Thank you guys, all the reviews... So nice to me!

Beta'd by the-vampire-act

He should have eaten.

Spencer could hear his stomach complaining about its lack of food. He and Jason had been asleep for a few hours before JJ had called with a case. It was never fun, but this one was particularly disturbing.

Three girls all between the ages of nine to eleven years old had gone missing. No bodies had been found as of yet, but their parents had all received envelopes. No return address, they had been left in the mailboxes. The BAU had been contacted when the second package came in. The families had been instructed to leave them sealed- anything could be kept in an envelope from anthrax to a low level explosive.

Spencer stared at the files bleary eyed; he was hungry and still mostly asleep. He gulped at his cooling coffee while Hotch continued to gesture at the white board.

"Wheels up in twenty," he heard as the room emptied, and the familiar adrenaline buzz raced through him-the heady rush of knowing he was going out to catch the bad guys. He was going to help end someone's nightmare.

Spencer stood and almost immediately fell back on ass. As it was he had had to grip the table to keep himself upright while the room whirled and the blood in his head pounded. Caffeine and adrenaline had combined and left him light-headed. He blinked a few times to clear his vision before straightening up and grabbing his messenger bag from the round table.

Jason was staring at him from across the room but thankfully didn't make a scene. Spencer nodded his thanks, glad for both the concern and the discretion.

He groaned internally as he realized who else had seen his little episode. Derek was coming over, his usual sauntering walk diminished by his current concern. He brushed his friend off, hoping the man would just drop it.

He did, but continued following him at close range as though worried he would fall over.

Spencer resolved to grab a muffin from the mini-fridge on the plane. It wasn't much, but it would keep him from passing out somewhere.


Hotch was observant. He had been since early childhood, especially when noticing tiny changes in facial expressions could mean the difference in simply getting yelled at or getting smacked halfway across his bedroom.

He had perfected the skill in the courtroom. He had been watching the witnesses and their lawyers, even the judges. He knew when a person was lying, when they were telling the truth, and when they were just omitting things. He knew his colleagues as well, and Jason was hiding something. Something big.

He didn't really want to pry into the older man's business, but distractions were dangerous, and he couldn't have member of the team not fully in the case.

He gathered a few items from his desk while he made up his mind. By the time he was ready to go, Hotch had reached a decision- he'd speak to Jason about whatever was on his mind while they were on the plane.


Jason watched as Spencer stood up only to grab the side of the table and close his eyes. He debated his options. One side yelled for him to get over there and see what was wrong, while the other said that his new boyfriend did not need him smothering him. He could practically see Spencer's face as he complained about not being a child and being perfectly capable of handling himself.

He comprised by giving the younger agent a curious look. There, he had expressed interest, and if Spencer wanted to share, he knew Jason cared, but he hadn't rushed over and embarrassed him.

Unlike Morgan, who had noticed his friend's actions and, in typical fashion, called attention to it; he was frowning and making his way over to the younger man.

"Need some help?" The concern in his voice was practically tangible. He held his arms slightly outstretched as if he would pick Spencer up if he so much as coughed.

Spencer glared at the overly protective gestures, pushing himself off the edge of the table ad grabbing his bag to go.

Jason watched the continuing exchange with a slight smile. The two acted like siblings, teasing and worrying in equal measure. He was glad; Spencer needed friends more than he needed colleagues.


"Jason, I know that this is really none of my business, but I need you to know that whatever relationship you have going on at the moment... It can't interfere with the job."

"It won't." Jason never glanced up from his book.

Hotch stood for a moment, waiting. Jason looked up curiously.

"Anything else?"

"I'm glad you found someone."

With a genuine smile, he replied, "Me too."


Tension radiated throughout his body. It tightened his stomach into a ball. It made his head hurt so he could barely think straight, and his hands were sore from being clenched into fists. He knew it was irrational, but he was an adult. He could have a responsible relationship with a colleague and not let it interfere with his job.

Hotch kept talking. Spencer was silently wishing, praying, pleading for the older man to just shut up, but he kept asking his asinine questions. He kept saying that he was just concerned for his teammate and making sure the team dynamics weren't interfered with. He ended his awkward speech with an even more awkward

"I know it's none of my business, but I had to check..."

Spencer glared and pointedly opened his book to its previous page. His face was almost violet from embarrassment.

"You're right, it really isn't your business, and I can have a romantic relationship with whomever I choose."

Hotch's mouth tightened and he gave a slight nod, trying to be polite. He knew he could bring up rules and regulations about fraternization, but it wasn't necessary. He knew the conversation was embarrassing, he thought for a moment before finally saying that he hoped everything went well.

"Thank you." Spencer was slightly less hostile, but he was still uncomfortable. Hotch walked away, seeing that it was a lost cause.

Spencer glanced toward the small kitchenette and his stomach roiled, the idea of eating actually making him nauseous. He figured he'd be okay until later.