The rest of school went by fast. When I got outside to my car, Kaylee was already there.

"Hey slow poke!" Kaylee greeted me when I was close enough.

"I'm not slow. You're just fast." I defended myself.

"Whatever Sky." Kaylee laughed.

I unlocked the car and got in the drivers seat. Kaylee got in the passenger seat. As soon as I started the car, Kaylee turned the radio on and the volume up. She started dancing to the radio.

"So are you getting some new beach clothes?" She asked me.

"I don't know. Probably not though, I don't have the money." I never had the money. All of my money that I got from working went to gas and food. I got the car from my grandparents, on my sixteenth birthday.

"I'll get some swim trunks for you." Kaylee smiled happily at me.

'I can't let you do that Kaylee." I protested, ever though I had no chance of winning an argument against her.

"You have no choice. I am getting you some. End of discussion." She told me with a determined look on her face.

"Fine." I muttered under my breathe. She smiled at that.

I pulled into the mall's entrance. Now all we had to do is find somewhere to park. Joy!

We had driven up every isle three times. When finally Kaylee shouted. " There, right there! Hurry Sky!" She was pointing and waving frantically at a parking space.

"Come on Sky! Someone else is trying to get it too!"

Sure enough someone was. I floored it, and cut them off turning sharply and slamming the brakes on.

"Oh yeah!" Kaylee cheered. She rolled down her window, and stuck her tongue out at the boys we cut off. "Ha-ha!" She chanted, and started doing a victory dance.

After she settled down somewhat, we went inside. She dragged me into Wet Seal. We went to the sale part. She walked up to a rack, with me right behind her. We started looking through the clothes.

I pulled a white tank top out with a red and black rose. She looked at it, then nodded her head yes. We picked out a few more shirts, shorts, and some accessories.

Finally my favorite part of shopping with Kaylee, the fitting rooms. She always shows me each thing that she tries on. She even does a little twirl with dresses.

I told her which ones I liked, which was most of them, and the ones I didn't like.

She paid for her clothes, and we walked back into the stampede of noisy people. We were talking and laughing about a boring group of people. When all of the sudden Kaylee grabs my hand and drags me to a store. When we got inside I figured out it was an eye glasses store.

"What are we doing here?" I looked over at Kaylee puzzled.

"We are getting you some contacts.' She cheered happily. "Not that you don't look good in your glasses. Because you do look cute in them." I blushed bright red. "But I just thought you could try them out if you want. Plus when you 'trip' you won't have to worry about losing your glasses.' She put air quotation marks around trip.

"But they're too expensive!" I complained.

"No, not for me. Plus you're my best friend. I want to Skylar!" She gave me a puppy dog face. Did I mention that Kaylee's family is rich? Well they are, and she is always trying to buy me stuff.

"Ugh." I mumbled, I wouldn't win this argument either. I definitely can't say no when she does her puppy dog face.

"Yay!" She went up to some guy that works there.

"Hi, what can I help you with?" He asked us, his voice bored and just about emotionless.

"We want to get him," She pointed at me, "some contacts."

He turns to me. "Have you ever had contacts before/"

"No, I have always worn glasses."

"Alright. Go into that back room, and someone will be there soon." His voice never switched from sounding bored.

We walked into the room he told us to. It was filled with equipment, and had a single chair in the middle of the room.

"Great, this is already giving me the creeps." I latched onto Kaylee.

"Skylar sit!" She pointed at the chair. She was trying her hardest to keep a straight face.

"Aww!" I gave her my best puppy dog face. 'Wait! I am not a dog!" I picked her up and tossed her over my shoulder.

"Put me down Sky!" She laughed, lightly slapping and punching my back.

All of a sudden someone coughed behind us.

"What in the world are you two doing?" A familiar voice asked from behind us.