Author's Note: This is just a really quick one-shot type thing. I was bored after the brilliant episode, so here we go. I don't own anything. This is my first posted Castle story, so I'd love any comments! Enjoy!

"Maybe we should sleep on it." Kate Beckett smiled again as she remembered Castle's words.

She was waiting in her apartment for Josh. They had planned on going out for dinner but, no surprise, Josh was running very late. Kate knew he was probably in surgery, saving a life. She tried not to be too angry. It wasn't really fair to be angry. He was here, after all.

Kate sighed audibly.

His lateness did provide some time to think back over the events of the day. Beckett did this often. She liked to remember what she had missed. Where she'd gone wrong. How she could have caught the killer earlier. It kept her on her feet. It was probably one of the main reasons she'd been so successful in her job. Kate Beckett learned from her mistakes.

Unfortunately, these reflections weren't very professionally helpful lately. In fact, the detective usually had a hard time thinking of anything but her conversations with Castle. She didn't want to think about Castle. Past events told her that thinking about him was a bad idea. He was a bad idea.

Yet, she could never get him out of her mind.

"Maybe we should sleep on it."

Beckett had smiled playfully when he'd said it. She'd been joking. Only joking. And yet, she hadn't really been joking at all. For a fleeting moment, she'd really considered it. She's forgotten all his negatives, forgotten all the risks, all the problems, and just accepted it.

After all, Castle was there. Whether she wanted him there or not, he was there. He clearly cared about her. He stood by her. He was smart and funny, and hell, he was really, really handsome. Really ruggedly handsome.

But then the rational part of her brain had kicked in. Beckett had remembered all Castle's flaws. She'd remembered that he was a cocky womanizer. He was a man that could be ridiculously charming and not mean a word of it.

Then there was Josh.

Charming, attractive, caring Josh. He had stayed here for her. He had given up his dream, his calling… for her. The girl automatically felt guilty. She'd technically done nothing wrong, but she felt guilty.

Rick Castle is a bad idea.

Beckett tried once again to reiterate the fact that she knew was true. She's made the mistake of trusting Castle with her heart once before. Kate Beckett learned from her mistakes. Whether he'd known it or not, Castle had broken her. She wasn't about to forget that.

But when Josh finally arrived 30 minutes later, busily apologizing about an important surgery, Kate could only focus on the newly hanging Temptation Lane sign on her wall. She found herself looking right past Josh and seeing the signed poster.

In that moment, Katherine Beckett couldn't think of one reason not to trust Richard Castle.

She couldn't think of any way that he could ever be a mistake.