Summary: Holly J & Fiona starting just before rehab everything that has happened up til then is as it was in the show. Holly J finds the journal page but doesn't give it to Adam instead she keeps it with the intent of talking to Fiona about it after rehab.

Disclaimer: I don't own any part of Degrassi.

Author's Notes: This is inspired by the promo of Holly J and Fiona kissing. As well as the theory I recently thought of where the journal entry was actually about HJ and not Adam. We never saw the entry itself very clearly so we don't know for sure if it says that it's about Adam or not.

Chapter 1

'What do I pack for someone going to rehab?' She wondered as she looked around Fiona's condo trying to pack for her stay at the clinic. She gathered clothes and miscellaneous pictures from around her bedroom.

'She would kill me if I forgot this' Holly J muttered to no one in particular as she turned to place Fiona's journal on top of the bag. Noticing a page that seems to have been ripped out then put back in the journal and curiosity getting the better of her, Holly J grabbed the paper. She thought 'I know Fi might hate me for this but…"

"you've just left and I cant stop thinking about you, your face, your voice, your touch, how you listen to me the way no one else does, how its easier to be with you than not, how when we're together I never want it to end, it'd be easier if I didn't feel this way cuz there are a million reasons why we shouldn't work but even though I know that I really really hope that we will"

'wow' Holly J thought to herself as she finished reading the entry. She knew it was most likely about Adam after all they had been seeing each other but part of her couldn't shake the thought that it was actually about her, the lack of a date on the entry only fueling that thought. After all Fiona had always acted a little different than her other friends had. Shaking her head, as if she could shake the thought away, she folded the piece of paper and tucked it into her purse, deciding she wanted to hold onto it to talk to Fiona about it after she finished rehab.

After gathering the remaining things that Fiona might need Holly J zipped the bag and headed back to the clinic to see Fiona before she checked in for her treatment.

'I wish I could be at home' Fiona thought as she sat on the boring cream colored couch in the lobby of the inpatient rehab center waiting for Holly J to return from her condo with her bag. Fiona wanted nothing more than to be at her condo with Holly J packing for a sleepover or a weekend away or anything but this.

She was beginning to regret her decision to give in and stay for treatment. "I don't know if I can do this, mom" she muttered looking to her mom, who was sitting next to her, for support.

"It is what is best for you, Fiona" her mother said firmly not leaving room for discussion. Fiona sighed knowing there was no point in arguing because her mom wouldn't give in and maybe it was just time to admit that her drinking had gotten out of control.

'I wish Holly J would hurry back' Fiona thought as she continued to stare around the dull lobby. She fidgeted nervously on the couch as she waited anxiously wishing she could tell Holly J what she has been thinking and feeling since she came from New York.

She stood and began to pace waiting for Holly J to return. As she turned her back to the door for about the fifth time she heard the door open she spun only to feel her heart sink as an unfamiliar male walked through the lobby and back towards the office. She returned to her pacing. After another 15 minutes of pacing she heard the door open again. She looked up at the door hesitantly her stomach doing a flip as she saw Holly J walk through the door dressed simply in her curve hugging blue jeans, a sky blue and cream top, and a silky navy over shirt. Her strawberry blonde hair gleamed in the sunlight seeping in the door behind her. Fiona's breath caught in her throat as she looked at what she could only describe as an angel. She gulped and stepped quickly over to Holly J.

"Thank you for coming back and for getting my things" she said as she hugged Holly J tightly. Holly J hugged her back loosely as she said "of course Fi, I'm just glad you are getting the help you need and I will be waiting for you once your done" Fiona's heart skipped a beat hearing the last bit of what Holly J had said.

"Will you come get me when im done here Holly J?" Fiona said as she stepped away taking her bag.

"Yes Fi I will be here to get you" Holly J said and Fiona felt her heart skip again. The two smiled at each other then and Fiona's breath caught as she saw Holly J give her that heartwarming light up her whole face smile that she so rarely saw lately. She had been seeing less and less of it as she had started to drink more and more.

'Maybe this is what I need to finally be happy' Fi thought as she stepped back to the couch and sat down to wait for the doc. Holly J followed her, much to Fi's surprise, and sat on the couch next to her. Fi hesitantly scooted a little closer, Holly J chuckled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders giving a supportive squeeze. Fi smirked and laid her head on Holly J's shoulder. They sat like that until the doctor came to take Fi back to the room that would be her home for the length of her stay.

Fi stopped at the door heading back to the rooms and looked back at Holly J whispering 'I love you Holly J' only loud enough for herself to hear. She smiled and waved looking forward to the next time she would see Holly J's smiling face.

So there it is Chapter 1. I look forward to updating this story with chapters on the progression of HJ and Fi's relationship as it happens after Fi is out of rehab. Currently hard at work writing Ch. 2 to be posted as soon as its finished! In the mean time leave me reviews let me know how im doing what i can improve on and what i did good at :D any criticism is welcome

~Lady Abegayle