A/N: Ah, I am so sorry for the very late chapter. I finally got to writing it. This is the last chapter everyone. Thank you to everyone who reviewed and the support they gave to me throughout this story. I am very happy that people liked this story, and I hope everyone enjoys this chapter.

Chapter Sixteen

Gibbs held Abby's hand while he watched her sleeping state on the hospital bed. It had almost been a week that Abby was in her coma. He could feel his heart starting aching again to see her face bruised from those criminals. He gave hell to those criminals. Oh yes, the day after he took her to the hospital, he made sure they regretted it. The two teams knew what to do and turned the blind eye to it. Those guys deserved a right beating from Gibbs. As for the excuse for their bruises, let's say they fought each other for being caught.

It didn't take long before Briggs explained his situation of why he didn't come sooner to rescue Abby and Moon. It was to put the mastermind of the group that killed and tortured the gay marine and the one responsible of telling those guys to hurt Abby and get rid of Moon in jail for good. The mastermind's name? Eric Owens. Following him to jail would be Eric Owens's father, Edward Owens and his right hand men. Due to the carlessness of Eric's men, they had found drugs and weapons, which they confessed it belonged to Edward Owens. Surprisingly, Edward Owens is the drug lord that Briggs tried to take down long before he became an NCIS agent.

"Gibbs, I know you are concerned about Abby, but you need to take better care of yourself as well. What will happen when Abby sees you are like this," Ziva told him and laid a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"If I was there, she wouldn't be tortured like this. It feels like I'm losing Shannon all over again except Abby's alive," Gibbs uttered, his voice hoarsed. He softly stroked Abby's cheek. He looked so hurt and in so much pain as he did so.

"And that's just it, Gibbs. She's alive. The doctors managed to save her and Moon. She'll wake up and you would be there to hold her in your arms. But to do that, you need to sleep and freshen up," Ziva told him once more. "Do you want Abby to wake up and see you in this horrible state?"

Gibbs thought for a bit before he looked up at Ziva, a caring face she doesn't usually show. Gibbs sighed and got up but still held Abby's hand as if it was hard to let her go.

"She will be all right. I will stay with her today," Ziva told him.

Gibbs didn't look at her. He was too preoccupied staring at Abby's still form. He managed to lean over Abby and kissed her softly on her forehead and once again stroke lightly on her cheek. It took a little while before he finally let go of Abby's hand.

"Watch her carefully. Call me immediately if anything happens, no matter how small it is," Gibbs told her. Ziva gave a small smile and nodded.

He left reluctantly and drove rather recklessly like always. When he got to Gibbs' mansion, he got out and looked at the house. He just stared at it for a good long while before he fell to his knees and cried. Gibbs felt weak. So weak. He held in his feelings for far too long and finally broke down. His heart was aching. His body was worn out. He just couldn't take it anymore.

Finally, after crying enough, he dragged himself into the house, quickly went inside his room, and closed the door behind him. He went straight to the bathroom. He was a mess when he looked in the mirror. His eyes were bloodshot; his hair was in a mess; and he needed to shave. He let out a sigh before he took a shower and letting the warmth of shower overtake him and his pain.

After he freshened up, he lied down on his bed and remembered Abby lying beside him. Her beautiful drunken form against him as he held her close to him. Her sweet smell lingered in his nose before he held the closest pillow against him, imagining it was Abby right next to him. He knew it was a lie, but it was the only way he could sleep. Abby was going to be all right. He just knew it. Slowly but surely, sleep overtook him.

Gibbs was lost and alone in the dark. He started walking, hoping to find a path to lead him somewhere. It was then he suddenly saw a figure in the far distance. He started to walk faster but soon broke into a run and stopped a foot away to see it was a female child. It was then the girl turned that Gibbs saw his daughter, Kelly, standing right in front of him. He ran to her and held the girl before him.

"Daddy, how are you," the girl asked.

"I miss you and your mother," he told her.

"But daddy, you've moved on, haven't you," her childlike voice asked in concern.

"Abby," he whispered.

"Then don't be sad, Daddy. I'm here to tell you, it would be all right," Kelly told him.

Gibbs let her go and looked at his young daughter who died too early. She suddenly faded, and it crushed Gibbs' heart. It was then he felt another presence behind him. He turned to meet Shannon. He froze at the sight of his late wife and raised his hand to touch her face.

"Shannon," Gibbs questioned, surprise written on his face.

"Yes, it's me, Jethro," Shannon told him softly.

Gibbs soon held her in a hug and could only utter her name.

"Jethro, it will be okay," she suddenly told him. "Everything will be okay, so don't lose hope. Never ever lose hope."

She soon faded just like Kelly faded. It was then Gibbs turned frantic, looking everywhere for them in the darkness that surrounded him. After a while of not finding him, Gibbs broke down crying. It was then a soft hand touched his head. He immediately looked up to see Abby. She was smiling at him softly. He noticed how she glowed and wore a white gown. She didn't say anything to him, only smiling warmly at him.

"I love you, Gibbs," she signed before she gave a soft peck on his forehead.

He reached towards her but Abby shook her head and took a step back. Gibbs took a step forward, reaching for her. He almost touched her, but she disappeared just like Kelly and Shannon did.

Gibbs eyes widened and soon...

He woke up, gasping. He looked around to see he was inside his room, and it was already the next morning.

"Just a dream," he thought.

He covered his face with his hands and found out wet tears were on his face. He went to the bathroom and freshened up. When he just got out, his phone started ringing. He ran to it and opened the phone.

"Gibbs," he said.

"Boss, it's about Abby! Hurry up and come here," Tony yelled. Gibbs' eyes widened, and he broke into a run to his car and drove immediately to the hospital. He wasn't going to stop for anyone.

He sped to her hospital room. He saw everyone just outside her room, and it made his heart race. He opened the door. There, he saw the white blanket covering her body. He stopped breathing by then and slowly walked towards her. He pulled down the covers to see Abby's eyes still closed and still unmoving. The wires that used to connect her to the heart monitor were no longer in sight. He could feel his heart throb in so much pain and tears started to form in his eyes before Abby's eyes suddenly open and giggled.

"Gotcha, Gibbs," she yelled quietly. Her voice hoarse, maybe from being in the coma.

Gibbs' eyes widened but immediately hugged her. This is when he started breathing again. He let go and looked at her sternly

"Are you crazy? Do you know how much pain I'm in," Gibbs yelled. Abby smiled and kissed him on the lips.

"Exactly. Now you know how I felt," Abby told him. Gibbs sighed before he held her in a hug again.

"Lesson learned," he told her before they gave a sweet kiss towards each other.

Back at home, Briggs went inside Abby's room to find Bert and a silver fox right next to each other. Briggs let out a chuckle and closed the door and made his way to the garden.