Evil closed the door quietly behind him. It had been a year since he was called out to war and he was happy to see Flippy again, but he didn't want to wake the male. Evil took off his beret and placed it on the hat rack before heading to the living room. While passing by the stairs the bear and felt something wet under his paws. He looked down and saw a small pool of blood forming at the bottom. Evil looked at the staircase and saw a trail of blood leading up it. His eyes came to rest upon the top of the stairs and widened in horror. A green paw was hanging over the top with blood dripping from the pads.

"Flippy!" Evil shouted, running up the stairs.

Evil found Flippy lying in a pool of his own blood and felt the panic in his chest increasing. He Flipped the male over gently and saw that he had two stab wounds to the chest. Evil checked for a pulse and was glad when he found one. Flippy wasn't dead, not yet anyways. Picking Flippy up carefully, Evil brought him to the bedroom where he placed the male on the bed gently. He went to the bathroom and got everything he needed quickly. Luckily in war he had learned from the nurse how to care for many wounds, gunshot, explosions, and stab wounds. Evil returned to Flippy with the supplies and carefully unzipped Flippy's jacket. He pressed a wet cloth against the wounds earning a weak whimper from the male.

"Shhh, it's ok….." Evil said softly, taking the cloth off.

Evil grabbed the next things he needed, needle and thread. This was going to be painful for Flippy, but he couldn't stop the bleeding enough if he didn't. Evil started stitching up Flippy the best he could without putting the male through too much pain. When he was done, Evil cleaned up the wounds a bit with a fresh towel. Flippy had gone quiet halfway into stitching him up and Evil feared that the pain might have been too much. The male's chest was still rising and Evil was grateful for that, but he wasn't sure how long Flippy could last with the amount of blood lost. Evil took the roll of bandages from the table and started bandaging Flippy up. Once he was done, Evil put the covers over Flippy to let him rest. Evil went to the bathroom and turned on the faucet. He put his hands under the cold water and rinsed off the blood. Evil grabbed the closest hand towel by him and soaked it under the water before ringing it out. He turned off the faucet and walked back to Flippy. Evil sat next to Flippy and folded the towel before putting it on Flippy's forehead to cool him off. Flippy was pale and Evil knew he couldn't last much longer without help. Sniffles was always too busy to help with things like this, but Evil knew he couldn't take Flippy to the hospital. Flippy was really weak and Evil was afraid moving him would only make things worse. He stayed by Flippy's side for a few hours till he felt his eye lids begin to close. Evil went downstairs and laid on the couch, passing out cold. The sound of crickets woke the male from his sleep and he looked towards the window. The area outside was pitch black and Evil felt uncomfortable with the curtains being open. He walked over to the windows and shut all the curtains before making sure the door was locked. Evil turned on a few light and started the fire place.

"Who would do such a thing…?" Evil asked himself as he sat in front of the fireplace.

His ears twitched at the sound of movement upstairs. Evil got up and walked to the bedroom again. Flippy's eyes opened slowly and he tried sitting up.

Evil pushed him back down gently, "Don't strain yourself, just get some rest."

"E-Evil…w-when did you get b-back?" Flippy asked a bit drowsily.

"This morning, now be quiet and get some sleep." Evil said checking Flippy's forehead.

Flippy closed his eyes and fell asleep fast. He was still extremely weak. Evil walked out into the hallway and noticed Flippy's dog tags lying in the pool of blood. He picked them up and walked to the bathroom. The faucet was turned on to warm and Evil started cleaning off the blood, being sure to not scratch them. He turned off the faucet and dried the dog tags off carefully and grabbed some medicine from the cabinet. Evil walked over to the bedside and placed the dog tags on the nightstand along with the medicine.

"He's never done anything to deserve this…." Evil said looking at the medicine with saddened eyes.

Evil heard the phone ring downstairs and looked at Flippy, hesitating to go, before heading downstairs.

"Hello?" Evil asked as he answered the phone.

"Hey Evil, glad to know you're back, how's Flippy? We missed him at the meeting today." Splendid said on the other line.

Evil hesitated telling him, but gave in, "He's not…he's not doing good at all, I came home and found him with two stab wounds to his chest."

"What, how bad is he?" Splendid asked shocked.

"I'm not so sure, he seems fine, but I don't really know much about this stuff." Evil said, his ears going down sadly.

"Why didn't you call Sniffles?…..Oh wait he's on vacation." Splendid said, his voice sounded worried.

Evil sat down and sighed deeply, "I don't know what to do, I'm not sure if he can last much longer without a doctor looking at him."

Splendid was silent for a few seconds, but answered happily, "Giggles, she worked with Sniffles, she can take a look at him! I'll give her a call and send her over."

"That would be great, thanks Splendid." Evil said hanging up not long after.

Evil got up and decided to clean the blood from the stairs. He was washing his paws when he heard Flippy yelp in pain.