Title: Gambling and Parenting

Disclaimer: I don't own the show or characters.

Warnings/Notes: un-betaed

Cal would never admit it, of course, but he was touched that Loker seemed to care as much for Em as he did. He still had his fits when he thought that the other man was out of line (for example, punching him when it clearly wasn't his fault). And there were the times when he felt that he was the parent and Loker had no say in what Emily was and was not told. But overall he did like that Loker was around and worried about his daughter's safety and well-being.

Of course, there was the whole issue that cropped up about Loker having taught Emily about gambling and how to win. This was an issue of corrupting his daughter (something only he was allowed to do, thank you very much) and he was bound and determined to set it right.