The picture was small. About wallet sized. It wouldn't take much to miss it. But that was Cassidy's point. He wanted to hide it. Somewhere where what had happened, what he knew would happen couldn't penetrate it.

It wasn't one of those beautiful heartwarming photos from family trips, all bundled up by the fire in Aspen, or out on the balcony of the beach house in L.A. It had been taken by Dick in the front yard. So it wasn't very good. There was a girl, but it was taken from behind, so you couldn't see her face. Just long blond locks floating gracefully down her back and a hand holding a cotton swab that appeared to have pink paint on it. She was standing opposite a boy, about her size. He had scruffy brown hair and somewhat resembled a mouse. His face was scrunched up, and he had a large pink heart on his cheek.

Cassidy turned the picture several times in his hands, letting a single tear drop onto the heart on his own face. Turning the picture over he wrote in clear, distinct letters. "For the girl with the biggest heart, I promise this time I'm telling the truth, I'm sorry." So he took the picture and opened the bottom drawer of his dresser, placing it beneath several pairs of jeans.


"So," Dick opened the door into the smallest bedroom of the house. "I thought I'd leave this one for… last."

One by one, the seven of them walked in, Logan first, followed by Piz, Wallace, Mac and Parker. Veronica and Dick stood in the doorway looking as their friends eyed the room with no care, no broken heart, no love for the boy who had won the awards on the walls, slept in the bed straight in the middle of the room, worn the clothes in the dresser. Mac shed a tear as she picked up a picture, of herself nearly two years previously. Dick held a hand in front of him, signaling that Veronica should go before him.

She walked in tensely. Nearly having to force herself into a room she hadn't been in since she was twelve. She ran a hand over the dresser that held cloths belonging to a boy she had once loved, once trusted, but could no longer even imagine caring. "Let's just. Do this."

She dropped to the floor, opening the bottom drawer of the dresser. She quickly pulled multiple pairs of jeans out of the drawer, leaving it empty, as far as she was concerned.

"Wait," a voice said from behind her, it was Parker. "There's a piece of paper in there."

Sure enough, when Veronica reached back into the drawer she came up with what appeared to be a simple piece of paper. And written in Cassidy's own writing were the words, "For the girl with the biggest heart, I promise this time I'm telling the truth, I'm sorry." turning the paper over, it revealed a small image. Of herself, and her little Cassidy.