Title: Another Point In Time
Author: Oswald-Girl
Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson
Time: Six and a half years after Blaine graduates high school
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Rating: T
Note: As this is my first multi-chapter story, I figured I should give you a heads up as to when I will update: I will try my hardest to post a new chapter once a week or so. If it takes longer than that, I am truly sorry in advance. I wish I could work faster, but alas, school and musical rehearsal tends to get in the way.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

Another Point In Time: Chapter 1

The darkness of night had swept over the city. From the window of the bedroom in Blaine's small apartment, the lights of a thousand buildings could be seen, flooding the streets of Los Angeles. Blaine usually loved that light. It was humbling and somehow comforting to know that, no matter what was going on in his life, the city continued on just as it always did, entirely indifferent to his existence. But tonight, when he was a little drunk, wallowing in his misery and self pity, those same lights he had come to love now only seemed condescending.

Running a hand through his curly dark hair, Blaine groaned. He glanced up at the clock from his place on the floor, knowing he did not really want to know what it said. It would only add to his despair to be told that he needed to be up in just a few short hours for work. He supposed he could call in sick, but that did not reassure him at all. Delaying a confrontation with reality would only guarantee it would be that much harsher.

Still, Blaine took another swig of his beer and grabbed his phone. He swiped his thumb across the screen of his phone to unlock it. Without really knowing why, he opened his contacts a scrolled through the long list numbly. The familiar names appeared and disappeared from the small screen as he sat there, passing through the list of his friends and acquaintances, until the name of a person he refused to think about came into view.

Why this name was never deleted from his phone, Blaine did not know. All he knew was that for some reason, every time he came across the name, he would try to remove it from his contact list, but his body never cooperated. And there the name remained until Blaine could find the courage to hit 'delete.'

It was stupid, really. Years had passed since they had last spoken to each other. It was time to forget and move on.

Frustrated, Blaine decided to take out his anger on the device in his palm. He tossed it away from him, even in his drunken irritation careful not to damage it. The offending piece of technology hit the carpeted floor with a slightly satisfying thump.

But it was no use. He had seen the name on his phone and now memories of better days long since past were rushing back to him. A pale skinned figure materialized in his mind, blue eyes shining and cheeks flushed with laughter. Blaine smiled at the image, before remembering that he was not supposed to allow himself to think of that time and that flawless angel he had loved so dearly.

His Kurt.

Blaine shook his head in a vain attempt to expel the ghosts of his past. As painful as it was to admit, he still remembered why the two of them had parted ways. Or at least, he remembered it happening, but he honestly did not believe his reasons were as well thought out has he once considered them.

When he was younger, his emotions would be kept bottled inside himself. He never released them, for fear of not being able to reign in control again. Nothing had really changed, except now his resolve had weakened. Blaine was still his usual reserved, emotionless self during the day, at work, with friends, but sometimes at night, he would just sit and cry about everything and nothing. Kurt had always been the opposite; he was loud and proud and everyone around him would know what the boy was feeling, based off a single glance. Maybe that had been the real reason things never worked out between the two of them.

Oh, what wouldn't he give to change that?

His gaze kept flickering to the phone that now lay on his floor three feet away from him. It would be so easy to pick up the phone and dial that number. He could even blame the outcome of their conversation on the beer he had been drinking if he wished.

Blaine closed his eyes. Just this once, he allowed himself to indulge in the memories. He flew through their history, beginning with their meeting on the staircase at Dalton to their first kiss before regional's that year to the first time they said they loved each other. But all good things had to end, and eventually his memories arrived at the day Blaine hated most of all.

The phone was ringing. Again. Without even looking, Blaine knew who was calling. He had set a special ringtone for whenever Kurt called. Kurt, his beautiful boyfriend. Until recently, that thought would have brought a smile to Blaine's face, but lately he had been rethinking their relationship. Blaine was away at college, Kurt was still in Lima. The distance made any hope of a relationship pointless.

Nevertheless, he answered his phone with a quick "Hey Kurt."

"Hey Blaine," Kurt's voice was cheerful in response; it hurt Blaine to think of how crushed the other boy was about to be. Kurt launched into a description of something that happened at school that day, and while normally Blaine would have listened to his boyfriend rattle on about Rachel's hideous sweater or something, Blaine was not paying attention. Instead, he was trying to find a way to break up with Kurt without breaking his heart.

But, as usual when Blaine wanted something to happen a certain way, the opposite happened. Instead of carefully explaining the reasons he did not actually have and letting the other boy down gently, Blaine's words rushed out, interrupting the irritated rant Kurt was giving about something insignificant.

"Kurt, I think we should break up."

"And then Mr. Shue—wait, what?" Blaine could literally hear the frown forming on that beautiful face.

He took a deep breath before answering. "I said I think we should break up."

Kurt said nothing for a long moment. Blaine almost thought the boy had stopped breathing.

"Why?" Blaine was surprised to hear how strong Kurt's voice sounded. But now he had to offer an explanation.

He thought for a moment, trying to find one that seemed logical. In truth, Blaine did not feel it was fair to Kurt to keep him in this relationship. The other boy deserved better; he needed someone who could actually be with him, who could still hold him tightly and stand beside him. Blaine could no longer give Kurt that kind of relationship, at least he could not as long as he was still at college, and he could not bear to ask Kurt to wait for him. While Blaine loved Kurt enough to let him go, he knew the other boy would never accept those reasons.

"I just… think that this isn't working. We never get to see each other anymore and I feel like I'm not a part of your life and you aren't a part of mine lately."

"So you want to end all hope of remaining in each other's lives?" He cringed. Kurt was right; that did not really make much sense.

"I'm sorry, Kurt, I just think it's for the best." He offered weakly, hoping Kurt would not drag it out any longer.

"Fine, if that's how you want it, then so be it." And the line went dead.

He was shaken out of his thoughts by his phone. Just like on that horrible day, it was ringing, the song Teenage Dream blasting from the small speaker. Blaine was confused. That song and the cheesy sentiment that went along with it only meant one thing: Kurt was calling.

Half convinced he was hallucinating, Blaine scrambled to answer his phone.

"Hello? Blaine Anderson speaking,"

The voice on the other end of the call spoke, shaking slightly, as though the other person had been crying. It was rather high pitched, almost feminine. Most people would have assumed that meant to the person it belonged to was a woman, but Blaine knew better.

"Blaine? It's Kurt,"