I don't know about you guys, but I was rather disappointed that in the Comeback episode, we never saw Finn's reaction to the fact that suddenly everyone was dressed the same way as Rachel - you'd expect Finn to go crazy, right? So that's kind of what this story is about; Finn's reaction to everybody being dressed the same way as Rachel.

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, nor do I own any of its characters... Otherwise there would be a whole lot more of Finchel! (:


Finn knew he was dumb at times – okay, scratch that: just plain stupid. He knew he wasn't book smart, nor socially smart (other wise his life would've gone differently), but he knew when he was imagining things or really seeing them.

Except for today. Today, he had no idea if he was dreaming or not. It sure didn't feel like he was dreaming, but it did look like it.

His confusion whether something was real or not, started the previous day, when Brittany walked into the choir room wearing a plaid skirt with a carousel horse sweater tucked into it. He had been sitting next to Puck, and asked Puck to pinch him – it always helped when he wanted to wake up from a bad dream. Puck happily followed the instruction. It hurt like hell. That meant that Brittany was indeed dressed in a Rachel-style outfit.

Was Brittany trying to kill him? It was already hard enough to be reminded of Rachel by Rachel herself, but now Brittany had to remind him too?

Finn was still in love with Rachel – hopelessly so. It was hard spending time with her, but it was like a drug as well. He felt miserable without her, but also sad with her – they were just 'friends'.

The next day, Finn was sure he was dreaming – there was no other way. It was like there were a million Rachels around him. He knew they weren't the real Rachel, though. Especially not the blonde ones. But his head was still spinning. Who was who? He had no clue.

He noted in his head that those last thoughts rhymed.

"Finn, I think it's your turn to pinch me now." He suddenly heard beside him. He saw Puck standing beside him, the same dazed expression on his face – though Puck didn't seem as freaked out as Finn. Finn pinched Puck, and Puck returned the favor.

None of them were dreaming. That only made things weirder.

"I wonder why everyone's dressed like Berry." Puck mused. Finn didn't say anything. As a matter of fact, he couldn't say anything – his mouth had gone dry.

In glee club that afternoon, he saw the real Rachel. He noticed how, for some reason, that outfit looked so much better on her than any of the other girls – make that all the other girls – in school. He also noticed how she looked sad. Was she possibly sad that everyone was wearing the same outfit? No, that wasn't it, Finn decided. But what was it then? Was she afraid that the other girls wore it better? If she was, Finn didn't understand why. To Finn, no one in the entire world – not even a Victoria's Secret model – could ever wear these outfits the way Rachel did.

The next day, everyone had apparently gotten over their 'sexy librarian look', and Finn could breathe again... unless he was near Rachel, of course.


So, what did you think? I hope it wasn't too suckish... (yes, I know suckish isn't a word. ;) )

Reviews will be appreciated! Tell me if I should write more for Glee or not! (:

xx. UnlessIt'sEvil.