
"Ugh…What…WH...Where am I?" Aeris thought as she woke up from being unconscious. She opened her eyes only to be greeted by a bright light. She cursed as she quickly reclosed her eyes. She waited for awhile thinking to herself trying to recollect what she did before she woke up...but everything came up blank. She decided to reopen her eyes. She did so slowly and only to a small squint till her eyes adjusted then she opened them fully. She looked around her area. (A the hell did I get her and why am I here?) She though. She then noticed that she was wearing a two-piece silky like clothing. It was kind of like a pajama but nicer. She then noticed that was all she had on. (Great…so I'm unconscious in a hospital…all I got is some P.J. pants and a P.J. button shirt… way to start the day) she thought to her self. She looked over to her left and noticed the huge window which would explain the bright and blinding light she encountered. She continued to look around she finally noticed that there was a curtain blocking her from the rest of the room. She stared and noticed another figure on the other side. She didn't bother trying to contact him she just stared at it for awhile, and then tried again to remember past events. She still couldn't remember anything so she tried harder but still nothing came yet she didn't stop. Till she felt a sharp pain in her head she quickly reached for her temples in pain and tried to hold them to attempt to subdue the pain. Unfortunately it was too much for her as she gritted her teeth she flew backwards on the bed beginning to cry due to the pressure and pain. The pain caused her body to move uncontrollably like a seizure or a spas attack. The electro-cardiogram next to her was literally hopping with energy. The EKG was showing that Aeris's heart rate was bouncing between 100 and 150 BPM. She was literally going into cardiac arrest. She began to foam at the mouth and she continued to spas uncontrollably. Then her vitals had just flat lined the door to the room burst open and several voices were spouting commands. A doctor had said dammit and requested an immediate defib unit one said to move the other patients. Another person asked for another I.V. and a stretcher. An orderly pulled in a defib unit and activated it. He then ripped open her buttoned shirt causing certain things to jiggle and the orderly took the shock pads while another lubed them. Then they placed the pads unit on her chest.

"Ready … clear" the oderly said as aeris's body jumped of the bed

"dammit..increase to 150…ready..claer" the orderly said as aeris's body again nearly leaped off the bed. The EKG had a small beep

"again..increase 200…ready clear" the efib units thumped another electrical pulde intoaeris's nody. All that came was another small beep…and a small spaz in her arm.

"time of death… 3:45 pm…" someone said as the orderly putt the defib unit away. But then a beep appeared on the ekg. The doctor shrugged it off

"probably just residule energy…no need to get hopes up" the doctor said..but then another beep came then a few more till a steady stream of low beeps appeared.

"what the hell?" someone said. As the doctor examined the EKG

"I guess the resusitation..was successful" the doctor said as aeris uddenly burst from lying on the bed. She swung up and made a large gasp for waved to and fro for a little while and was trying to figure out what happened. Then she noticed who was in the room with her and that her shirt was wide open. She squeked and fixed it.

"maam are you ok?" the doctor asked aeris

"um.. i…i…d don't know she replied looking dumfounded

"Ma'am you went into cardiac arrest and died… we tried to resusitate you 3 times…but your heart did not respond" the doctor said. Stareing blankly

"wait…how?" aeris asked

leo pov

(my head why is it killing me..and why do I hear screaming?) leo thought as he woke up from sleeping. He opened hie eyes to notice that he was in a hallway. He tried to lift himself up but coulnt because he felt a sharp pain in his back and his for head. He reached for his head and felt it was bandaged.