Another chapter...sorry it's so small but it was all I could get I so sorry guys, ok so we are nearing and end to this 'episode' (thank god, because this has been a thorn in my foot for centuries now) and up next I'm going to move on to the one with the dolls and Drocell Kleinz (who I really like, but whose name I usually can't get right) so read and review folks and I'll see you later.

Last night, after Sebastian had returned from his little "encounter" with Akira, he and the rest of the servants, plus Ciel and Anya, had discovered that Lord Henry had been killed, there was a large hole in his cell and lots of blood. Outside by the place where Barrymore had been accused off the crimes in the village, was his body, his dead body, in front of him the villagers had gathered to pray for the demon dog, so they could please him and he would stop the killings. Upon seeing her master's body Angela fainted, and everyone returned to the mansion.

"Young Master all of this happening, especially after the case as closed must be terribly annoying, no?" Sebastian asked his master with a smirk on his face, for a butler he sure liked to tease the boy.

"Are you quite finished?" Ciel asked annoyed at the demon butler.

"Where is Angela?" Sebastian didn't trust the maid, there was something about her that he really didn't like.

"She's in her room resting." Finni looked so worried and a bit sad about Angela.

"This village as isolated itself completely from society for fear of the demon's hound curse. I thought for certain the hound was an illusion, created by Lord Barrymore so he could more firmly rule the village, but with him dead…I need to rethink things." Ciel was sure the hound was but a trick, but now with the Lord's death things had definably changed.

"For now there's only one thing we know for sure, it wasn't human." Sebastian said with a smile towards his master.

Ciel retired for the night to his room; while Sebastian was dressing him and tidying his clothes on the dresser, Ciel couldn't stop but notice the frown in his butler's face; he looked thoughtful or maybe worried or something like that…

"Something wrong Young Master?" The demon had felt the gaze of his master on his person for quite a while.

"That thing you said earlier, how you phrased it, you said this wasn't human work, what if that bloody ripper as got himself involved in this?" Ciel didn't like Grell, not just for the obvious reasons 'he killed my aunt' but also because he sure caused a lot of trouble, plus he was quite strong.

"It seems you are learning faster every day, I'm so very proud of you Sir." Sebastian teased the boy, while he dressed the boy in his night clothes.

"But there is no need to worry, the hound was after Lord Henry, I don't think it will attack anyone else." Sebastian got up and walked back to the wardrobe to finish his work.

"Right…Are you sure about that information or do I have to ask Akira about it, she seems like a very competent investigator…" Ciel looked sideways at his butler; Sebastian had stopped tidying Ciel's clothes, looking back at the boy he narrowed his eyes ever so slightly.

"Yes I'm sure of it. And I do not doubt Akira's talent but you shouldn't trust her that much." Sebastian looked at the window, watching the dark night, remembering his encounter with the strange female.

"Why?" Young Ciel asked his butler with a questioning look.

"Because I don't know what she is…" Sebastian left the young Earl so he could sleep.