The nurses office again, and on the first day back to school too. My head is killing me. Well duh dummy your head got smashed into a wall so now it's bleeding. Maybe I should learn karate! Oh yeah I could total see myself smashing a piece of wood in half(note the sarcasm). Ohhh I know, a body guard. Ha-ha yeah right, like I could afford one. The nurse came back in and I shook my blonde hair out of my eyes.

"Alright Skylar you can go back to lunch now. But be more careful when your walking so you don't trip and hit your head again." She laughed lightly.

"Thanks" I stood up and left. I always had to lie to her when I went in there. I always say that it's my clumsiness, even all last year. I get bullied a lot but I never tell anybody. You may think that's stupid, but if I ever told I would die. No joke either. That's how I got my head slammed into a wall. The same guy that did it ,is the guy that's now dating my best friend. Did I mention that I love her? We have been best buds since first grade. I have loved her since third grade. Yep I'm pitiful I know. I just have never had the guts to tell her.

Over the summer she really changed. She grew taller, bigger up top if you know what I mean. She also got her braces off, and got contacts instead of glasses. She was always beautiful to me, but now other people have recognized it. Which is why she got a popular boyfriend, who beats me up the most. She doesn't know though, she likes him and I want her to be happy. So I just don't tell her. It makes my heart drop though when I see them kissing, speaking of which there it goes all the way to the floor were it shatters. Wow dude that was deep, even for you. Oh shut up head.

There they are, at the end of the hall. Kissing. Ugh, my life couldn't get any worse. I pushed my glasses up and walked past them with my head down. It kills me from the inside every time. I just know that i can never be good enough for her, plus I don't deserve her. She will never look at me the way I want her to. First I'm ugly, I have thick glasses I don't have the money to buy contacts. I have messy hair, its everywhere. I am stick skinny, but i do have a small six pack from working out with my clothes are old and I don't have many. My green eyes are dull, nobody ever notices them. Nobody notices me either. I am forgettable to everyone.

I just wish I was actually good looking then maybe she would actually like me back.

"Hey Skylar!" Kaylee my dream girl said as she caught up to me. Her brown, long curly hair was down today. Her blue eyes were dancing with excitement. Probably from kissing Todd.

"You actually have time for me now?" I sneered. I didn't mean to say it like that but I was jealous.

Sadness and hurt was in her eyes. She slowed her walking then looked down at the floor.

"I'm sorry Skylar." She whispered. When we got to our next class she sat down and put her head down. She didn't talk the whole class, I started to feel guilty but it was true. Now that she had Todd she hardly ever spent time with me. It also hurt me to see her sad and knowing that I did it, but I felt worse than she does. I have to talk to her.