A/N Hi, This is my first story, so please be nice and give me some reviews so that I can get better at my writing. This story is set after last sacrifice, and they're all living at the court. Please bear with me as I write this story, 'cause honestly my laptop is s***. I think it's my step mothers old one..
Anyway, This is all owned by Richelle Mead.

"Rose! What's this?" I heard Dimitri Call from the Bathroom. I rushed to the en suite of our very flash apartment, thanks to Lissa being the queen and all, to see what he had found. I got to the Bathroom to see him smiling like a Cheshire cat.

"What, Dimitri?" I half yelled at him.

"I thought you might like to join me in the shower, considering out interruptions last night" He said. I smiled at myself, remembering what ha happened last night. Dimitri and I were getting hot and heavy when Lissa had decided she wanted to go for dinner. She had barged through our door, excited to buy a new 'dress' apparently. Yeah, whatever, I knew it was Christian's birthday soon. I sure didn't want to see that dress. She sung out my name in her high pitched, fairy-like voice only to see what the bond had gratefully taken away from me. She yelled at me something I didn't quite comprehend and left slamming the door.
"You yelled at me to come up here like that just because you wanted to ask me to shower with you?" I asked him in disbelief.

"Well, yeah," he admitted sheepishly.
"As much as I'd like to join you, I can't. My shift starts in ten minutes, so I have to get to Lissa's."
"Okay then, I don't know if she'll still want to go shopping still, but Christian and I are going to see Tasha today, he hasn't been coping very well." He said, a small smile on his face.
"Please be careful?" I asked. "I know she was your friend and all, but I don't think she is the woman she used to be. Look after yourself."
"Roza," Dimitri stated. "I hate that woman with all of my gut now that se tried to take what means most to me away. I will, be careful yourself, I love you."

"I love you too," I said as I reached up to kiss him before walking out the door. "See you later," I called as I left the room.
Walking towards the throne room, I looked out the big, tinted windows of the hall. Outside was a garden, much like the ones that Adrian would often dream up. I sighed, thinking of him made my heart ache, I hadn't exactly handled the last time I saw him very well. I needed to talk to him, soon. I thought to myself.

I arrived at Lissa's door. It had 'Her Majesty the Queen Vasilisa' Printed on the door in gold lettering, it was most probably gold anyway; this place didn't do anything half-heartedly. I knocked on the door once before entering. She was sitting in her throne with a stack of papers, inches high.

"Hey, Liss." I said as I sat down next to her at the large wooden table.
"Hey, Rose. Uh, nice night?" She questioned, laughter in her voice.

"Well, it would have been, but someone interrupted, we didn't really get the chance to finish" I whined. She laughed and shook her head, mumbling something about how I cant get enough.
"What do you want to do today, Liss? You're not going to sit here all day doing this, are you?" I asked.

"Do you want to go shopping with me? I need to get a new dress, so do you, and a present for Christian's birthday. We're all going out for dinner on Tuesday. Me, you, Christian, Dimitri, Eddie, Mia and Pagan. We met her the other day. Rose, you're going to love her, she's so funny. She's a Dhampir too." She Blabbered quickly. I wondered how I got all of it.

"Sounds good to me, Lissa. What are you going to get him for his bithday? What should I get him, I have no Idea."
"Well, I'd quite like a new car, that would be nice. Perhaps an x-box?" Christian said as he walked in the door.

"You might want to wait for Rose to leave before I tell you what I'm going to get you." Lissa said, smirking.
"Ew, Guys, at least let me cover my ears first!" I yelled.

" Maybe you should put a sock on your door next time, Rose. I had a very grossed-out Lissa, last night." Christian said, mimicking Dimitri's words from a few nights ago.

"Shut it, fire face." I growled. "It's more than you'll ever get."

"Shut it you two, I'll be the one to judge that." Lissa said laughing at our bickering.

"Right, who's ready to go shopping?" I said, excitedly jumping up from my seat.
"Okay, lets go," Lissa Agreed. "Christian, do you want to come? What do you have planned?" She asked.

"Well, I was going to see Tasha today, but that can wait. Yeah, I'll guess I'll come, Rose looks pretty keen to be with Dimitri, anyway. I'll ring him and tell him to come here."

"Okay, see you soon," She said to him. "We're going to freshen up, we'll meet you guys by the car and I'll get some guardians. See you in a few." She reached up and kissed his cheek before turning at me with glaring eyes because I was making gagging noises. We walked towards her apartment, two down from mine in the empty Dragomir wing of the palace. We entered her Apartment and I sat down on her sofa as she went to get her purse and earrings from her bedroom, upstairs. Lissa's apartment wan't much different to mine, it just had a bigger kitchen. Christian had gotten that installed. Dimitri and I had no problem with ours, but with Christian being the culinary queen that he is, insisted. She hopped down the stairs, grabbed the phone and dialled the number of the head guardian disributer. She had organised for 5 other guardians to assist us on this trip, long with Dimitri and I, ofcourse. When we reached the car at the garages by the main gate of the court Christian, Dimitri, Guardian Verdenov, Guardian Polizoc and three others I didn't know, were waiting for us.

"Late, as usual" Dimitri said to me as I reached up and pecked him on the lips.
"It's the way you like me," I said to him, laughing.
"Indeed I do, my Roza." He said kissing my forehead. I blushed at the way he called me his Roza. Oh the things he does to me, I thought.
"Enough of the lovey-dovey-ness, you two." Lissa said. "I saw enough of that last night!" she exclaimed. We laughed as we got into the SUV. We had decided to take two cars, one with Me, Dimitri, Lissa and Christian. The other had the assisting guardians.

We got to the mall at about 7pm human time. We looked through shops, buying lots of clothes, dragging the guys along. It was a good thing that this mall was open twenty-four hours on Saturdays, 'cause we were shopping for ages. Christian and Dimitri excused themselves when we headed into the lingerie stores, off to god knows where. We told them that we would meet them at the cafeteria in an hour while we shopped for garments that would please our men, if you catch my drift…

After Lissa and I were done shopping through the lingerie stores, we headed to the cafeteria, three guardians in tow. We found the guys sitting down at a large table towards the left of the cafeteria by Wendys.
"Did you buy anything?" I asked Dimitri as I sat down on the seat next to his.

"You'll just have to wait and see, won't you." Dimitri said, smirking. I knew he had bought something. What it is was the hard part. "How about you?" he asked. "Well, you'll just have to wait and see, won't you." I said, a small smile on the corners of my lips.
After we had all eaten, we headed out towards the cars. The car ride was long, Guardian Verdenov had come with us this time and was driving while I sat in the far back, leaning on Dimitri's shoulder, having a hard time keeping my eyelids open on this boring drive. When we were two thirds of the way back to court, Guardian Polizoc spoke over the walkie-talkies we had. "Hathaway! Belikov! There are strigoi!"