So, you still with me, well, I'm going to let YOU say the words.

Judge: _, please step onto the podium.

*_ steps onto podium*

Police Guy: Do you swear to say the who truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

*_ clears voice*: I do.

Lawyer Guy: Do you agree that Give A Kiss and Say Goodbye does not own any characters or the book Thirteen Reasons Why?

_: Yes.

Me: *Slams hand on counter* Your honor!

Judge: Ruling stands. Give A Kiss and Say Goodbye does not own any of the items we discussed. Court is out of session.

Cassette 1, side B

I take the tape out of the recorder, and swallow the lump in my throat. I almost started crying when I was finishing recording part one, out of the thirteen. I felt pathetic, but I had released a lot of my anger. I sat there, waiting to get my courage up to continue on, and say my next part. I knew people would basically say I was copying what Hannah had said, but what she had said stuck, and I blamed them all for her death. I had hoped that they all would of became better people after Hannah's cassettes, but they had stayed the same, non of them changing.

So, I had taken it as my liberty to get them to change, and to do it after I died, showing them that the snowball effect continued, even when they couldn't tell. I wiped away the tears, and turned my tape over. In red marker, I wrote 2, like I did on side 1. I slid it in, and begun to talk,

So, Alex, how does it feel to know you were next? Grateful that you were the second one, so that you didn't have to wait to here about you? Or mad that Hannah and I both agreed you should be on these, and her, tapes? You were probably the one that affected her the most beside Justin. Seriously, did you think no one would care about your list? I know that you made another one.

So, why?

Why do it, when you saw what it did to Hannah?

I'll tell you why. Because you don't care. About Hannah, anyone, in that case. Did you realize that 4 of the 13 reasons Hannah killed herself appeared on your list? Jessica took Hannah's place as Hottest Ass in the Junior Class. Ryan was the guy with the best hair. Courtney got the best lips category.

Who was that last person, Alex?

Do I have to mention the name? All of you, listening to these tapes, do you realize that my name was on it? Or was I just the other guy who was suppose to get her tapes? Oh, Clay, What category were you picked for?

Do I have to answer?

I paused the recorder, forcing myself to get back under control. I sighed, and picked up the one picture I had of Hannah. Her, smiling, with Courtney. I took it from Rosie's after I made sure everyone saw it. In fact, I copied the picture, and slid it into every of the other 10 students lockers. I slid one into mine, to make it look like I didn't do it. I also had put one on Mr. Porter's desk. I hoped it would force them to think of her, and what they did.

I didn't succeed.

I turned back on the recorder.

Do I have to answer? I asked again softly. I guess I do.

I was put under the category of best dick.

Thanks Alex.

It made me think of how Hannah was qualified as best ass. So, if you use the list as a way to get back at everyone, was I voted best dick because I punched you the next day I saw you? After I finished the tapes?

I guess so. And that kind of dick move makes me want to go to your house and punch you again. And it IS an option.

So Alex, do you get the idea of the snowball effect, or does another person have to commit suicide for you to finally understand?

I guess I do.

So Alex, are you ready for your consequences? I did make another set of these tapes. And this time around, the same rules apply. So, I hope you had a nice trip down memory lane Alex. Cause I want you to remember her. The girl who died because of you, along with the guy who is killing himself soon. Or should I say, did.

Alex, do you know how much your list effects me now? All my friends are now saying I'm perverted, and that I use my dick. A lot. So did you mean to give me the same reputation that you gave Hannah? If you did, than it probably is a huge trip down memory lane.

Put in the next Cassette Alex. In fact, why don't all of you go head and put in the next tape.

Sorry for this Authors note, but I am not getting any feedback, and I need to know what needs changed, or what is confusing. Thanks ya'll, and please R&R