I know I haven't updated in so long. sorry!

Quinn P.O.V

What was happening? Why had this day kept getting so complicated? I couldn't help but think when I saw Beth run out of the house. She ran too quickly for me to see which way Beth had ran, but for the first time in my life I felt like a mother attempting (and apparently) to keep my daughter safe. I ran from the car, inside the house where I ran into Puck in the doorway.

"Puck! What happened?"

"I don't' know..we were..and then she ran…and.." Puck was almost in tears, breathing heavily through each attempted sentence. I have never seen him cry, except for when we gave up Beth.

"Baby, just breathe. We just need to find her okay?" One of had to stay calm, and seeing the look on my husband's face I knew I had to be the one. Have you ever felt like you were drowning in a pool surrounded by people not trying to help you. I felt like that at this moment. I had no idea where she could have gone, I didn't know her friends or if she had a boyfriend. But then there was only place I knew, and one place I knew Beth wanted to be.

"Get in the car. Let's go" I told Puck as I was already half way in the car.

We pulled up to the mansion that I guessed right where Beth would be. The blond-haired girl was sobbing in front of the front door looking as if she had no energy left. I wasn't sure if she would feel comfortable with me, and I wasn't sure if she liked me, but my mother's intuition rushed in and before I knew it was sitting next to Beth rubbing her back trying to calm her down.

"Beth it'll be okay." As the words came out of my mouth I immediately regretted them expecting a harsh response.

"No. It's not. My mother is dead. DEAD! And now I'm living with two people who didn't even want me. Tell me why I should want to have you?" Her impulsive reaction was spoken in between tired sobs.

"Beth, we wanted you. We loved you. But we couldn't give you what you needed. Look at the life Shelby gave you, how could two teenagers ever given you such an amazing life?"

The tears had slowed down that were streaming down her face and she turned around to face me.

There was a silent moment as we looked at each other, both lost with words. Her life wasn't where she expected it to be, and mine wasn't either. And thats when I realized that we are both going to have to adjust, because we hadn't planned this in our lives. We had to fight to be happy, and it would be a long fight.

"She said my name." Beth looked at me.


"Mom, when I ran to the door. She said my name."

Beth… I'm sure you heard it" I cautiously continued "in your head, honey she's not here anymore."

I had not expected what came next, but Beth crushed into me, enwrapping me in her arms. The only thing I could do was just hug her back, like I've wanted to do for years. I turned my head around towards the car to see Puck standing near us on the front lawn. He gave me a smile, a relieved one. And I smiled back.

"Beth" I said as she started to pull away. "I'm not expecting you to be comfortable with whats happening, or like it. But I just want us to work as best as we can with what's going on. We'll get through it, okay?"

She gave me a small smile and nodded. We both helped each other up from the doorway and walked towards Puck and into the car.

"We'll go back here whenever you need to" Puck turned to Beth who was in the back seat. Puck started to drive away and from the mirror I could see Beth looking back at the house she wanted to so bad to be back in.