So I decided to try this again! I used to write a lot on fanfiction when I was younger and I am SO disappointed with a lot of my works…I was 14 but still haha. I loved this idea I had though and since I never finished it I decided it was time to try again and make it better!


Secondly, I do NOT tolerate flamers. It is unnecessary and does not help people improve. Nothing good comes from making a person feel bad. I know I cannot please everyone with this and if you notice things I can improve on feel free to tell me .

Lastly, I will mainly keep this bashed on the original series since I am not comfortable writing about Brotherhood yet because it is very new to me and I do not know the new characters enough to write them haha. I may add some things in for fun though.

Happy reading!


The moon…it is so bright tonight. It's wonderful light cascades over the hills and embraces everyone with a glow just like the mighty sun. I do not think I have ever seen it so big before. Too bad I would not be able to sit and enjoy it like I wanted too..

I wanted to sit on one of those hills and watch the flowers dance it the breeze while Alphonse attempted to convince his brother to let him keep a small kitten he had found..I wanted to hear Edward complain about staring at the scenery long enough…I wanted to continue this journey along side them..

But you do not always get what you want in life..

The moon was so bright but it started to faded with my vision. I could hear the sweet laughter around me cease as familiar gold eyes covered the glorious moon.

I never asked for any of this. I never asked to meet people I would love so much and then say good bye to them all in the end. All I wanted was to have a journey of my own and see the world..but like I said..

You do not always get what you want..and even so..

I am so glad that it did..because this was so much better than what I could have dreamed on my own.

I know this is super short. It is after all a prologue. I had it longer but it just gave away too much and it would ruin the rest of the tale. I will try to update on a regular basis but I do have a job haha. I just finished my winter quarter of college and I'm on Spring Break so that will give me extra time to write! I am very excited to write this and finish it this time.