Author's note
Nothing belongs to me :( not even Reaver's smexyness all to Lionhead Studios
I thought I would contribute my share of fandom to the Fable archives... and this is what happened :P
I do apologize if anyones ooc though...

The sun shone brightly today.

Brighter then most after the Crawlers defeat anyways. The start of fall lingered in the breeze as the queen sat upon the throne, her lover Benjamin Finn, the leader of the royal army, stood beside her rambling about the wedding between them soon to take place.
The young queen Narci smiled and simply gazed at him while scratching behind her beloved border collie Watson's ears. The ex-king Logan strolled down the long hall leading to the throne room, books and a pair of royal trousers (for a reason only he would ever know...) craddled into his arms. The guards surronding the large doors saluted.
The one on the left moved to open the door for him, Logan nodded as thanks and scowled as he saw his sister and her dog cuddling on the thrown, the latter leaning over the throne as to rub noses with his love. Ben heard the large door slam shut, snapping him out of his lovers gaze. He stood and took a step back, not releasing Narci's hand, and glared at the fallen king.
"Do you really belive it proper for you to have the mongrule on the throne, Sister?" He scowled as Logan came closer to them. 'The man can never be happy.' He told himself this, to keep from saying something out of turn. So instead he said something a bit more sophisticated.
"Brother." he began sarcastically, "do you think it proper to walk into the queen's presence with your buttons undone?" Logan's frown turned deeper and his cheeks reddened as he shoved the pile in his arms into the chuckling Ben's chest and turned to button his unbuttoned buttons, then faced his younger sister again. A half smirk and a gentle shade of red on his unhealthily pale cheeks that only the queen could make out as a sheepish smile, she chuckled and stood from the throne, releasing Ben's hand and stepping on Watson's tail making him yelp, she patted his head apologetically and rushed to hold her brother. Logan held out his arms and tightly held her and spun her in a half circle not releasing her as small tears of joy landed on his neck.

"I'm so glad you're back..." she whispered gently into his neck.
"As if I would miss my darling baby sister's big day." Logan caught Ben's glare and returned it ten-fold. Ben huffed and ended the glaring war, something he knew he couldn't win against the ex-tyrant, and shifted the contents in his arms and shuffled his feet as the two siblings shared a moment, his own loss of family a tug in his heart.

"What is all this for? If I may ask, brother?" Ben said it like poison rolling off his tongue while shifting the objects in his arms. Logan pulled away from Narci, who gave Ben a rather off putting glare, and roughly took the questionable items from the grinning blonde man.
"They, are not for your eyes, and let me make this clear. You. Are NOT. my brother." Logan began walking towards the large doors and stopped before gently kicking the large wooden doors open.
"I will be taking recidence in my old room, Narcissa... come see me later, I have many things to discuss with you." With that he barly managed to open the doors, and waltzed down the hall. Watson followed him out chasing him, almost. A loud crashing noise was heard as well as a squeel from a maid and some barking as well as a shout from Logan as the guards closed the doors.

"I wonder what the prick wants..."
"I don't really care, I'm just glad he's finally back." The queen rested her hands and head on Ben's chest. He kissed the top of her head and pulled away.
"Why is it that when I returned all I got was a lousy, 'Why the hell did you leave you big arse!' And a kick in my pants, When he got that!" Ben frowned, but his eyes told Narci otherwise
"Because you just left me after I told you not to!... and if you recall what happened after that, and again that night," Ben snickered.
"Then I think you'd be happy that I just hugged my brother, insted of snogging him half to death"
"I couldn't help it! After being away for almost a year, I had to come back and serve my queen, in the only way I know how of course."
Ben grinned at Narci's blushing face. She took his hand and nearly dragged his grining arse out of the throne room to her chambers, he knew that this was coming. The maids and other servants quickly took their leave, sure of what was to come if they lingured. Narci pushed Ben on the large king sized bed and sat on his lap. She giggled as the man beneith her struggled to sneek his hands under her dress removing her panties. She pressed herself against his chest knowing that today she would sneek her way into more than his heart.

Narci kissed Ben's chin and pulled away from his clinging arms, smiling she quickly put her sleeping gown on and made her way to the door.
"Narci?... what are you doing up? No don't tell me, your going to find something to kill?" She smiled at the half asleep man that was soon to be her husband and blew him a kiss.

"Just going to see Logan, ill be back soon, don't worry." She reached for the handle when Ben's hand stopped her. He looked at her with worrying baby blue eyes and she looked at him with reasuring ones.
"He's more kind than you may ever know Ben, and he's my brother." Ben shook his head and took her into a tight loving embrace
"After all he's done you still lovingly call him brother, he's mine too, well not according to him, but still." Narci sighed knowing that was the as close as her husband and brother would ever get, and snuggled closely into his bare hairy chest and kissed his shoulder.

"Thank you Ben. Now get back in bed, I can feel you shivering you know." Ben released her and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips.
"Maybe I should put my underpants back on." Narci smirked and left the room, much to Ben's dismay, and strolled down to Logan's room in the west wing by the library. A large painting hung in the corridor, showing a much younger Logan standing beside on their mother's left side, arms behind his back, Walter to her right, one hand on his sword and another on the throne, and a baby Narci craddled in her arms. Another person was in the picture but it looked as though the potrait had been smeared. Her mother, even in her very old age, looked about as young as Narci did now and even when she was close to the grave she looked like she couldn't be over 30. She tossed her wandering thoughts out of her head and tip toed to Logan's room. She opened the large creeking door and walked in without another thought.
"Logan? Are you awake brother?" The small queen looked about the large room. She remembered coming in here when she was small, if she ever had a bad dream she would cuddle next to Logan and he would tell her stories about their mother and the many adventures she had alongside her compainions, Garth, the mage, and Walter's mother, Hannah. She had been their mother's best friend, and her strength was greater then even that of the late queen, Garth had taught her all of the will he knew and helped fasion the gauntlets that Narci wore today, Sparrow eventually grew even more powerfull then him though.
All of their statues, her mother and her dog Locke, Garth and Hannah, were in the secret gardens that very few lucky people know about. There was another statue pedestal but it looked as if the sculpture were blown up. She stayed day dreaming about the 3 heros, barely noticing Logan calling for her from what sounded like the hall.
"Narci? I've been calling you for ages!" Logan grabbed her hand and lead her out of the room and down to the end of the hall. A very old large door stood infront of them almost looming over head.

"What were you doing up Logan?"
"Insomnia leads to wandering," Narci rolled her eyes . "But I always end up here." They stopped and stood. A grand door loomed over their heads. Narci stared at the old door. Her mother's old room beyond it.
"Why here?" She looked at her brother with an annoyed look, her arms crossed and tapping her foot. Logan remained silent and touched the handel.
"I found something intresting we may want to look at together." He opened the door and the smell of perfume, cologne and musk overwhelmed Narci and she covered her noise. Logan sneezed and pushed Narci into the room.
"The maids have been taking good care of this place..." Logan pulled Narci over to the drawers and ploped her onto a small trunk at the foot of the old queen's bed. Narci frowned
"Why'd you bring me here?" He was too busy rummaging through drawers to notice. Narci huffed and looked about the room. She hadn't been in here since Sparrow's passing, but it still looked the same, scrolls, paintings, books and even a teddy bear were littered around the floor.
"Were you in here earlier?" The tyrant stopped messing with all the objet d'arts and nodded.
"I was told to come here before your wedding." Narci raised a eyebrow her mouth opened to say something but was cut off.
"By her." Logan continued rummaging through the room but not all of Narci's questions had been ansered. The blind seer had told her brother to come ramsack her dead mothers room?
"Do you have a clue why?" She said it in a sarcastic way, of course he wouldn't know! The seer spoke in riddles! She flopped on the bed knowing that it was useless to even ask. Logan's eyes narrowed as he spoke.
"It is to find our father. We must find her diary." Narci flinched.
"He's dead isn't he?" Logan stopped and turned to face his sister.
"I really don't know... but don't you think its peculiar that even I don't have the slightest insignificant memory of him?" Narci closed her eyes. Logan layed beside her, covering his face with his hands. What did they know about the king? Their mother always said Logan looked much like him, that he had eyes that shimmered like emeralds and that he loved both Logan and Narci very much. That was all that their mother had ever said about him. But even then wouldn't Logan remeber him? These thoughts tormented the siblings, trying to remember something that wasn't there anymore certainly was quite difficult.

A long ways away, a tormented man watched his children in agony, wishing that he himself could have been there to tell them that he was always there for them. Something shifted under his bed sheets and he turned to look at Locke, who had just woken up after a long carriadge ride from Brightwall to Bowerstone, yawn and stare at his master of some years playing with that ball of his. Locke jumped off the bed and approached the tall man with his glowing ball, staring at its contents, the yellow dog strained to reconize the two young people in the ball but barked a sign of happiness when he saw the girl's sleeping face. His master shushed him and put the now clear orb back into his coat pocket. Locke sat next to his master, who patted him on the head and adjusted his top hat. Reaching for his cane he thought it best to drown his worries in the whiskey bottle and best also to have more then the company of his mutt compainion. As if reading his thoughts Locke growled.
"Hush poochy." He ruffled the dog's crooked ears.
"Or else you won't accompany me tomorrow." Locke followed him out of the inn down the alley way and then to Bowerstone's finest brothel
"We must be hasty now, my dear pet!" The tall top-hatted pale man strolled down the streets. People cringed to see him, but he just smirked. Pain and the sting of lonliness brought this upon him. The only one to see past his facade was the dog that trotted beside him. Him and the dog were very similar, though the man didn't admit it of course.
Years of torture had hardened his heart and only one women could soften it. She had shone light through his dark, demented world ruled by corruption, crime and evil. Before the dark he thought only one woman could have brought him love, even then, she hated him but he loved her and it wasn't untill he made the sacrifice that she called out his name. When Sparrow had brought light to the pirate king's fading world she taught him what real true love and not just lust really was. Even if it did take over a hundred years and Avo knows how many prostitutes.
He found it. He found love. He found her.

Reaver whistled for Locke who had been trotting slowly behind him looking at the posters for a big party that was taking place in one week. His master's daughter's wedding.

Random idea that popped into my head while watching A Bit of Fry and Laurie as it just so happens haha! Critisum is welcome xP I didn't have any idea what to call it though, and I felt cheesy writing parts about the painting and statues that had parts missing
Update 8-04-012
Hey guys.
I've decided to fix some of the errors in some of my old stories and edit them a little. After i'm done editing all of the old stuff and deleting the things I don't feel interested in anymore I'll update this and Cara Mia with a few more chapters or so depending on reception. Until then I'll be revamping the old stuff including this one for my few but faithful fans.