Lightning on the Horizon

"Yes. Yes, that will be fine. We look forward to working with you. Goodbye."

Ren looked out at the beach as he listened to his manager finish a phone call that signified a major change in his life.

"Congratulations Ren, you got the role." His manager declared excitedly. "They wish to start filming in two months. I can't believe you're doing a Hollywood film with Hizuri Kuu! We're going to see him every day and…"

Ren tuned out the rest of his manager and friend's enthusiastic chatter. He could hardly believe it himself. He was doing a Hollywood film with Kuu, something he aspired towards long before Tsuruga Ren was even born.

But now that his dream was within his reach he felt a twinge of hesitation. Taking this job would mean the death of Tsuruga Ren. The play would have to end and he wasn't sure he was ready to embrace reality again. Pretending was safe and easy. Ren had millions of people who loved him. He had a perfect, unstained, carefree life. And even if it was just a sempai/kohai relationship, Ren had her.

"I suppose we should go discuss this with Takarada-san now. We have an hour before we need to go to your shoot." Yashiro's voice cut back into his thoughts.

"Yes, I suppose we should." Ren replied getting up from the table where they'd been having breakfast.

"You don't seem nearly as excited as I would expect you to be." His manager stated with confusion and concern evident in his voice. "Are you worried about Kyoko-chan? About leaving her? I know it's hard to imagine not seeing her for so long but this is a great opportunity that likely won't present itself again if you turn it down. I know I tease you that someone else will snatch her up, but I honestly believe you're closer to her than anybody and if you tell her how you feel-"

"Yashiro… I want to discuss the offer with the president myself. I'll meet you at the shoot." Ren said in a tone that clearly stated he didn't want to talk anymore.

The older man nodded and walked off. Ren knew his manager meant well but he couldn't bring himself to hope. Yashiro didn't know what this movie signified. He would have to admit to the world who he really was. Confess that he'd been lying to her this whole time.

And then what? Ask her to wait for him? Tell her he loves her to the point of distraction and that she's the one person who knows him best and yet not at all? Could he really expect it all to work out once the truth came to light? There wasn't enough hope in the world to make Ren believe she would just accept him right away and they would live happily ever after.

The only thing he was sure of was that turning down this movie was not an option. It was what he had always worked for and he would rather die than walk away from it. He would just have to block his heart and accept that even if Kyoko did forgive him she would only admire him more as a sempai and great actor who lived his life in a role. She'd place him on an immovable pedestal and never allow him to be something more.

He sighed bitterly to himself as he headed down the hall towards the president's suite. A soft melody reached his ears and he heard a man's voice speaking gently to someone. A light giggle followed the voice and as he rounded a corner he looked down the corridor to the opening of a balcony where a familiar looking man sat with his arms around an all too familiar girl. Ren felt his heart stop.

Kyoko woke up that morning feeling more than a little confused about a phone conversation she'd had with Moko-san last night.

"So he wrote a song about you?"

"It wasn't about me Moko-san, he said he just needed inspiration. I didn't really do anything at all."

"Sing the words for me again."

After Kyoko sang the song to her friend for the third time there was a long pause on the other line.

"Moko-san?" She asked, wondering if they'd been disconnected.

"What did he name the song again?" Her friend asked.

"He said he was going to name it Kyoto Girl."

"Didn't you say when he left he called you Kyoto girl?"

"Well…yes, but that's only because I told him I was from Kyoto."

"And when did he come up with the song title?"

"…After I told him I was from Kyoto." She answered in a low voice trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Kyoko, I may be wrong but I really think that song was about you. I also think it was secretly a confession."

"That's impossible Moko-san! Hikaru-san would never feel that way about me."

"Why not?" Kanae asked her dubiously.

"Well, because I'm his kohai and the Ishibashi onii-sans are like family." Kyoko answered immediately.

"…So if Hikaru doesn't see it that way and tells you he likes you would you accept his confession?" Kanae asked.

"No! I mean, I can't. I like him as a friend but…"

"You don't think he'd be a good boyfriend?"

"Hikaru-san would make a great boyfriend." She came to her sempai's defense. "He's sweet, considerate, and honest. Plus he's a talented musician. Any girl would be lucky to have him."


"It's just…I can't." She replied in a weak voice.

Kanae sighed to herself. "Everyone's not Fuwa Sho, Kyoko. If you ever want to graduate from LoveMe you're going to have to realize that. You don't have to let go of your grudge against Fuwa and I'm not telling you to force yourself to like Hikaru, but when you look at him try to make sure it's him you're seeing and no one else."

As she got dressed her mind was so caught up in thoughts of Hikaru and what Moko-san had told her, that she didn't even stop to marvel at the girlie outfit she was wearing. She left her room with no particular destination but her thoughts were so occupied she wouldn't have noticed where her feet were taking her anyway. Do I really treat everyone like they're the same as Shotaro? I know Hikaru-san isn't like that but would I be able to trust him if he did say he liked me?

As she was still lost in her thoughts the sound of an acoustic guitar flooded her ears. She looked up and found herself in a long hallway she had never been down before. At the end of the hall was a set of French doors that were opened to a small balcony with a wicker armchair and a matching ottoman in front of it. There was a glass patio table strewn with papers and the balcony railing was covered in orange and yellow tulips.

Her breath caught and her heartbeat quickened, but it wasn't from the gorgeous scenery. Hikaru sat on the ottoman and was strumming the guitar gently with his eyes closed. He looked so peaceful with the bright sunlight casting a glow on his form and the breeze blowing his hair gently.

Without realizing it she had come up to him on the balcony and was listening to his sweet melody. It was sad yet hopeful and it brought a strange calm to her troubled thoughts. She leaned against the doorway and closed her eyes sighing softly.

Her unconscious noise brought Hikaru out of the trance he had been in and he opened his eyes to find Kyoko standing in front of him. Now it was his turn to lose his breath at the sight of her. She was wearing a pair of white shorts and a blue sleeveless shirt that stopped just above her bellybutton and tied on her left side showing off her small waist. The shirt was opened to her stomach and she wore a pale blue insert inside. Her hair was in small pigtails with flower shaped clips on the side and she wore a blue bracelet and blue low-top Converse shoes.

But that wasn't the only thing that made her beautiful to his eyes. Her face held a calmness he had somehow never seen there before despite knowing her for over a year. She looked content and peaceful as she leaned with her eyes closed and listened to his music. His heart swelled in his chest and he thought that he wouldn't mind spending his life playing for her and only her. It would be enough. Even if all the fans and fame and money were gone, if he got to see her with that expression everyday because of him, it would be enough.

He finished the last few chords of the song and there was a pause as she slowly opened her eyes again. She smiled sweetly at him and he felt himself fall just a little harder for her.

"That was beautiful Hikaru-san. I wish I could create something that wonderful."

"Would you like me to show you how to play it Kyoko-chan?" He asked hopefully. Her smile wilted a little. "What's wrong? You don't have to play if you don't want to. I don't mind playing it for you."

"It's not that. It's just…you started calling me Kyoko-chan again." She replied in a quiet voice. She didn't know why but the fact that he reverted back to the honorific made her a little sad.

He smiled brilliantly at her and her already deep blush got even darker.

"Would you like me to show you how to play it Kyoko?" He asked again.

She was now a bright shade of red as she nodded shyly and stepped onto the balcony. Hikaru got up from his seat and stood behind it.

"Sit here." He instructed her as he knelt on the ground behind the ottoman. She sat down and his arms went around her delicate frame as he showed her how to properly hold the instrument. His hands slowly ran down her arms barely touching her skin and traveled down to grasp her much smaller hands eliciting a slight shiver from her. He positioned her fingers with his and slowly showed her how to strum the melody.

Kyoko was having a very hard time concentrating on what he was showing her. In fact, she was having a hard time even breathing at the moment as Hikaru's arms were wrapped securely around her. She could feel the tight muscles of his biceps as he helped her hold the guitar while leading her fingers through the different chord progressions.

Has he always smelled this good? She wondered to herself as his soft hair tickled her collarbone. He was almost completely wrapped around her and his head was lowered over her shoulder slightly as he focused on teaching her the song. His voice was low and gentle as he gave her instuctions, and his warm breath ghosted across her shoulder.

She lifted her face to look at him and immediately felt herself blushing again. He was so close that if he looked up at her at that moment they would be almost kissing. The blush on her cheeks deepened as she quickly turned her face away from him. I can't believe I just thought about kissing Hikaru-san. I'm such a pervert! She began mentally berating herself not knowing that her lack of focus had finally been noticed and Hikaru was now looking at her curiously.

"Is something wrong Kyoko? Am I going to fast?" He asked not knowing the cause of the strange expression on her face.

"Oh, actually I was just wondering…does the song have lyrics yet?" She finished quickly with a nervous giggle. She hoped it sounded convincing. Apparently he bought it because he laughed softly somewhat embarrassed.

"Actually, no. In fact I'm not sure this song will even be approved by our producer. Strong ballads aren't exactly a part of Bridge Rock's normal style." He answered.

"That's terrible!" She exclaimed. "It's such a beautiful song and I know you can think of the perfect lyrics for it to make it a hit."

He smiled, pleased by her earnest faith in his abilities.

"I'll tell you what, for now this song will be just for us. I'll try to write the perfect lyrics for it but regardless of if it gets approved or not this will be our song, okay?"

Kyoko suddenly found that she couldn't hold his gaze any longer and nodded her head as she looked down, for some reason finding her fingers to be extremely fascinating. Hikaru didn't seem to mind however as he asked her if she was ready to resume the guitar lesson and once again placed his hands over hers. Eventually her frayed nerves calmed enough for her to focus on what she was being taught and she began to pick up the slow song to the point that Hikaru stopped leading her through the progressions.

His left hand stayed wrapped around the neck of the guitar as his right drifted to rest lightly on her arm just above her elbow. Her skin felt so smooth and his eyes traveled up from her bicep to the creamy shoulder that curved up to her swan-like neck.

A few thin tendrils of hair got blown by the gentle wind and caressed her behind the ear. Before he realized it, Hikaru lowered his face ever so slightly and breathed in the subtly sweet scent of her hair. The sun gave her a majestic glow as the musician admired her profile.

His eyes instinctively closed as he leaned in to plant a soft kiss to the gentle pulse that was beating just above her collarbone. Luckily he managed to stop himself and pull back just in time as Kyoko turned to him with a jubilant expression on her cute face.

"I did it!" She exclaimed proud that she played the entire melody on her own, and completely oblivious to the straying thoughts of her teacher.

"Congratulation Kyoko, you did great." He replied in a husky voice.

"Is something wrong Hikaru-san?" She asked, noticing the slight flush of his cheeks.

"I'm fine, just a little warm that's all." He tried to calm his breathing and school his expression as he spoke.

"Did I really do alright?" She asked timidly biting her lower lip.

Why does she have to look so cute right now? Hikaru wondered to himself as he took in her innocent face. He grabbed her chin gently and brought her eyes to his.

"You were perfect." He told her sincerely.

Kyoko blushes under his intense gaze. Their faces are barely inches apart and her earlier thoughts come rushing back to her. There is silence as both wait for the other to move either away or closer. Suddenly, the sound of something heavy hitting a wall and glass breaking shatters the moment and Kyoko jumps up forcing the guitar back into her sempai's hands.

"Thanks for teaching me the song Hikaru-san, I have to go now, bye."

The words barely have time to leave her lips before she is sprinting down the way she'd come without looking back or waiting for a reply. Hikaru slouched back against the railing of the balcony and exhaled deeply as he ran a hand down his face. Getting up from the ground he walked back into the hotel and looked to his right as he turned a corner.

A large decorative mirror was in pieces barely hanging on the wall. His eyes traveled to the clenched fist that was still in the middle of the destroyed mirror and up a muscular arm to the face of Tsuruga Ren. Hikaru was shocked to find the usually calm and polite actor glaring at him fiercely.

He briefly wondered what he could have done to offend the man until it clicked. He broke the mirror when I was about to kiss Kyoko. Does that mean he has feelings for her or something and interrupted on purpose? Before he could decide whether or not to confront him about it, the taller man pushed past him without saying a word. Hikaru headed back to his room lost in thought and not taking notice of the person that passed him in the hallway heading the way Tsuruga Ren had gone.

"I'm going to tell her."

Ren was in the lavish suite of President Takarada trying not to unleash his pent up anger on the woman scantily clad in Grecian robes persistently attempting to hand feed him grapes.

"Are you sure it's the right time?" The Spartan king asked him as he opened his mouth for a grape.

"What's wrong with now?" Ren burst out frustrated. "Do you think I should wait until five months from now when the movie is done filming and she's already-" with him. Ren finished in his mind. "I'm finally ready to let her know how I feel. I thought you of all people would be overjoyed."

"I want the two of you to be happy, preferably together." Lory replied, "But I don't think that suddenly thrusting a confession of love as well as years of secrets on her will keep her waiting for you while you're away." He spoke, ignoring the shocked look on the face of the rash young man in front of him. "In fact, I think you will only scare her away by expecting too much too soon."

Ren knew that Lory was right and he hated it. The man always seemed to know everything before he was told and right now it was infuriating. He didn't want to scare Kyoko away but it was obvious that if he waited until after the movie was filmed it would be too late. The way Ishibashi Hikaru had looked at her and held her and tried to... She hadn't even had the terrified deer-in-headlights expression he had grown accustomed to seeing. She was just waiting to see what he would do. Did she trust him more? Did she care for him more? What would have happened if he hadn't intervened? At least she seemed embarrassed enough to run off in the panicked manner he was use to. But she didn't even look over and notice me as she ran out. How did this happen? How did I not know that there was someone else after her heart?

Somehow, without him realizing it, something had begun to change in her and she was clearly not as averse to getting close to a man as she had once been. He had been hoping for this to happen for over a year but it was happening at the worst possible time. He would be leaving and Ishibashi Hikaru would be there to take the spot in her heart that he had coveted so dearly.

"I have to do something president." He finally spoke up quietly. "If I don't she'll slip out of my reach."

"Well I won't try to stop you, but make sure that you take her feelings into account first." Lory replied seriously before his demeanor softened and he smiled. "And congratulations on getting the role Kuon, I'm proud of you."

Ren left the suite and immediately sought out Kyoko as he dialed Yashiro's number to put his plan into motion. He couldn't lose her now, not when everything else was falling into place. He wouldn't force anything on her before she was ready, but he damn sure wasn't going to give her up without a fight.

Author's Corner: This chapter has been on ice for awhile because I've been having some trouble with the ending but I think my block is starting to clear up. Just in case, I'll let you know if I go back and change something.

Also, SCORE ONE FOR HIKARU! I had so much fun writing that and yes Ren HAD to see it because I am evil and jealous Ren makes me happy.