I love all of CN characters! *my brother comes in, snickering and coughing* COUGH COUGHbullshitCOUGH! *kicks my brother out* ON WITH THE SHOWWWW! Review and Subscribe plz. :D

Double D had somehow constructed an entire spaceship made of old barrels, masking tape, a glass bowl, and old rocket parts from KND labs that were most likely very unstable. "Are you sure about this Double D? It doesn't even look all that safe." Alyssa said.

"And why are there only three seats?" Eddy asked, looking inside. Double D looked down in shame.

"I apologize! But I could only find three seats on such a short notice, and the KND will not let us borrow another air ship after last time we did..." He looked at Ed, slightly angry.


Ed jumped into the drivers seat of the ship just before Double D did. Numbuh 362 was about to tell how to drive the ship, but Ed started the engine and drove straight backwards into the wall, and ended up crashing in a very private room for science geeks to work on their homework and not be disturbed. It was also where the experimental bomb fluids were made, and there had to be a lot fo repairs made to the base that night.

End of Flashback

Alice facepalmed. Eddy grinned. "I guess this means... someone will have to sit on someone's lap." He smirked. Alex climbed into the thing, and Ed sat in the other. Double D took drivers, and Alice sat on Alex's lap. Eddy scowled.

"You're right Eddy. I feel more comfortable with Alex though~" Alice said with a smirk.

"You can sit on my lap Eddy! We can play games like patty cake and tell stories! Sheldon's got one, don't you Sheldon?" Ed pulled out his moldy cheese. Alyssa sat on Double D's lap, and he blushed. She didn't sit facing forwards, she instead was face to face with him.

"This might be a bit easier to maneuver with..." She said, blushing as their lower reigons were touching through the fabric.

"Y-Yes, of course..." He muttered. Alice and Alex sniggered, looking at their friend.

"It's like doing it in public... in the car." Alex said. Ed burst laughing as Double D's beet red face could be seen, and steam began to come off both their faces.

"I can't believe I forgot to bring a camera..." Alice mumbled. Double D started the engine and Eddy pulled down the cockpit.

"When we get back, you're sitting on his lap." Eddy glared.

"Sure thing." Alice smirked. "I'd rather sit on him than you, unless you wanna sit on my lap." Eddy was readdy to yell at her when Double D started the engines.

"Hold onto something everyone! This is going to be a bumpy ride." Alyssa hugged him, and everyone else snickered as he blushed and launched the ship. Everyone was holding their breath that the ship would hold. The ship groaned and shook as it rocketed off into space, making the lack of seatbelt even more frustrating as Alice kept bouncing and her head hitting the ceiling. Everyone couldn't keep their butts in one place, or their hands. In only a minute, Eddy found his face wedged between Alex's breasts, Alice was face to back with Alex, Ed was faceplanted in his seat, Double D had accidentally fell into Alice, and Alyssa was driving with her feet.

"This is awkward..." Alex said. Alyssa straightened up and sat on her butt.

"Prepare for a crash landing!" She cried out. The ship shook even more roughly.

A minute Later

B-BOOOOOOOM! A large explosion happened, and all six passengers were sent flying out of the ship into the moon base. Their ship had penetrated the base, and was now on fire. "We're alive! It's a miracle!" Double D cried out, feeling his own face. Then he looked behind him and Eddy was being currently in the mouth of Alex, and Ed was eatnig her.

"EEeeegghh..." Alex mumbled, trying to spit Eddy out. "Have you ever heard of using quality cologne? What you wear is disgusting!" Alex said after pulling Eddy out of her mouth, then rushing into the mens bathroom and began to eat the soap. Boys ran out screaming. Loud music boomed throughout the entire base.

"The place is almost empty..." Alice observed, looking around and only seeing a couple of people hanging out.

"Well of course. The party is in the main rooms of the base." Double D said.

"Yes yes yes, make me feel like an idiot." Alice mumbled, making Double D feel guilty.

"I'm sorry-"

"Let's just go already!" Eddy yelled, shoving the girls to the main exit. Ed then picked up all his friends and with struggle Alex was able to open the door. A loud blast of music nearly sent them all flying backwards.


"THE DJ IS DEAF!" Eddy yelled.

"NO WONDER!" Alyssa yelled back. They all managed to somehow pull themselves into the room, and then shut the door behind them, making the winds stop and now able to move freely. Alex looked deep into the crowds of cartoons, and caught sight of Flapjack, powerpuff girls, rigby, and many more characters. She began to get teary eyed and grinned like a maniac.

"I think I died and went to heaven..." She said, drooling. Alice fawned after Generator Rex, and Alyssa curiously wandered around the room. A girl with metal arms and short black hair with thick glasses wearing a shiny grey strapless dress came up on stage, seeming a bit nervous and took the mic. She tapped on it and coughed a bit. The music died down and everyone stopped moving around. All attention was on her.

"U-Um... W-Welcome everyone! To the 19th annual Cartoonnetwork get together! I'm Sadie, the daughter of our... beloved..." She choked out the last word like it was a disease. "director of animations. So everyone, have a good time tonight and..." She pulled out the note cards in her pocket. "No swimming in the punch bowls."

"Awwww!" Chowder and Billy whined.

"No destroying private property." The KND seemed pleased with that. "And noone try to duel. This is a party, not a battle field." She finished, all the villains sinking a bit.

"Who's that?" Alyssa asked Double D.

"The director's daughter."

"I know that, I mean what's her name?" He began to think for a bit.

"She IS familiar... I know I've seen her around..." He snapped hs fingers. "Ah! It was Sadie! She was the adorable little child running around with the tutu and pigtails!" Alyssa giggled. "W-What?" He asked, blushing.

"You seem to remember with fondness." She said, then took his hand. "Shall we go meet her then?" His eyes were wide at their clasped hands as she pulled them through the crowds to the stage.

"Have a good night!" Sadie finished, placing the mic back, then went behind stage, behind the curtains. A band of skeletons came out and the entire place erupted in cheers as the band began to play. Behind the curtains, a small hooded figure stood with a girl in large pigtails, having bright blue eyes and wore a white dress laced with pink and had pink ribbons decorated on it and held up her pigtails. "Ugh... my legs are still shaking."

"You did well." The figure said, lights flashing from his head.

"Yeah! I would have done it with more enthusiasm though!" The other girl said, smiling brightly.

"This is the best thing ever..." Alex said, staring at the large assortment of meat. Rolf was stuffing his face with sausages and hamburger meat. "BANZAIIIII!" She fell on top of the large pile of three meat pizzas.

"Hey! Who is that?" Alyssa pointed to Ray and the hooded figure.

"I don't really know. Guests of Sadie?" Double D guessed.

"Let's go meet them!" Alyssa said.


"C'mon Robot, do it while you can!" Ray said excitedly.

"W-What?" Robot asked, looking up at Ray with a shocked expression. Ray shoved him to Sadie, and Robot landed on his knees in front of them, and Sadie looked down, eyebrow raised.


"Oooooh~" Alyssa said, eyes wide. Double D looked at her, blushing and seeing she was adorable like that, her eyes wide with interest.

"A-Alyssa... I've been meaning to ask you something."

"Yes Double D?"

"U-Um..." He blushed and looked away.