Hey guys! This is my first fan fiction. I love glee and writing so I'm going to give it a shot. This story is about Beth, Quinn and Puck. It's not like the other ones so please read please review. It'll help make my stories better

Beth POV

Perfect. I stood their looking at myself for a moment. My signature single curl ponytail held still as a laid down the curling iron on my burrow. Being a blond made me confident, there was something special about it, but I can't put my finger on it.

My mother is exactly the opposite of me; she had long dark brown wavy hair. My dad, I don't have a dad so I guess that left only one option to which I got my luscious blond hair from. I was adopted my birthparents were both in high school when my biological mother had me. I never really talked to my mom about them. They were just…off limits. I don't care about them though; they apparently didn't want me so I shouldn't want them either. Clearing my mind of those thoughts, I refocused myself on me.

The WMHS that read on my cheerleading uniform reassured me that I was the queen bee in this school now that I was the head captain of the Cheerios, the schools cheerleading team, or head bitch as everyone calls it. My cheerleading uniform fit perfectly, my body looked smokin', and my ponytail was pulled back as tight as it could be, perfect.

"Lets go! You're going to be late!" My mom had no patience. I didn't want to start my first day as a sophomore badly, so I decided to actually listen to my mom. I grabbed my backpack, strapped it on my shoulder, and walked down the stairs with my shoulders back. Anyone could be the head captain, but having confidence made you a head bitch, and that is what I am.

As I walked into the kitchen, Mom was on the phone. Of course she was.

"No, I will speak to them later!" She yelled into her blackberry. Just her usual bickering, I thought to myself.

"You dimwit! You can't do a damn thing! Ugh. I will handle this when I get there." And to that she hung up her phone with great power. When she looked up and saw me standing there, we both looked at each other.

I could tell in her eyes my mom wasn't going to wish me good luck on my first day or tell me how pretty I looked. I mean we both knew I looked amazing and that I didn't need luck, but my mother and I never had that kind of relationship where we told each other everything, there was no need too. We never talked about our day at the dinner table, because there was never a family dinner, because her job kept her busy. Working as a CEO of a restaurant chain she never had time, but I was used to it. This is how our family was and it worked.

Shelby POV

Those dumb bastards, I thought to myself, what a waste of time to yell at my employees. I'll just fire them and find some others. That's what I always did. Lifting my head up I saw Beth standing on the other side of the counter. She looked at me waiting for me to say something, but I didn't know what to say. Before I could think of what to say to my cheerleading daughter, my beeper went off. I picked it up from my belt and knew I needed to be on my way. So I just looked at Beth and nodded to the front door and we both headed through the white hallway out the door.

Beth POV

Finally we arrived to William McKinley High School after a ride of Shelby yelling at her assistant on the phone. We pulled into the parking lot and I looked at my mom about to tell her bye, but she was on her blackberry talking to her assistant, why don't I make it screaming. She noticed that I was getting out of the car and gave me a reassuring smile that this would be an amazing day. My lips instantansly smiled back at her. I shut the door of our polished black Mercedes and took one step towards the high school. The sound of the Mercedes speeding away faded into the background, as the sound of my heartbeat echoed in my ear. This year was going to be amazing, being head bitch, popular and somehow she felt something big was going to happen. Beth, she told herself, you got this bitch!