A/N: So… yes I did not expect this fic to actually get attention. I'm happy, considering I saw the reviews on my birthday, so it's like a present. Thank you for reading and reviewing! Once again, this story is dedicated to my Yuuki and all Fans of this epic pairing. As a sidenote I would like to say I'll try to "toss in some Italian" as Major Mike Powel III asked. Seeing as my Italian is as limited as Hayates' in this story, I'll keep it down or get some help from my bff. Excuse any mistake and point out what you find, please.

Disclaimer: Just like before, I only own Hayate's guttermind.


Chapter #02

Opinions are important.

I got a date with Carim! And I don't grow tired of saying it in my mind. Well… technically it's not a 'date', but 'going out' for some tea. Should I tell Nanoha and rub it in her face? She ain't the only one with a hot blonde in her reach now!

"Rub what in my face?" Thank god Nanoha never managed to surprise me, or else I would have shrieked and jumped off my seat in the middle of class. But why would she ask…oh.

"I talked out loud again." It wasn't a question. Rubbing my head in embarrassment, I shook my head in Nanoha's direction. Indirectly telling her I would either tell her after class or hope she'd forget to ask me again. I saw my copper haired friend nod her head and such I turned to face our teacher, who kept on talking about things that happened in the 13th century.

I can't wait for this over the top boring history lesson to end.

Teach is closing his book, does that mean he's done? No, he's still talking. And talking.

God, does he ever stop? I'd much rather be ogling my Italian friend and her sexy curves. Damn her, for taking higher courses then me. We could have so much fun during lessons. Well, probably not, but I'd still have something stare-worthy within reach.

School continued for another few minutes until Mr "I like to hear myself talk about boring History" let us out – not without giving us a homework of 5 pages – and pretty much razed down the halls to get changed into my shoes. I think I heard Nanoha yell for me over the other students, must have been my imagination, so I shrugged it off.

Having changed my shoes I walked to the school gates, where I would most likely meet up with my blonde angel. And I was proven right when I saw said person walk graciously – Carim Gracia walked graciously – who would've thought – towards me with a beautiful smile.

Actually she isn't smiling at all. She's more frowning than anything else.

Maybe I should hide somewhere, or else I'll be on the receiving end of The Wrath of Carim. On another note, dominating Carim sounds incredibly arousing. With a whip and a really tight latex suit… Mistress, punish me!

Ah, she's standing in front of me, I should say something to lighten the mood.

"Why hello sunshine, what has brought your bright and happy face in my direction?" I think that might just have made it all worse, 'cause she's glaring at me and all that.

"You, be quiet," Is all my enraged Angel hisses out before she grabs my arm and drags me away from the school grounds.

That's most likely going to leave some bruises. And I still want to know what the reason of this unusual mood-swing is. Maybe if I probe gently, she'll tell me.

Lots of tugging and growling – on Carims' side, she sounds sexy when she's ferocious – later and we were sat at an outdoor table on the café farthest away from school. My friends' mood has shifted like Nanoha's "love-love" mode, so actually really slowly but still! At least she wasn't glaring at me or other people anymore.

Flexing my violated arm I took the menu card off its stand and looked through. I think I'm going for the-

"Ginseng tea, please."

I really need to stop thinking too much, I even mess waiters and waitresses coming to our table asking for our orders. I blame Carim!

"Same for me." I said plainly and put the menu back, starring at Carim with a wry grin. "Have you read my thoughts, Italy?"

"It's just coincidence that we like the same tea, is it not, raccoon?" She replied with a charming smile that had me thanking that guy up there that I was already sitting. Why are these Italian people with long blond hair and really dreamy eyes so charming and beautiful at the same time? It should be a crime. They need to be put in jail! Hah… Fate said her uncle's name was Jail – he's Italian too, but he seems to be more on the short-purple side of this overgrown family. Nevermind my inner rambling, let us get back to the beauty at hand.

"I still think you're a mind reader."

"Considering it seems to be one of your perks to talk out loud what you think most of the time, you might want to change your opinion."

"I like my opinion more than yours," I reply with a pout.

"You also don't deny that you speak to yourself more than to others…"

"Most people are not worthy to be talked to by Hayate the Great."

Our short little argument – if you could call it that – was cut off as our waiter returned with our beverages. "If you need anything, please say so." He said with a bow and left.

"Sei carino." Carim said in her native tongue. I stared blankly at her, taking a sip from my tea. Of course, since my Italian was very limited (like, not existent) I had no idea what she said, due to that I did the first thing that any person in my place – and with my state of mind – would do.

"Huh?" Aren't you all proud of me? I for sure am. "What does that mean?"

"Learn some Italian and you'll know," was all my angelic Italian said with another smile, after she took a sip of her own tea.

"Teach me." I guess she didn't expect me to comment on that, because that would explain why she suddenly choked on the tea she drank. "You want me to…what?" Dear Carim, have you lost your hearing?

"I said, teach me. I want to learn your native language." This not only means she'd have to come over to my house, I could also spend some extra time with her all alone. My, what a brilliant mastermind I am.

Carim looked at me with an expression that either said "Are you kidding me?" or "I want to laugh out loud, but I won't, because it's rude". I'm sure it must have sounded weird to her, to hear someone outright demand something like that out of the blue. And her staring at me makes me really uncomfortable right now. "You can laugh if you want to…" I mumble out with my face downcast.

This seemed to have gotten her attention again as she kindly touched my hand, "I'm sorry. It's just… that was really random. I'd like to teach you, if you want to." She said with an earnest face. Unfortunately my brain blanked out after she touched me, so I just nodded dumbly, watching her hand on top of mine.

After finishing our teas – and me calling dibs on the bill – we left the lively café. I offered to walk her home, since I lived nearby and she… not so near. I wouldn't want her to get dragged down an alley by some perverted old man, this could end badly for either him or Carim – if she was as proficient at martial arts as Fate was, at least.

Of course time always went by too fast, when you had fun and we found ourselves in front of the Testarossa household – she not only was cousin to Fate, she also lived with them most of the time.

"Thank you for walking me home, Hayate." My angel said with a smile and I mock saluted her.

"You know me, wouldn't want someone to get hurt by you. You got a mean glare when you're alone…" I mumbled that last part and thankfully she didn't hear me.

With a wave of her hand she disappeared inside and I was left standing outside with a big silly smile on my face until I remembered to ask her, when we could start our "lessons". Ah, I'll ask her tomorrow.
