She was drinking coffee again.

She's always drinking coffee.

He doesn't get it: why can't she just drink tea like a normal person? He'll get up the nerve to ask her one day, he decides. Maybe today.

But, no. Her family is now surrounding her, all speaking at once. They're so loud. He coughs loudly, irritated.

"Looks like Malfoy is annoyed by us." One of them says in a mocking tone.

"I'm annoyed by you!" Rose says.

He can picture her face now: her eyebrows scrunched together in irritation, a hand running through her hair, still bent over the book she was reading until her family barged in.

"Well, then we'll just leave!" this time a different family member speaks.

He can never keep them straight. There are too many of them.

They all troop out of the room, loudly.

"I'm sorry about them." Rose whispers, "They don't exactly understand why we sit here and read quietly."

His head shoots up as he realizes she's speaking to him.

"It's fine." He says back just as quietly.

She smiles at him quickly and returns to her book.

He never expected that smile to be directed at him. It's now or never.


She turns her head to look at him once again. She looks beautiful, her auburn hair is thrown up in a bun and her navy blue eyes seem to be ringed with makeup from the night before.


"Why do you drink coffee?"

She looks a little surprised. "Because I like the taste, I suppose."

He nods at her and turns back to his book. She likes the taste of coffee.

"Why do you ask?"

She's still looking at him.

"Curious." He replies.

"Hmmm," she says, nodding. "Why do you always drink tea?"

He glances up at her again and smiles lightly.

"Because I like the taste of it, I suppose."

She laughs lightly. She has a great laugh.

They both turn back to their books and continue reading.

The next day when he enters the room with a book she is already there, with her coffee. He sits in his chair and notices a cup of coffee there. He looks over at her.

"I thought you could try some. Maybe tomorrow you could bring me some tea?" she smiles at him.

He takes a sip of coffee and practically spits it out. It's awfully bitter.

"Maybe we should just stick to our respective drinks."

She giggles, "Not a fan of coffee?"

"No but thanks for the thought."

She laughs and makes her way over to him. "Well, here maybe I prepared it wrong. Let me taste."

He expects her to reach for his cup but instead she grabs his head and pulls it towards her. She kisses him and the second he parts his lip her tongue is in his mouth. He can taste the coffee on her tongue. She pulls back.

"Nope, it tastes good to me!" she smiles brilliantly at him again.

He doesn't say anything for a few seconds and her smile fades. She begins to bite her lip.

"You know, I think coffee is an acquired taste."

He pulls her head closer to his and presses his lips against hers once more. He decides that maybe he likes the taste of coffee after all.

A/N: Just a quick Scor/Rose one-shot I wrote!

Note: FF has an error regarding updates! That's why I haven't been able to update any of my multi-chapter stories! I'm actually attempting this right now to see if I can upload this...if you can read this it obviously worked :)

So anyway, let me know what you think! :)
