to shoot Terry a dark look and asked, "I thought these were supposed to be Level 2's?" Two of the mechanicoons chose that moment to start spitting acid. "Oh, never mind."

"That'll teach you to complain," Terry said chuckling.

Terry and Max tore into the mechanicoons with renewed verve. There were only two left and it was starting to look like back-up wouldn't be necessary. "Ha!" Terry cried. "Looks like we won't need that idiot hot shot after all."

An inhuman roar shook the ground and a humanoid E.V.O. charged straight for the dynamic duo. The creature had most likely been human once, but no longer. Standing roughly 7 ½ feet tall, the E.V.O. was covered in bony spikes. It had long arms, like a gorilla, and loped forward at a speed Terry would have thought impossible for a creature of this magnitude.

The E.V.O. reached Max first, and with one meaty fist tore the gun from her hands. It then backhanded her with the weapon and tossed it aside. Max was thrown back about ten feet, rolling as she landed.

"Max!" Terry yelled desperation evident in his voice.

Max stumbled shakily to her feet. "I'll be alright Ter," Max called. "Just nail that son-of-a-bitch."

"Catch!" Terry called, tossing Max his own gun. Reaching into a hidden pocket of his supply pack, Terry dug out a bo staff, smoke pellets, and half a dozen discs. (1)

Max caught the weapon easily, but the E.V.O. was too quick. The E.V.O. shot a spike at Max catching the young woman in the shoulder. The blow sent Max flying into a parked car, and this time she didn't seem to be getting up.

Terry threw a smoke pellet at the E.V.O.'s face and charged it with his staff raised. There was a solid crack as the staff made contact with the E.V.O.'s head. Stunned the E.V.O. stumbled back a few feet. Terry didn't wait for the creature to recover. He launched three discs at the E.V.O. which exploded on impact. The monster crashed to the ground with a heavy thud.

Terry turned about quickly to find the remaining mechanicoons, and was surprised to find that his back-up had indeed arrived. Terry mentally kicked himself as he realized that he'd been so focused on Max, that he hadn't even noticed the arrival of his fellow Providence agents.

Rex was standing at the edge of the hotel parking lot, staring at Terry with a slack jawed expression. Dr. Holiday was attending to Max's injuries. Agent Six was checking on the condition of the rest of Terry and Max's team. Meanwhile, Bobo was taking down the remains of the mechanicoons.

Terry quietly replaced his gear and moved to help Dr. Holiday. "How is she, Doctor?"

"She'll be fine," Dr. Holiday reassured. "It's a mild concussion. Rex! Stop staring and give me a hand over here!"

"Yes Ma'am," Rex replied subconsciously snapping to attention. Within moments, Rex was carefully loading Max onto the airship.

"I'm going to keep her in the medical bay overnight for observation. Help Agent Six with the rest of the squad and then come see me, Agent…"

"McGinnis," Terry answered. Confident that Max was in safe hands, Terry rushed to do as he was ordered.


Dr. Holiday was looking over the scans she took of SPC Gibbons for the umpteenth time. She'd run a simple routine test for nanites when first admitting the woman and the results simply did not make sense.

Initially, she thought the anomalies were due to operator error. However, she'd done the tests twice more personally on two different machines. The results were the same each time.

Holiday's thoughts were interrupted as SPC McGinnis entered to the medical bay freshly showered.

"Mr. McGinnis, I was wondering if you could help me with something," Holiday called.

"Sure Doc," Terry replied. "Is everything alright with Max?"

"Ms. Gibbons should be fine, but I encountered a few anomalies in my scans. I just want to make sure that you weren't both exposed," Holiday lied smoothly.

"Sure thing, Doc. Anything to help Max," Terry replied.

An hour later, Terry exited the medical bay to retrieve dinner for himself and Max. Dr. Holiday wasted no time in calling Six and Rex down to meet her. The two agents arrived together with Bobo. One look at Dr. Holiday and they both knew that something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" Agent Six asked.

"I ran some scans on those soldiers from earlier, and I'm not sure how to explain it," Holiday replied.

"Ha!" Rex interjected. "They're E.V.O.s I knew it. Anyone that can fight like can't possibly be human!"

Six cleared his throat and glared. Rex grinned sheepishly. "You were saying Dr. Holiday?" Six asked.

"They're 100% human. There's not a single nanite in their bodies, living or dead," Holiday continued.

"How is that possible?" Rex asked. "Everything on Earth was infected with nanites."

"I don't know," Holiday replied, "but I intend to find out."

Six turned and headed towards the exit. "Come on Rex. I think it's time we got to know our new friends a little better."


Story is set after the Batman Beyond series, but ignores the JLU episode "Epilogue." Set during season 2 of Generator Rex post "Divide by Six"

I know this may seem like I hate Rex, but I don't. I just felt that Terry would not approve of his methods.

The weapons described would be much like Robin used in the Teen Titans cartoon. The discs are meant to take the place of batarangs. It is important to note that they have no emblems that could be tied to Batman.